### YamlMime:JavaType methods: - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.createCredential(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialCreateParameters parameters) name: createCredential(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialCreateParameters parameters) nameWithType: Catalogs.createCredential(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialCreateParameters parameters) parameters: - description:
The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database in which to create the credential. Note: This is NOT an external database name, but the name of an existing U-SQL database that should contain the new credential object.
' name: databaseName type:The name of the credential.
name: credentialName type:The parameters required to create the credential (name and password)
name: parameters type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
summary: >-Creates the specified credential for use with external data sources in the specified database.
syntax: public void createCredential(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialCreateParameters parameters) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.createCredential(String,String,String,DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialCreateParameters) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.createCredentialAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialCreateParameters parameters) name: createCredentialAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialCreateParameters parameters) nameWithType: Catalogs.createCredentialAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialCreateParameters parameters) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database in which to create the credential. Note: This is NOT an external database name, but the name of an existing U-SQL database that should contain the new credential object.
' name: databaseName type:The name of the credential.
name: credentialName type:The parameters required to create the credential (name and password)
name: parameters type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Creates the specified credential for use with external data sources in the specified database.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database in which to create the credential. Note: This is NOT an external database name, but the name of an existing U-SQL database that should contain the new credential object.
' name: databaseName type:The name of the credential.
name: credentialName type:The parameters required to create the credential (name and password)
name: parameters type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Creates the specified credential for use with external data sources in the specified database.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database in which to create the credential. Note: This is NOT an external database name, but the name of an existing U-SQL database that should contain the new credential object.
' name: databaseName type:The name of the credential.
name: credentialName type:The parameters required to create the credential (name and password)
name: parameters type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Creates the specified credential for use with external data sources in the specified database.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database in which to create the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret.
name: secretName type:The parameters required to create the secret (name and password)
name: parameters type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
summary: >-Creates the specified secret for use with external data sources in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use CreateCredential instead.
syntax: public void createSecret(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogSecretCreateOrUpdateParameters parameters) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.createSecret(String,String,String,DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogSecretCreateOrUpdateParameters) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.createSecretAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogSecretCreateOrUpdateParameters parameters) name: createSecretAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogSecretCreateOrUpdateParameters parameters) nameWithType: Catalogs.createSecretAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogSecretCreateOrUpdateParameters parameters) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database in which to create the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret.
name: secretName type:The parameters required to create the secret (name and password)
name: parameters type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Creates the specified secret for use with external data sources in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use CreateCredential instead.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database in which to create the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret.
name: secretName type:The parameters required to create the secret (name and password)
name: parameters type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Creates the specified secret for use with external data sources in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use CreateCredential instead.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database in which to create the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret.
name: secretName type:The parameters required to create the secret (name and password)
name: parameters type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Creates the specified secret for use with external data sources in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use CreateCredential instead.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
summary: >-Deletes all secrets in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. In the future, please only drop individual credentials using DeleteCredential.
syntax: public void deleteAllSecrets(String accountName, String databaseName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.deleteAllSecrets(String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.deleteAllSecretsAsync(String accountName, String databaseName) name: deleteAllSecretsAsync(String accountName, String databaseName) nameWithType: Catalogs.deleteAllSecretsAsync(String accountName, String databaseName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes all secrets in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. In the future, please only drop individual credentials using DeleteCredential.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes all secrets in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. In the future, please only drop individual credentials using DeleteCredential.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes all secrets in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. In the future, please only drop individual credentials using DeleteCredential.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the credential.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential to delete
name: credentialName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
summary: >-Deletes the specified credential in the specified database.
syntax: public void deleteCredential(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.deleteCredential(String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.deleteCredential(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialDeleteParameters parameters, Boolean cascade) name: deleteCredential(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialDeleteParameters parameters, Boolean cascade) nameWithType: Catalogs.deleteCredential(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialDeleteParameters parameters, Boolean cascade) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the credential.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential to delete
name: credentialName type:The parameters to delete a credential if the current user is not the account owner.
name: parameters type:Indicates if the delete should be a cascading delete (which deletes all resources dependent on the credential as well as the credential) or not. If false will fail if there are any resources relying on the credential.
name: cascade type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
summary: >-Deletes the specified credential in the specified database.
syntax: public void deleteCredential(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName, DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialDeleteParameters parameters, Boolean cascade) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.deleteCredential(String,String,String,DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredentialDeleteParameters,Boolean) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.deleteCredentialAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName) name: deleteCredentialAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName) nameWithType: Catalogs.deleteCredentialAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the credential.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential to delete
name: credentialName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes the specified credential in the specified database.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the credential.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential to delete
name: credentialName type:The parameters to delete a credential if the current user is not the account owner.
name: parameters type:Indicates if the delete should be a cascading delete (which deletes all resources dependent on the credential as well as the credential) or not. If false will fail if there are any resources relying on the credential.
name: cascade type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes the specified credential in the specified database.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the credential.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential to delete
name: credentialName type:The parameters to delete a credential if the current user is not the account owner.
name: parameters type:Indicates if the delete should be a cascading delete (which deletes all resources dependent on the credential as well as the credential) or not. If false will fail if there are any resources relying on the credential.
name: cascade type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes the specified credential in the specified database.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the credential.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential to delete
name: credentialName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes the specified credential in the specified database.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the credential.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential to delete
name: credentialName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes the specified credential in the specified database.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the credential.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential to delete
name: credentialName type:The parameters to delete a credential if the current user is not the account owner.
name: parameters type:Indicates if the delete should be a cascading delete (which deletes all resources dependent on the credential as well as the credential) or not. If false will fail if there are any resources relying on the credential.
name: cascade type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes the specified credential in the specified database.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret to delete
name: secretName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
summary: >-Deletes the specified secret in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use DeleteCredential instead.
syntax: public void deleteSecret(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.deleteSecret(String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.deleteSecretAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName) name: deleteSecretAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName) nameWithType: Catalogs.deleteSecretAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret to delete
name: secretName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes the specified secret in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use DeleteCredential instead.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret to delete
name: secretName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes the specified secret in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use DeleteCredential instead.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret to delete
name: secretName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Deletes the specified secret in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use DeleteCredential instead.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:The name of the assembly.
name: assemblyName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlAssembly object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified assembly from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlAssembly getAssembly(String accountName, String databaseName, String assemblyName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getAssembly(String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getAssemblyAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String assemblyName) name: getAssemblyAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String assemblyName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getAssemblyAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String assemblyName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:The name of the assembly.
name: assemblyName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlAssembly object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified assembly from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:The name of the assembly.
name: assemblyName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified assembly from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:The name of the assembly.
name: assemblyName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlAssembly object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified assembly from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential.
name: credentialName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlCredential object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified credential from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlCredential getCredential(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getCredential(String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getCredentialAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName) name: getCredentialAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getCredentialAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String credentialName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential.
name: credentialName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlCredential object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified credential from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential.
name: credentialName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified credential from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:The name of the credential.
name: credentialName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlCredential object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified credential from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlDatabase object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified database from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlDatabase getDatabase(String accountName, String databaseName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getDatabase(String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getDatabaseAsync(String accountName, String databaseName) name: getDatabaseAsync(String accountName, String databaseName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getDatabaseAsync(String accountName, String databaseName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlDatabase object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified database from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database.
name: databaseName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified database from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlDatabase object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified database from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the external data source.
name: databaseName type:The name of the external data source.
name: externalDataSourceName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlExternalDataSource object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified external data source from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlExternalDataSource getExternalDataSource(String accountName, String databaseName, String externalDataSourceName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getExternalDataSource(String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getExternalDataSourceAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String externalDataSourceName) name: getExternalDataSourceAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String externalDataSourceName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getExternalDataSourceAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String externalDataSourceName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the external data source.
name: databaseName type:The name of the external data source.
name: externalDataSourceName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlExternalDataSource object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified external data source from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the external data source.
name: databaseName type:The name of the external data source.
name: externalDataSourceName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified external data source from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the external data source.
name: databaseName type:The name of the external data source.
name: externalDataSourceName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlExternalDataSource object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified external data source from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the package.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the package.
name: schemaName type:The name of the package.
name: packageName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlPackage object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified package from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlPackage getPackage(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String packageName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getPackage(String,String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getPackageAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String packageName) name: getPackageAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String packageName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getPackageAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String packageName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the package.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the package.
name: schemaName type:The name of the package.
name: packageName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlPackage object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified package from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the package.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the package.
name: schemaName type:The name of the package.
name: packageName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified package from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the package.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the package.
name: schemaName type:The name of the package.
name: packageName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlPackage object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified package from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the procedure.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the procedure.
name: schemaName type:The name of the procedure.
name: procedureName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlProcedure object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified procedure from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlProcedure getProcedure(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String procedureName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getProcedure(String,String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getProcedureAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String procedureName) name: getProcedureAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String procedureName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getProcedureAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String procedureName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the procedure.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the procedure.
name: schemaName type:The name of the procedure.
name: procedureName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlProcedure object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified procedure from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the procedure.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the procedure.
name: schemaName type:The name of the procedure.
name: procedureName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified procedure from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the procedure.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the procedure.
name: schemaName type:The name of the procedure.
name: procedureName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlProcedure object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified procedure from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema.
name: schemaName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlSchema object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified schema from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlSchema getSchema(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getSchema(String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getSchemaAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName) name: getSchemaAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getSchemaAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema.
name: schemaName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlSchema object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified schema from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema.
name: schemaName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified schema from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema.
name: schemaName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlSchema object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified schema from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret to get
name: secretName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlSecret object if successful.
type:Gets the specified secret in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use GetCredential instead.
syntax: public USqlSecret getSecret(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getSecret(String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getSecretAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName) name: getSecretAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getSecretAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String secretName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret to get
name: secretName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlSecret object
type: Observable<Gets the specified secret in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use GetCredential instead.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret to get
name: secretName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Gets the specified secret in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use GetCredential instead.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the secret.
name: databaseName type:The name of the secret to get
name: secretName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlSecret object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Gets the specified secret in the specified database. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use GetCredential instead.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table.
name: tableName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlTable object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified table from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlTable getTable(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getTable(String,String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getTableAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName) name: getTableAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getTableAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table.
name: tableName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlTable object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified table from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table.
name: tableName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified table from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the partition.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the partition.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table containing the partition.
name: tableName type:The name of the table partition.
name: partitionName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlTablePartition object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified table partition from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlTablePartition getTablePartition(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName, String partitionName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getTablePartition(String,String,String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getTablePartitionAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName, String partitionName) name: getTablePartitionAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName, String partitionName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getTablePartitionAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName, String partitionName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the partition.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the partition.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table containing the partition.
name: tableName type:The name of the table partition.
name: partitionName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlTablePartition object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified table partition from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the partition.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the partition.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table containing the partition.
name: tableName type:The name of the table partition.
name: partitionName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified table partition from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the partition.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the partition.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table containing the partition.
name: tableName type:The name of the table partition.
name: partitionName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlTablePartition object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified table partition from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the statistics.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the statistics.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table containing the statistics.
name: tableName type:The name of the table statistics.
name: statisticsName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlTableStatistics object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified table statistics from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlTableStatistics getTableStatistic(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName, String statisticsName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getTableStatistic(String,String,String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getTableStatisticAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName, String statisticsName) name: getTableStatisticAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName, String statisticsName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getTableStatisticAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableName, String statisticsName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the statistics.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the statistics.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table containing the statistics.
name: tableName type:The name of the table statistics.
name: statisticsName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlTableStatistics object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified table statistics from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the statistics.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the statistics.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table containing the statistics.
name: tableName type:The name of the table statistics.
name: statisticsName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified table statistics from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the statistics.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the statistics.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table containing the statistics.
name: tableName type:The name of the table statistics.
name: statisticsName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlTableStatistics object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified table statistics from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table type.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table type.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table type to retrieve.
name: tableTypeName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlTableType object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified table type from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlTableType getTableType(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableTypeName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getTableType(String,String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getTableTypeAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableTypeName) name: getTableTypeAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableTypeName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getTableTypeAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableTypeName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table type.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table type.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table type to retrieve.
name: tableTypeName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlTableType object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified table type from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table type.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table type.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table type to retrieve.
name: tableTypeName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified table type from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table type.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table type.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table type to retrieve.
name: tableTypeName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlTableType object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified table type from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table valued function.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table valued function.
name: schemaName type:The name of the tableValuedFunction.
name: tableValuedFunctionName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlTableValuedFunction object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified table valued function from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlTableValuedFunction getTableValuedFunction(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableValuedFunctionName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getTableValuedFunction(String,String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getTableValuedFunctionAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableValuedFunctionName) name: getTableValuedFunctionAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableValuedFunctionName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getTableValuedFunctionAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String tableValuedFunctionName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table valued function.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table valued function.
name: schemaName type:The name of the tableValuedFunction.
name: tableValuedFunctionName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlTableValuedFunction object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified table valued function from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table valued function.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table valued function.
name: schemaName type:The name of the tableValuedFunction.
name: tableValuedFunctionName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified table valued function from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table valued function.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table valued function.
name: schemaName type:The name of the tableValuedFunction.
name: tableValuedFunctionName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlTableValuedFunction object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified table valued function from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the table.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the table.
name: schemaName type:The name of the table.
name: tableName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlTable object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified table from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the view.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the view.
name: schemaName type:The name of the view.
name: viewName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the USqlView object if successful.
type:Retrieves the specified view from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public USqlView getView(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String viewName) uid: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getView(String,String,String,String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.management.datalake.analytics.Catalogs.getViewAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String viewName) name: getViewAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String viewName) nameWithType: Catalogs.getViewAsync(String accountName, String databaseName, String schemaName, String viewName) parameters: - description:The Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the view.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the view.
name: schemaName type:The name of the view.
name: viewName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlView object
type: Observable<Retrieves the specified view from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the view.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the view.
name: schemaName type:The name of the view.
name: viewName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ServiceCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the specified view from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the view.
name: databaseName type:The name of the schema containing the view.
name: schemaName type:The name of the view.
name: viewName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the USqlView object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Retrieves the specified view from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the PagedList<USqlAssemblyClr> object if successful.
type: PagedList<Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public PagedListThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the PagedList<USqlAssemblyClr> object if successful.
type: PagedList<Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public PagedListThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlAssemblyClr> object
type: Observable<Page<Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ListOperationCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlAssemblyClr> object
type: Observable<Page<Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ListOperationCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the PagedList<USqlAssemblyClr> object if successful.
type: PagedList<Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public PagedListThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlAssemblyClr> object
type: Observable<Page<Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
name: serviceFuture type: final ServiceFuture<List<the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ListOperationCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlAssemblyClr> object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlAssemblyClr> object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the assembly.
name: databaseName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlAssemblyClr> object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<Retrieves the list of assemblies from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the PagedList<USqlCredential> object if successful.
type: PagedList<Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public PagedListThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the PagedList<USqlCredential> object if successful.
type: PagedList<Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public PagedListThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlCredential> object
type: Observable<Page<Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ListOperationCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlCredential> object
type: Observable<Page<Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ListOperationCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the PagedList<USqlCredential> object if successful.
type: PagedList<Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public PagedListThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlCredential> object
type: Observable<Page<Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
name: serviceFuture type: final ServiceFuture<List<the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ListOperationCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlCredential> object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlCredential> object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:The name of the database containing the schema.
name: databaseName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlCredential> object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<Retrieves the list of credentials from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the PagedList<USqlDatabase> object if successful.
type: PagedList<Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public PagedListThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the PagedList<USqlDatabase> object if successful.
type: PagedList<Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public PagedListThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlDatabase> object
type: Observable<Page<Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ListOperationCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlDatabase> object
type: Observable<Page<Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:OData filter. Optional.
name: filter type:The number of items to return. Optional.
name: top type:The number of items to skip over before returning elements. Optional.
name: skip type:OData Select statement. Limits the properties on each entry to just those requested, e.g. Categories?$select=CategoryName,Description. Optional.
name: select type:OrderBy clause. One or more comma-separated expressions with an optional "asc" (the default) or "desc" depending on the order you'd like the values sorted, e.g. Categories?$orderby=CategoryName desc. Optional.
name: orderby type:The Boolean value of true or false to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response, e.g. Categories?$count=true. Optional.
name: count type:the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ListOperationCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
- type:thrown if the request is rejected by server
- type:all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
returns: description:the PagedList<USqlDatabase> object if successful.
type: PagedList<Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public PagedListThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlDatabase> object
type: Observable<Page<Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
name: serviceFuture type: final ServiceFuture<List<the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
name: serviceCallback type: final ListOperationCallback<thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the
Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ServiceFutureThe NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
name: nextPageLink type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlDatabase> object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public ObservableThe Azure Data Lake Analytics account upon which to execute catalog operations.
name: accountName type:thrown if parameters fail the validation
returns: description:the observable to the PagedList<USqlDatabase> object
type: Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<Retrieves the list of databases from the Data Lake Analytics catalog.
syntax: public Observable