### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations" name: "ApplicationOperations" nameWithType: "ApplicationOperations" summary: "Performs application-related operations on an Azure Batch account." inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public class **ApplicationOperations**
implements " methods: - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.customBehaviors()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.customBehaviors()" name: "customBehaviors()" nameWithType: "ApplicationOperations.customBehaviors()" summary: "Gets a collection of behaviors that modify or customize requests to the Batch service." syntax: "public Collection customBehaviors()" desc: "Gets a collection of behaviors that modify or customize requests to the Batch service." returns: description: "A collection of instances." type: "Collection<>" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.getApplication(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.getApplication(String applicationId)" name: "getApplication(String applicationId)" nameWithType: "ApplicationOperations.getApplication(String applicationId)" summary: "Gets information about the specified application." parameters: - description: "The ID of the application to get." name: "applicationId" type: "String" syntax: "public ApplicationSummary getApplication(String applicationId)" exceptions: - description: "Exception thrown when an error response is received from the Batch service." type: "" - description: "Exception thrown when an error response is received from the Batch service." type: "IOException" desc: "Gets information about the specified application." returns: description: "An containing information about the specified application." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.getApplication(java.lang.String,java.lang.Iterable)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.getApplication(String applicationId, Iterable additionalBehaviors)" name: "getApplication(String applicationId, Iterable additionalBehaviors)" nameWithType: "ApplicationOperations.getApplication(String applicationId, Iterable additionalBehaviors)" summary: "Gets information about the specified application." parameters: - description: "The ID of the application to get." name: "applicationId" type: "String" - description: "A collection of instances that are applied to the Batch service request." name: "additionalBehaviors" type: "Iterable<>" syntax: "public ApplicationSummary getApplication(String applicationId, Iterable additionalBehaviors)" exceptions: - description: "Exception thrown when an error response is received from the Batch service." type: "" - description: "Exception thrown when an error response is received from the Batch service." type: "IOException" desc: "Gets information about the specified application." returns: description: "An containing information about the specified application." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.listApplications()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.listApplications()" name: "listApplications()" nameWithType: "ApplicationOperations.listApplications()" summary: "Lists the in the Batch account." syntax: "public PagedList listApplications()" exceptions: - description: "Exception thrown when an error response is received from the Batch service." type: "" - description: "Exception thrown when an error response is received from the Batch service." type: "IOException" desc: "Lists the in the Batch account." returns: description: "A list of objects." type: "<>" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.listApplications(java.lang.Iterable)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.listApplications(Iterable additionalBehaviors)" name: "listApplications(Iterable additionalBehaviors)" nameWithType: "ApplicationOperations.listApplications(Iterable additionalBehaviors)" summary: "Lists the in the Batch account." parameters: - description: "A collection of instances that are applied to the Batch service request." name: "additionalBehaviors" type: "Iterable<>" syntax: "public PagedList listApplications(Iterable additionalBehaviors)" exceptions: - description: "Exception thrown when an error response is received from the Batch service." type: "" - description: "Exception thrown when an error response is received from the Batch service." type: "IOException" desc: "Lists the in the Batch account." returns: description: "A list of objects." type: "<>" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.withCustomBehaviors(java.util.Collection)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.batch.ApplicationOperations.withCustomBehaviors(Collection behaviors)" name: "withCustomBehaviors(Collection behaviors)" nameWithType: "ApplicationOperations.withCustomBehaviors(Collection behaviors)" summary: "Sets a collection of behaviors that modify or customize requests to the Batch service." parameters: - description: "The collection of instances." name: "behaviors" type: "Collection<>" syntax: "public IInheritedBehaviors withCustomBehaviors(Collection behaviors)" desc: "Sets a collection of behaviors that modify or customize requests to the Batch service." returns: description: "The current instance." type: "" type: "class" desc: "Performs application-related operations on an Azure Batch account." implements: - "" metadata: {} package: "com.microsoft.azure.batch" artifact: com.microsoft.azure:azure-batch:11.2.0