### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video" name: "Video" nameWithType: "Video" summary: "Describes the basic properties for encoding the input video." inheritances: - "" - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "" methodsRef: - "" - "" - "" - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public class **Video**
extends " constructors: - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.Video()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.Video()" name: "Video()" nameWithType: "Video.Video()" summary: "Creates an instance of Video class." syntax: "public Video()" desc: "Creates an instance of Video class." methods: - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.keyFrameInterval()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.keyFrameInterval()" name: "keyFrameInterval()" nameWithType: "Video.keyFrameInterval()" summary: "Get the keyFrameInterval property: The distance between two key frames." syntax: "public Duration keyFrameInterval()" desc: "Get the keyFrameInterval property: The distance between two key frames. The value should be non-zero in the range \\[0.5, 20\\] seconds, specified in ISO 8601 format. The default is 2 seconds(PT2S). Note that this setting is ignored if VideoSyncMode.Passthrough is set, where the KeyFrameInterval value will follow the input source setting." returns: description: "the keyFrameInterval value." type: "Duration" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.stretchMode()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.stretchMode()" name: "stretchMode()" nameWithType: "Video.stretchMode()" summary: "Get the stretchMode property: The resizing mode - how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s)." syntax: "public StretchMode stretchMode()" desc: "Get the stretchMode property: The resizing mode - how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s). Default is AutoSize." returns: description: "the stretchMode value." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.syncMode()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.syncMode()" name: "syncMode()" nameWithType: "Video.syncMode()" summary: "Get the syncMode property: The Video Sync Mode." syntax: "public VideoSyncMode syncMode()" desc: "Get the syncMode property: The Video Sync Mode." returns: description: "the syncMode value." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.validate()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.validate()" name: "validate()" nameWithType: "Video.validate()" summary: "Validates the instance." overridden: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Codec.validate()" syntax: "public void validate()" desc: "Validates the instance." - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.withKeyFrameInterval(java.time.Duration)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.withKeyFrameInterval(Duration keyFrameInterval)" name: "withKeyFrameInterval(Duration keyFrameInterval)" nameWithType: "Video.withKeyFrameInterval(Duration keyFrameInterval)" summary: "Set the keyFrameInterval property: The distance between two key frames." parameters: - description: "the keyFrameInterval value to set." name: "keyFrameInterval" type: "Duration" syntax: "public Video withKeyFrameInterval(Duration keyFrameInterval)" desc: "Set the keyFrameInterval property: The distance between two key frames. The value should be non-zero in the range \\[0.5, 20\\] seconds, specified in ISO 8601 format. The default is 2 seconds(PT2S). Note that this setting is ignored if VideoSyncMode.Passthrough is set, where the KeyFrameInterval value will follow the input source setting." returns: description: "the Video object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.withLabel(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.withLabel(String label)" name: "withLabel(String label)" nameWithType: "Video.withLabel(String label)" summary: "Set the label property: An optional label for the codec." overridden: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Codec.withLabel(java.lang.String)" parameters: - name: "label" type: "String" syntax: "public Video withLabel(String label)" desc: "Set the label property: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior." returns: type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.withStretchMode(com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.StretchMode)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.withStretchMode(StretchMode stretchMode)" name: "withStretchMode(StretchMode stretchMode)" nameWithType: "Video.withStretchMode(StretchMode stretchMode)" summary: "Set the stretchMode property: The resizing mode - how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s)." parameters: - description: "the stretchMode value to set." name: "stretchMode" type: "" syntax: "public Video withStretchMode(StretchMode stretchMode)" desc: "Set the stretchMode property: The resizing mode - how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s). Default is AutoSize." returns: description: "the Video object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.withSyncMode(com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.VideoSyncMode)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models.Video.withSyncMode(VideoSyncMode syncMode)" name: "withSyncMode(VideoSyncMode syncMode)" nameWithType: "Video.withSyncMode(VideoSyncMode syncMode)" summary: "Set the syncMode property: The Video Sync Mode." parameters: - description: "the syncMode value to set." name: "syncMode" type: "" syntax: "public Video withSyncMode(VideoSyncMode syncMode)" desc: "Set the syncMode property: The Video Sync Mode." returns: description: "the Video object itself." type: "" type: "class" desc: "Describes the basic properties for encoding the input video." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mediaservices.models" artifact: com.azure.resourcemanager:azure-resourcemanager-mediaservices:2.3.0