### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult" fullName: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult" name: "RangeFacetResult" nameWithType: "RangeFacetResult" summary: "A single bucket of a range facet query result that reports the number of documents with a field value falling within a particular range." inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public class **RangeFacetResult**" constructors: - uid: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult.RangeFacetResult(com.azure.search.documents.models.FacetResult)" fullName: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult.RangeFacetResult(FacetResult facetResult)" name: "RangeFacetResult(FacetResult facetResult)" nameWithType: "RangeFacetResult.RangeFacetResult(FacetResult facetResult)" summary: "Constructor from " parameters: - description: "." name: "facetResult" type: "" syntax: "public RangeFacetResult(FacetResult facetResult)" desc: "Constructor from " - uid: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult.RangeFacetResult(java.lang.Long,T,T)" fullName: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult.RangeFacetResult(Long count, T from, T to)" name: "RangeFacetResult(Long count, T from, T to)" nameWithType: "RangeFacetResult.RangeFacetResult(Long count, T from, T to)" summary: "Constructor of RangeFacetResult." parameters: - description: "The count of the result." name: "count" type: "Long" - description: "Value indicates the lower bound of facet's range" name: "from" type: "" - description: "Value indicates the upper bound of facet's range" name: "to" type: "" syntax: "public RangeFacetResult(Long count, T from, T to)" desc: "Constructor of RangeFacetResult." methods: - uid: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult.getCount()" fullName: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult.getCount()" name: "getCount()" nameWithType: "RangeFacetResult.getCount()" summary: "Gets the approximate count of documents falling within the bucket described by this facet." syntax: "public Long getCount()" desc: "Gets the approximate count of documents falling within the bucket described by this facet." returns: description: "count" type: "Long" - uid: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult.getFrom()" fullName: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult.getFrom()" name: "getFrom()" nameWithType: "RangeFacetResult.getFrom()" summary: "Gets a value indicating the inclusive lower bound of the facet's range, or null to indicate that there is no lower bound (i.e." syntax: "public T getFrom()" desc: "Gets a value indicating the inclusive lower bound of the facet's range, or null to indicate that there is no lower bound (i.e. -- for the first bucket)." returns: description: "from" type: "" - uid: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult.getTo()" fullName: "com.azure.search.documents.models.RangeFacetResult.getTo()" name: "getTo()" nameWithType: "RangeFacetResult.getTo()" summary: "Gets a value indicating the exclusive upper bound of the facet's range, or null to indicate that there is no upper bound (i.e." syntax: "public T getTo()" desc: "Gets a value indicating the exclusive upper bound of the facet's range, or null to indicate that there is no upper bound (i.e. -- for the last bucket)." returns: description: "to" type: "" type: "class" typeParameters: - description: "The type of the facets." name: "T" desc: "A single bucket of a range facet query result that reports the number of documents with a field value falling within a particular range." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.search.documents.models" artifact: com.azure:azure-search-documents:11.7.3