### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience"
fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience"
name: "ShareAudience"
nameWithType: "ShareAudience"
summary: "The audience to be used when requesting a token from Azure Active Directory (AAD)."
- ""
- ""
- classRef: ""
- "fromString(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class)?alt=com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum.fromString&text=fromString\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "values(java.lang.Class)?alt=com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum.values&text=values\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- classRef: "java.lang.Object"
- "clone"
- "finalize"
- "getClass"
- "notify"
- "notifyAll"
- "wait"
- "wait"
- "wait"
syntax: "public class **ShareAudience** extends <>"
- uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience.ShareAudience()"
fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience.ShareAudience()"
name: "ShareAudience()"
nameWithType: "ShareAudience.ShareAudience()"
summary: "Creates a new instance of without a value."
deprecatedTag: "Use one of the constants or the factory method."
syntax: "@Deprecatedpublic ShareAudience()"
desc: "Creates a new instance of without a value.\n\nThis constructor shouldn't be called as it will produce a which doesn't have a String enum value."
hasDeprecatedTag: true
- uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience.AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD"
fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience.AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD"
nameWithType: "ShareAudience.AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD"
summary: "Gets default Audience used to acquire a token for authorizing requests to any Azure Storage account."
- "static"
- "final"
type: ""
syntax: "public static final ShareAudience AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD"
desc: "Gets default Audience used to acquire a token for authorizing requests to any Azure Storage account. If no audience is specified, this resource ID is the default value: \"https://storage.azure.com/\"."
- uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience.createShareServiceAccountAudience(java.lang.String)"
fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience.createShareServiceAccountAudience(String storageAccountName)"
name: "createShareServiceAccountAudience(String storageAccountName)"
nameWithType: "ShareAudience.createShareServiceAccountAudience(String storageAccountName)"
summary: "The service endpoint for a given storage account."
- "static"
- description: "The storage account name used to populate the service endpoint."
name: "storageAccountName"
type: "String"
syntax: "public static ShareAudience createShareServiceAccountAudience(String storageAccountName)"
desc: "The service endpoint for a given storage account. Use this method to acquire a token for authorizing requests to that specific Azure Storage account and service only."
description: "the audience with the file service endpoint."
type: ""
- uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience.fromString(java.lang.String)"
fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience.fromString(String audience)"
name: "fromString(String audience)"
nameWithType: "ShareAudience.fromString(String audience)"
summary: "The Azure Active Directory audience to use when forming authorization scopes."
- "static"
- description: "The Azure Active Directory audience to use when forming authorization scopes."
name: "audience"
type: "String"
syntax: "public static ShareAudience fromString(String audience)"
desc: "The Azure Active Directory audience to use when forming authorization scopes. For the Language service, this value corresponds to a URL that identifies the Azure cloud where the resource is located. For more information see [ Authorize access to Azure blobs using Azure Active Directory][Authorize access to Azure blobs using Azure Active Directory].\n\n\n[Authorize access to Azure blobs using Azure Active Directory]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/authorize-access-azure-active-directory"
description: "the corresponding ShareAudience."
type: ""
- uid: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience.values()"
fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models.ShareAudience.values()"
name: "values()"
nameWithType: "ShareAudience.values()"
summary: "Gets known ShareAudience values."
- "static"
syntax: "public static Collection values()"
desc: "Gets known ShareAudience values."
description: "known ShareAudience values."
type: "Collection<>"
type: "class"
desc: "The audience to be used when requesting a token from Azure Active Directory (AAD). Note: This audience only has an effect when authenticating a TokenCredential."
metadata: {}
package: "com.azure.storage.file.share.models"
artifact: com.azure:azure-storage-file-share:12.24.0