### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: "com.azure.cosmos.CosmosOperationPolicy"
fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.CosmosOperationPolicy"
name: "CosmosOperationPolicy"
nameWithType: "CosmosOperationPolicy"
summary: "Represents a policy that can be used with to customize the request sent to Azure Cosmos DB."
syntax: "public interface **CosmosOperationPolicy**"
- uid: "com.azure.cosmos.CosmosOperationPolicy.process(com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosOperationDetails)"
fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.CosmosOperationPolicy.process(CosmosOperationDetails operationDetails)"
name: "process(CosmosOperationDetails operationDetails)"
nameWithType: "CosmosOperationPolicy.process(CosmosOperationDetails operationDetails)"
summary: "Processes the request details and calls the next policy in the chain."
- "abstract"
- description: "The request details."
name: "operationDetails"
type: ""
syntax: "public abstract void process(CosmosOperationDetails operationDetails)"
desc: "Processes the request details and calls the next policy in the chain."
type: "interface"
desc: "Represents a policy that can be used with to customize the request sent to Azure Cosmos DB."
metadata: {}
package: "com.azure.cosmos"
artifact: com.azure:azure-cosmos:4.63.4