### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies" name: "SimPolicies" nameWithType: "SimPolicies" summary: "Resource collection API of SimPolicies." syntax: "public interface **SimPolicies**" methods: - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.define(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.define(String name)" name: "define(String name)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.define(String name)" summary: "Begins definition for a new SimPolicy resource." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "resource name." name: "name" type: "String" syntax: "public abstract SimPolicy.DefinitionStages.Blank define(String name)" desc: "Begins definition for a new SimPolicy resource." returns: description: "the first stage of the new SimPolicy definition." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.delete(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.delete(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName)" name: "delete(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.delete(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName)" summary: "Deletes the specified SIM policy." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive." name: "resourceGroupName" type: "String" - description: "The name of the mobile network." name: "mobileNetworkName" type: "String" - description: "The name of the SIM policy." name: "simPolicyName" type: "String" syntax: "public abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName)" desc: "Deletes the specified SIM policy." - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.delete(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,com.azure.core.util.Context)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.delete(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName, Context context)" name: "delete(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName, Context context)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.delete(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName, Context context)" summary: "Deletes the specified SIM policy." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive." name: "resourceGroupName" type: "String" - description: "The name of the mobile network." name: "mobileNetworkName" type: "String" - description: "The name of the SIM policy." name: "simPolicyName" type: "String" - description: "The context to associate with this operation." name: "context" type: "" syntax: "public abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName, Context context)" desc: "Deletes the specified SIM policy." - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.deleteById(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.deleteById(String id)" name: "deleteById(String id)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.deleteById(String id)" summary: "Deletes the specified SIM policy." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the resource ID." name: "id" type: "String" syntax: "public abstract void deleteById(String id)" desc: "Deletes the specified SIM policy." - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.deleteByIdWithResponse(java.lang.String,com.azure.core.util.Context)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.deleteByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)" name: "deleteByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.deleteByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)" summary: "Deletes the specified SIM policy." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the resource ID." name: "id" type: "String" - description: "The context to associate with this operation." name: "context" type: "" syntax: "public abstract void deleteByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)" desc: "Deletes the specified SIM policy." - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.get(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.get(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName)" name: "get(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.get(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName)" summary: "Gets information about the specified SIM policy." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive." name: "resourceGroupName" type: "String" - description: "The name of the mobile network." name: "mobileNetworkName" type: "String" - description: "The name of the SIM policy." name: "simPolicyName" type: "String" syntax: "public abstract SimPolicy get(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName)" desc: "Gets information about the specified SIM policy." returns: description: "information about the specified SIM policy." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.getById(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.getById(String id)" name: "getById(String id)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.getById(String id)" summary: "Gets information about the specified SIM policy." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the resource ID." name: "id" type: "String" syntax: "public abstract SimPolicy getById(String id)" desc: "Gets information about the specified SIM policy." returns: description: "information about the specified SIM policy along with ." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.getByIdWithResponse(java.lang.String,com.azure.core.util.Context)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.getByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)" name: "getByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.getByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)" summary: "Gets information about the specified SIM policy." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the resource ID." name: "id" type: "String" - description: "The context to associate with this operation." name: "context" type: "" syntax: "public abstract Response getByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)" desc: "Gets information about the specified SIM policy." returns: description: "information about the specified SIM policy along with ." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.getWithResponse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,com.azure.core.util.Context)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName, Context context)" name: "getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName, Context context)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName, Context context)" summary: "Gets information about the specified SIM policy." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive." name: "resourceGroupName" type: "String" - description: "The name of the mobile network." name: "mobileNetworkName" type: "String" - description: "The name of the SIM policy." name: "simPolicyName" type: "String" - description: "The context to associate with this operation." name: "context" type: "" syntax: "public abstract Response getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, String simPolicyName, Context context)" desc: "Gets information about the specified SIM policy." returns: description: "information about the specified SIM policy along with ." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.listByMobileNetwork(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.listByMobileNetwork(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName)" name: "listByMobileNetwork(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.listByMobileNetwork(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName)" summary: "Gets all the SIM policies in a mobile network." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive." name: "resourceGroupName" type: "String" - description: "The name of the mobile network." name: "mobileNetworkName" type: "String" syntax: "public abstract PagedIterable listByMobileNetwork(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName)" desc: "Gets all the SIM policies in a mobile network." returns: description: "all the SIM policies in a mobile network as paginated response with ." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.listByMobileNetwork(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,com.azure.core.util.Context)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models.SimPolicies.listByMobileNetwork(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, Context context)" name: "listByMobileNetwork(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, Context context)" nameWithType: "SimPolicies.listByMobileNetwork(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, Context context)" summary: "Gets all the SIM policies in a mobile network." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive." name: "resourceGroupName" type: "String" - description: "The name of the mobile network." name: "mobileNetworkName" type: "String" - description: "The context to associate with this operation." name: "context" type: "" syntax: "public abstract PagedIterable listByMobileNetwork(String resourceGroupName, String mobileNetworkName, Context context)" desc: "Gets all the SIM policies in a mobile network." returns: description: "all the SIM policies in a mobile network as paginated response with ." type: "<>" type: "interface" desc: "Resource collection API of SimPolicies." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.resourcemanager.mobilenetwork.models" artifact: com.azure.resourcemanager:azure-resourcemanager-mobilenetwork:1.2.0