### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.service.devicetwin.Job" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.service.devicetwin.Job" name: "Job" nameWithType: "Job" summary: "Representation of a single Job scheduled on the Iothub." inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "" methodsRef: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" syntax: "public class **Job**" methods: - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.service.devicetwin.Job.cancel()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.service.devicetwin.Job.cancel()" name: "cancel()" nameWithType: "Job.cancel()" summary: "Cancel a current jod on the IoTHub" syntax: "public JobResult cancel()" exceptions: - description: "if the function failed to cancel the job with the current job information" type: "" - description: "if the function failed to cancel the job with the current job information" type: "" desc: "Cancel a current jod on the IoTHub" returns: description: "a jobResult object with the current job status." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.service.devicetwin.Job.get()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.service.devicetwin.Job.get()" name: "get()" nameWithType: "Job.get()" summary: "Get the current job status on the iotHub." syntax: "public JobResult get()" exceptions: - description: "if the function failed to get the status with the current job information" type: "" - description: "if the function failed to get the status with the current job information" type: "" desc: "Get the current job status on the iotHub." returns: description: "a jobResult object with the current job status." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.service.devicetwin.Job.getJobId()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.service.devicetwin.Job.getJobId()" name: "getJobId()" nameWithType: "Job.getJobId()" summary: "Getter for the JobId." syntax: "public String getJobId()" desc: "Getter for the JobId." returns: description: "the current jobId." type: "" type: "class" desc: "Representation of a single Job scheduled on the Iothub." metadata: {} package: "com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.service.devicetwin" artifact: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot:iot-service-client:1.30.0