### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku" name: "Sku" nameWithType: "Sku" summary: "Defines the SKU of a search service, which determines billing rate and capacity limits." inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public final class **Sku**
implements <>" constructors: - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.Sku()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.Sku()" name: "Sku()" nameWithType: "Sku.Sku()" summary: "Creates an instance of Sku class." syntax: "public Sku()" desc: "Creates an instance of Sku class." methods: - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.fromJson(com.azure.json.JsonReader)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" name: "fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" nameWithType: "Sku.fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" summary: "Reads an instance of Sku from the JsonReader." modifiers: - "static" parameters: - description: "The JsonReader being read." name: "jsonReader" type: "" syntax: "public static Sku fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" exceptions: - description: "If an error occurs while reading the Sku." type: "IOException" desc: "Reads an instance of Sku from the JsonReader." returns: description: "An instance of Sku if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was pointing to\n JSON null." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.name()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.name()" name: "name()" nameWithType: "Sku.name()" summary: "Get the name property: The SKU of the search service." syntax: "public SkuName name()" desc: "Get the name property: The SKU of the search service. Valid values include: 'free': Shared service. 'basic': Dedicated service with up to 3 replicas. 'standard': Dedicated service with up to 12 partitions and 12 replicas. 'standard2': Similar to standard, but with more capacity per search unit. 'standard3': The largest Standard offering with up to 12 partitions and 12 replicas (or up to 3 partitions with more indexes if you also set the hostingMode property to 'highDensity'). 'storage\\_optimized\\_l1': Supports 1TB per partition, up to 12 partitions. 'storage\\_optimized\\_l2': Supports 2TB per partition, up to 12 partitions.'." returns: description: "the name value." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.toJson(com.azure.json.JsonWriter)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" name: "toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" nameWithType: "Sku.toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" parameters: - name: "jsonWriter" type: "" syntax: "public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" exceptions: - type: "IOException" returns: type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.validate()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.validate()" name: "validate()" nameWithType: "Sku.validate()" summary: "Validates the instance." syntax: "public void validate()" desc: "Validates the instance." - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.withName(com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.SkuName)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models.Sku.withName(SkuName name)" name: "withName(SkuName name)" nameWithType: "Sku.withName(SkuName name)" summary: "Set the name property: The SKU of the search service." parameters: - description: "the name value to set." name: "name" type: "" syntax: "public Sku withName(SkuName name)" desc: "Set the name property: The SKU of the search service. Valid values include: 'free': Shared service. 'basic': Dedicated service with up to 3 replicas. 'standard': Dedicated service with up to 12 partitions and 12 replicas. 'standard2': Similar to standard, but with more capacity per search unit. 'standard3': The largest Standard offering with up to 12 partitions and 12 replicas (or up to 3 partitions with more indexes if you also set the hostingMode property to 'highDensity'). 'storage\\_optimized\\_l1': Supports 1TB per partition, up to 12 partitions. 'storage\\_optimized\\_l2': Supports 2TB per partition, up to 12 partitions.'." returns: description: "the Sku object itself." type: "" type: "class" desc: "Defines the SKU of a search service, which determines billing rate and capacity limits." implements: - "<>" metadata: {} package: "com.azure.resourcemanager.search.models" artifact: com.azure.resourcemanager:azure-resourcemanager-search:2.44.0