### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.json.WriteValueCallback" fullName: "com.azure.json.WriteValueCallback" name: "WriteValueCallback" nameWithType: "WriteValueCallback" summary: "A callback used when writing a JSON value, such as ." syntax: "public interface **WriteValueCallback**" methods: - uid: "com.azure.json.WriteValueCallback.write(T,U)" fullName: "com.azure.json.WriteValueCallback.write(T input1, U input2)" name: "write(T input1, U input2)" nameWithType: "WriteValueCallback.write(T input1, U input2)" summary: "Applies the write callback to `input1` and `input2`." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "First type of the callback." name: "input1" type: "" - description: "Second type of the callback." name: "input2" type: "" syntax: "public abstract void write(T input1, U input2)" exceptions: - description: "If an I/O error occurs during the callback." type: "IOException" desc: "Applies the write callback to `input1` and `input2`." type: "interface" typeParameters: - description: "First type of the callback." name: "T" - description: "Second type of the callback." name: "U" desc: "A callback used when writing a JSON value, such as ." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.json" artifact: com.azure:azure-json:1.3.0