### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient" name: "EventGridClient" nameWithType: "EventGridClient" summary: "The interface for EventGridClient class." syntax: "public interface **EventGridClient**" methods: - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.acceptLanguage()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.acceptLanguage()" name: "acceptLanguage()" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.acceptLanguage()" summary: "Gets Gets or sets the preferred language for the response.." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract String acceptLanguage()" desc: "Gets Gets or sets the preferred language for the response.." returns: description: "the acceptLanguage value." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.apiVersion()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.apiVersion()" name: "apiVersion()" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.apiVersion()" summary: "Gets Version of the API to be used with the client request.." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract String apiVersion()" desc: "Gets Version of the API to be used with the client request.." returns: description: "the apiVersion value." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.generateClientRequestId()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.generateClientRequestId()" name: "generateClientRequestId()" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.generateClientRequestId()" summary: "Gets When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and included in each request." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract boolean generateClientRequestId()" desc: "Gets When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and included in each request. Default is true.." returns: description: "the generateClientRequestId value." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.getAzureClient()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.getAzureClient()" name: "getAzureClient()" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.getAzureClient()" summary: "Gets the used for long running operations." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract AzureClient getAzureClient()" desc: "Gets the used for long running operations." returns: description: "the azure client;" type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout()" name: "longRunningOperationRetryTimeout()" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout()" summary: "Gets Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract int longRunningOperationRetryTimeout()" desc: "Gets Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. Default value is 30.." returns: description: "the longRunningOperationRetryTimeout value." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.publishEvents(java.lang.String,java.util.List)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.publishEvents(String topicHostname, List events)" name: "publishEvents(String topicHostname, List events)" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.publishEvents(String topicHostname, List events)" summary: "Publishes a batch of events to an Azure Event Grid topic." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The host name of the topic, e.g. topic1.westus2-1.eventgrid.azure.net" name: "topicHostname" type: "" - description: "An array of events to be published to Event Grid." name: "events" type: "<>" syntax: "public abstract void publishEvents(String topicHostname, List events)" desc: "Publishes a batch of events to an Azure Event Grid topic." - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.publishEventsAsync(java.lang.String,java.util.List)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.publishEventsAsync(String topicHostname, List events)" name: "publishEventsAsync(String topicHostname, List events)" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.publishEventsAsync(String topicHostname, List events)" summary: "Publishes a batch of events to an Azure Event Grid topic." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The host name of the topic, e.g. topic1.westus2-1.eventgrid.azure.net" name: "topicHostname" type: "" - description: "An array of events to be published to Event Grid." name: "events" type: "<>" syntax: "public abstract Observable publishEventsAsync(String topicHostname, List events)" desc: "Publishes a batch of events to an Azure Event Grid topic." returns: description: "the object if successful." type: "<>" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.publishEventsAsync(java.lang.String,java.util.List,com.microsoft.rest.ServiceCallback)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.publishEventsAsync(String topicHostname, List events, ServiceCallback serviceCallback)" name: "publishEventsAsync(String topicHostname, List events, ServiceCallback serviceCallback)" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.publishEventsAsync(String topicHostname, List events, ServiceCallback serviceCallback)" summary: "Publishes a batch of events to an Azure Event Grid topic." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The host name of the topic, e.g. topic1.westus2-1.eventgrid.azure.net" name: "topicHostname" type: "" - description: "An array of events to be published to Event Grid." name: "events" type: "<>" - description: "the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses." name: "serviceCallback" type: "<>" syntax: "public abstract ServiceFuture publishEventsAsync(String topicHostname, List events, ServiceCallback serviceCallback)" desc: "Publishes a batch of events to an Azure Event Grid topic." returns: description: "the object" type: "<>" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.publishEventsWithServiceResponseAsync(java.lang.String,java.util.List)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.publishEventsWithServiceResponseAsync(String topicHostname, List events)" name: "publishEventsWithServiceResponseAsync(String topicHostname, List events)" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.publishEventsWithServiceResponseAsync(String topicHostname, List events)" summary: "Publishes a batch of events to an Azure Event Grid topic." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The host name of the topic, e.g. topic1.westus2-1.eventgrid.azure.net" name: "topicHostname" type: "" - description: "An array of events to be published to Event Grid." name: "events" type: "<>" syntax: "public abstract Observable> publishEventsWithServiceResponseAsync(String topicHostname, List events)" desc: "Publishes a batch of events to an Azure Event Grid topic." returns: description: "the object if successful." type: "<<>>" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.restClient()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.restClient()" name: "restClient()" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.restClient()" summary: "Gets the REST client." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract RestClient restClient()" desc: "Gets the REST client." returns: description: "the object." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.userAgent()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.userAgent()" name: "userAgent()" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.userAgent()" summary: "Gets the User-Agent header for the client." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract String userAgent()" desc: "Gets the User-Agent header for the client." returns: description: "the user agent string." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.withAcceptLanguage(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.withAcceptLanguage(String acceptLanguage)" name: "withAcceptLanguage(String acceptLanguage)" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.withAcceptLanguage(String acceptLanguage)" summary: "Sets Gets or sets the preferred language for the response.." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the acceptLanguage value." name: "acceptLanguage" type: "" syntax: "public abstract EventGridClient withAcceptLanguage(String acceptLanguage)" desc: "Sets Gets or sets the preferred language for the response.." returns: description: "the service client itself" type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.withGenerateClientRequestId(boolean)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.withGenerateClientRequestId(boolean generateClientRequestId)" name: "withGenerateClientRequestId(boolean generateClientRequestId)" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.withGenerateClientRequestId(boolean generateClientRequestId)" summary: "Sets When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and included in each request." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the generateClientRequestId value." name: "generateClientRequestId" type: "" syntax: "public abstract EventGridClient withGenerateClientRequestId(boolean generateClientRequestId)" desc: "Sets When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and included in each request. Default is true.." returns: description: "the service client itself" type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.withLongRunningOperationRetryTimeout(int)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.EventGridClient.withLongRunningOperationRetryTimeout(int longRunningOperationRetryTimeout)" name: "withLongRunningOperationRetryTimeout(int longRunningOperationRetryTimeout)" nameWithType: "EventGridClient.withLongRunningOperationRetryTimeout(int longRunningOperationRetryTimeout)" summary: "Sets Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the longRunningOperationRetryTimeout value." name: "longRunningOperationRetryTimeout" type: "" syntax: "public abstract EventGridClient withLongRunningOperationRetryTimeout(int longRunningOperationRetryTimeout)" desc: "Sets Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. Default value is 30.." returns: description: "the service client itself" type: "" type: "interface" desc: "The interface for EventGridClient class." metadata: {} package: "com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid" artifact: com.microsoft.azure:azure-eventgrid:1.3.0