### YamlMime:JavaType constructors: - fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.data.ConditionalValue.ConditionalValue(boolean hasValue, TValue value) name: ConditionalValue(boolean hasValue, TValue value) nameWithType: ConditionalValue.ConditionalValue(boolean hasValue, TValue value) parameters: - description:

Indicates whether the value is valid.

name: hasValue type: - description:

The value.

name: value type: summary: >-

Initializes a new instance of the ConditionalValue class with the given value.

syntax: public ConditionalValue(boolean hasValue, TValue value) uid: microsoft.servicefabric.data.ConditionalValue.ConditionalValue(boolean,TValue) inheritances: - methods: - fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.data.ConditionalValue.getValue() name: getValue() nameWithType: ConditionalValue.getValue() returns: description:

The value.

type: summary: >-

Gets the value.

syntax: public TValue getValue() uid: microsoft.servicefabric.data.ConditionalValue.getValue() - fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.data.ConditionalValue.hasValue() name: hasValue() nameWithType: ConditionalValue.hasValue() returns: description:

Whether the value is valid.

type: summary: >-

Gets a value indicating whether the value is valid.

syntax: public boolean hasValue() uid: microsoft.servicefabric.data.ConditionalValue.hasValue() nameWithType: ConditionalValue syntax: public class ConditionalValue type: class typeParameters: - description:

Value to initialize the result with.

name: TValue uid: microsoft.servicefabric.data.ConditionalValue fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.data.ConditionalValue name: ConditionalValue package: microsoft.servicefabric.data summary: >-

Result class returned by DistributedCollections APIs that may or may not return a value.

metadata: {}