### YamlMime:JavaType constructors: - fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ContinuationToken.ContinuationToken(Object marker) name: ContinuationToken(Object marker) nameWithType: ContinuationToken.ContinuationToken(Object marker) parameters: - description:

used to retrieve the next set of available results.

name: marker type: summary: >-

Initializes a new instance of the class.

syntax: public ContinuationToken(Object marker) uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ContinuationToken.ContinuationToken(Object) inheritances: - - methods: - fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ContinuationToken.getMarker() name: getMarker() nameWithType: ContinuationToken.getMarker() returns: description:

A marker used to fetch the next set of available results.

type: summary: >-

Gets a marker used to fetch the next set of available results.

syntax: public Object getMarker() uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ContinuationToken.getMarker() nameWithType: ContinuationToken syntax: public class ContinuationToken type: class uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ContinuationToken fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ContinuationToken name: ContinuationToken package: microsoft.servicefabric.actors summary: >-

Represents a continuation token for query operations.

Remarks:A method that may return a partial set of results via a object also returns a continuation token in the object, which can be used in a subsequent call to return the next set of available results.

metadata: {}