### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse" name: "CosmosResponse" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse" summary: "The cosmos response" inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public class **CosmosResponse**" methods: - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getActivityId()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getActivityId()" name: "getActivityId()" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse.getActivityId()" summary: "Gets the Activity ID for the request." syntax: "public String getActivityId()" desc: "Gets the Activity ID for the request." returns: description: "the activity getId." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getCurrentResourceQuotaUsage()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getCurrentResourceQuotaUsage()" name: "getCurrentResourceQuotaUsage()" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse.getCurrentResourceQuotaUsage()" summary: "Gets the current size of this entity (in megabytes (MB) for server resources and in count for master resources)" syntax: "public String getCurrentResourceQuotaUsage()" desc: "Gets the current size of this entity (in megabytes (MB) for server resources and in count for master resources)" returns: description: "the current resource quota usage." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getDiagnostics()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getDiagnostics()" name: "getDiagnostics()" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse.getDiagnostics()" summary: "Gets the diagnostics information for the current request to Azure Cosmos DB service." syntax: "public CosmosDiagnostics getDiagnostics()" desc: "Gets the diagnostics information for the current request to Azure Cosmos DB service." returns: description: "diagnostics information for the current request to Azure Cosmos DB service." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getDuration()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getDuration()" name: "getDuration()" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse.getDuration()" summary: "Gets the end-to-end request latency for the current request to Azure Cosmos DB service." syntax: "public Duration getDuration()" desc: "Gets the end-to-end request latency for the current request to Azure Cosmos DB service." returns: description: "end-to-end request latency for the current request to Azure Cosmos DB service." type: "Duration" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getMaxResourceQuota()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getMaxResourceQuota()" name: "getMaxResourceQuota()" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse.getMaxResourceQuota()" summary: "Gets the maximum size limit for this entity (in megabytes (MB) for server resources and in count for master resources)." syntax: "public String getMaxResourceQuota()" desc: "Gets the maximum size limit for this entity (in megabytes (MB) for server resources and in count for master resources).\n\nFor CosmosContainer, users will need to set to true to get the quota information." returns: description: "the max resource quota." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getProperties()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getProperties()" name: "getProperties()" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse.getProperties()" summary: "Gets properties." syntax: "public T getProperties()" desc: "Gets properties." returns: description: "the properties" type: "" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getRequestCharge()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getRequestCharge()" name: "getRequestCharge()" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse.getRequestCharge()" summary: "Gets the request charge as request units (RU) consumed by the operation." syntax: "public double getRequestCharge()" desc: "Gets the request charge as request units (RU) consumed by the operation.\n\nFor more information about the RU and factors that can impact the effective charges please visit [Request Units in Azure Cosmos DB][]\n\n\n[Request Units in Azure Cosmos DB]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/request-units" returns: description: "the request charge." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getResponseHeaders()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getResponseHeaders()" name: "getResponseHeaders()" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse.getResponseHeaders()" summary: "Gets the headers associated with the response." syntax: "public Map getResponseHeaders()" desc: "Gets the headers associated with the response." returns: description: "the response headers." type: "Map<String,String>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getSessionToken()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getSessionToken()" name: "getSessionToken()" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse.getSessionToken()" summary: "Gets the token used for managing client's consistency requirements." syntax: "public String getSessionToken()" desc: "Gets the token used for managing client's consistency requirements." returns: description: "the session token." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getStatusCode()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosResponse.getStatusCode()" name: "getStatusCode()" nameWithType: "CosmosResponse.getStatusCode()" summary: "Gets the HTTP status code associated with the response." syntax: "public int getStatusCode()" desc: "Gets the HTTP status code associated with the response." returns: description: "the status code." type: "" type: "class" typeParameters: - description: "the type of resource" name: "T" desc: "The cosmos response" metadata: {} package: "com.azure.cosmos.models" artifact: com.azure:azure-cosmos:4.63.3