### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedIterable" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedIterable" name: "CosmosPagedIterable" nameWithType: "CosmosPagedIterable" summary: "Cosmos implementation of ." inheritances: - "" - "" - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "" methodsRef: - "of(java.lang.Iterable)?alt=com.azure.core.util.IterableStream.of&text=of\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />" - classRef: "" methodsRef: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public final class **CosmosPagedIterable**
extends <String,,<>>" constructors: - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedIterable.CosmosPagedIterable(com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedFlux)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedIterable.CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux)" name: "CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux)" nameWithType: "CosmosPagedIterable.CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux)" summary: "Creates instance given ." parameters: - description: "the paged flux use as iterable" name: "cosmosPagedFlux" type: "<>" syntax: "public CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux)" desc: "Creates instance given ." - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedIterable.CosmosPagedIterable(com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedFlux,int)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedIterable.CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux, int pageSize)" name: "CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux, int pageSize)" nameWithType: "CosmosPagedIterable.CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux, int pageSize)" summary: "Creates instance given ." parameters: - description: "the paged flux use as iterable" name: "cosmosPagedFlux" type: "<>" - description: "the preferred pageSize to be used when pulling data from the service" name: "pageSize" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux, int pageSize)" desc: "Creates instance given ." - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedIterable.CosmosPagedIterable(com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedFlux,int,int)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedIterable.CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux, int pageSize, int pagePrefetchCount)" name: "CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux, int pageSize, int pagePrefetchCount)" nameWithType: "CosmosPagedIterable.CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux, int pageSize, int pagePrefetchCount)" summary: "Creates instance given ." parameters: - description: "the paged flux use as iterable" name: "cosmosPagedFlux" type: "<>" - description: "the preferred pageSize to be used when pulling data from the service" name: "pageSize" type: "" - description: "the number of pages prefetched from the paged flux - note that this might be interpolated\n by Reactor - for example all numbers > 1 but < 8 will result in at least prefetching 8 pages. See\n `reactor.util.concurrent.Queues.get(int)` for more details" name: "pagePrefetchCount" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosPagedIterable(CosmosPagedFlux cosmosPagedFlux, int pageSize, int pagePrefetchCount)" desc: "Creates instance given ." methods: - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedIterable.handle(java.util.function.Consumer>)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedIterable.handle(Consumer> feedResponseConsumer)" name: "handle(Consumer> feedResponseConsumer)" nameWithType: "CosmosPagedIterable.handle(Consumer> feedResponseConsumer)" summary: "Handle for invoking \"side-effects\" on each FeedResponse returned by CosmosPagedIterable" parameters: - description: "handler" name: "feedResponseConsumer" type: "Consumer<<>>" syntax: "public CosmosPagedIterable handle(Consumer> feedResponseConsumer)" desc: "Handle for invoking \"side-effects\" on each FeedResponse returned by CosmosPagedIterable" returns: description: "CosmosPagedIterable instance with attached handler" type: "<>" type: "class" typeParameters: - description: "The type of elements in a " name: "T" desc: "Cosmos implementation of .\n\nThis type is a that provides the ability to operate on pages of type and individual items in such pages. This type supports type continuation tokens, allowing for restarting from a previously-retrieved continuation token.\n\nFor more information on the base type, refer " metadata: {} package: "com.azure.cosmos.util" artifact: com.azure:azure-cosmos:4.63.4