### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell" name: "LogsTableCell" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell" summary: "Represents a single value of a specific row and column in ." inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public final class **LogsTableCell**" constructors: - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.LogsTableCell(java.lang.String,com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsColumnType,int,int,java.lang.Object)" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.LogsTableCell(String columnName, LogsColumnType columnType, int columnIndex, int rowIndex, Object rowValue)" name: "LogsTableCell(String columnName, LogsColumnType columnType, int columnIndex, int rowIndex, Object rowValue)" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.LogsTableCell(String columnName, LogsColumnType columnType, int columnIndex, int rowIndex, Object rowValue)" summary: "Creates an instance of ." parameters: - description: "The name of the column this cell is associated with." name: "columnName" type: "String" - description: "The data type of the value this cell contains." name: "columnType" type: "" - description: "The column index of the column this cell is associated with." name: "columnIndex" type: "" - description: "The row index of the row this cell is associated with." name: "rowIndex" type: "" - description: "The value of the cell." name: "rowValue" type: "Object" syntax: "public LogsTableCell(String columnName, LogsColumnType columnType, int columnIndex, int rowIndex, Object rowValue)" desc: "Creates an instance of ." methods: - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getColumnIndex()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getColumnIndex()" name: "getColumnIndex()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getColumnIndex()" summary: "Returns the column index of the column this cell is associated with." syntax: "public int getColumnIndex()" desc: "Returns the column index of the column this cell is associated with." returns: description: "the column index of the column this cell is associated with." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getColumnName()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getColumnName()" name: "getColumnName()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getColumnName()" summary: "Returns the name of the column this cell is associated with." syntax: "public String getColumnName()" desc: "Returns the name of the column this cell is associated with." returns: description: "the name of the column this cell is associated with." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getColumnType()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getColumnType()" name: "getColumnType()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getColumnType()" summary: "Returns the data type of the value this cell contains." syntax: "public LogsColumnType getColumnType()" desc: "Returns the data type of the value this cell contains." returns: description: "the data type of the value this cell contains." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getRowIndex()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getRowIndex()" name: "getRowIndex()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getRowIndex()" summary: "Returns the row index of the row this cell is associated with." syntax: "public int getRowIndex()" desc: "Returns the row index of the row this cell is associated with." returns: description: "the row index of the row this cell is associated with." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsBoolean()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsBoolean()" name: "getValueAsBoolean()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getValueAsBoolean()" summary: "Returns the value as a boolean." syntax: "public Boolean getValueAsBoolean()" desc: "Returns the value as a boolean." returns: description: "the value as a boolean." type: "Boolean" - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsDateTime()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsDateTime()" name: "getValueAsDateTime()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getValueAsDateTime()" summary: "Returns the value as an ." syntax: "public OffsetDateTime getValueAsDateTime()" desc: "Returns the value as an ." returns: description: "the value as an ." type: "OffsetDateTime" - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsDouble()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsDouble()" name: "getValueAsDouble()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getValueAsDouble()" summary: "Returns the value as a double." syntax: "public Double getValueAsDouble()" desc: "Returns the value as a double." returns: description: "the value as a double." type: "Double" - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsDynamic()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsDynamic()" name: "getValueAsDynamic()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getValueAsDynamic()" summary: "Returns the value as a dynamic type which can be deserialized into a model type from ." syntax: "public BinaryData getValueAsDynamic()" desc: "Returns the value as a dynamic type which can be deserialized into a model type from ." returns: description: "the value as a dynamic type which can be deserialized into a model type from ." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsInteger()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsInteger()" name: "getValueAsInteger()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getValueAsInteger()" summary: "Returns the value as an integer." syntax: "public Integer getValueAsInteger()" desc: "Returns the value as an integer." returns: description: "the value as an integer." type: "Integer" - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsLong()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsLong()" name: "getValueAsLong()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getValueAsLong()" summary: "Returns the value as a long." syntax: "public Long getValueAsLong()" desc: "Returns the value as a long." returns: description: "the value as a long." type: "Long" - uid: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsString()" fullName: "com.azure.monitor.query.models.LogsTableCell.getValueAsString()" name: "getValueAsString()" nameWithType: "LogsTableCell.getValueAsString()" summary: "Returns the value as a string." syntax: "public String getValueAsString()" desc: "Returns the value as a string." returns: description: "the value as a string." type: "String" type: "class" desc: "Represents a single value of a specific row and column in ." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.monitor.query.models" artifact: com.azure:azure-monitor-query:1.5.1