### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange" name: "ClearRange" nameWithType: "ClearRange" summary: "The ClearRange model." inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public final class **ClearRange**
implements <>" constructors: - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.ClearRange()" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.ClearRange()" name: "ClearRange()" nameWithType: "ClearRange.ClearRange()" summary: "Creates an instance of ClearRange class." syntax: "public ClearRange()" desc: "Creates an instance of ClearRange class." methods: - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.fromXml(com.azure.xml.XmlReader)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.fromXml(XmlReader xmlReader)" name: "fromXml(XmlReader xmlReader)" nameWithType: "ClearRange.fromXml(XmlReader xmlReader)" summary: "Reads an instance of ClearRange from the XmlReader." modifiers: - "static" parameters: - description: "The XmlReader being read." name: "xmlReader" type: "" syntax: "public static ClearRange fromXml(XmlReader xmlReader)" exceptions: - description: "If the deserialized XML object was missing any required properties." type: "XMLStreamException" desc: "Reads an instance of ClearRange from the XmlReader." returns: description: "An instance of ClearRange if the XmlReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was pointing\n to XML null." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.fromXml(com.azure.xml.XmlReader,java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.fromXml(XmlReader xmlReader, String rootElementName)" name: "fromXml(XmlReader xmlReader, String rootElementName)" nameWithType: "ClearRange.fromXml(XmlReader xmlReader, String rootElementName)" summary: "Reads an instance of ClearRange from the XmlReader." modifiers: - "static" parameters: - description: "The XmlReader being read." name: "xmlReader" type: "" - description: "Optional root element name to override the default defined by the model. Used to support\n cases where the model can deserialize from different root element names." name: "rootElementName" type: "String" syntax: "public static ClearRange fromXml(XmlReader xmlReader, String rootElementName)" exceptions: - description: "If the deserialized XML object was missing any required properties." type: "XMLStreamException" desc: "Reads an instance of ClearRange from the XmlReader." returns: description: "An instance of ClearRange if the XmlReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was pointing\n to XML null." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.getEnd()" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.getEnd()" name: "getEnd()" nameWithType: "ClearRange.getEnd()" summary: "Get the end property: The End property." syntax: "public long getEnd()" desc: "Get the end property: The End property." returns: description: "the end value." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.getStart()" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.getStart()" name: "getStart()" nameWithType: "ClearRange.getStart()" summary: "Get the start property: The Start property." syntax: "public long getStart()" desc: "Get the start property: The Start property." returns: description: "the start value." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.setEnd(long)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.setEnd(long end)" name: "setEnd(long end)" nameWithType: "ClearRange.setEnd(long end)" summary: "Set the end property: The End property." parameters: - description: "the end value to set." name: "end" type: "" syntax: "public ClearRange setEnd(long end)" desc: "Set the end property: The End property." returns: description: "the ClearRange object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.setStart(long)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.setStart(long start)" name: "setStart(long start)" nameWithType: "ClearRange.setStart(long start)" summary: "Set the start property: The Start property." parameters: - description: "the start value to set." name: "start" type: "" syntax: "public ClearRange setStart(long start)" desc: "Set the start property: The Start property." returns: description: "the ClearRange object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.toXml(com.azure.xml.XmlWriter)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.toXml(XmlWriter xmlWriter)" name: "toXml(XmlWriter xmlWriter)" nameWithType: "ClearRange.toXml(XmlWriter xmlWriter)" parameters: - name: "xmlWriter" type: "" syntax: "public XmlWriter toXml(XmlWriter xmlWriter)" exceptions: - type: "XMLStreamException" returns: type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.toXml(com.azure.xml.XmlWriter,java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ClearRange.toXml(XmlWriter xmlWriter, String rootElementName)" name: "toXml(XmlWriter xmlWriter, String rootElementName)" nameWithType: "ClearRange.toXml(XmlWriter xmlWriter, String rootElementName)" parameters: - name: "xmlWriter" type: "" - name: "rootElementName" type: "String" syntax: "public XmlWriter toXml(XmlWriter xmlWriter, String rootElementName)" exceptions: - type: "XMLStreamException" returns: type: "" type: "class" desc: "The ClearRange model." implements: - "<>" metadata: {} package: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models" artifact: com.azure:azure-storage-file-share:12.23.1