### YamlMime:JavaType inheritances: - methods: - fullName: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility.decryptText(String textToDecrypt) name: decryptText(String textToDecrypt) nameWithType: EncryptionUtility.decryptText(String textToDecrypt) parameters: - description:

The text to decrypt.

name: textToDecrypt type: returns: description:

The decrypted text as char array.

type: summary:

Decrypted the encrypted text. The certificate(.pem) file should be present in the /var/lib/sfcerts folder.

syntax: public static char [] decryptText(String textToDecrypt) uid: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility.decryptText(String) - fullName: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility.encryptText(char []textToEncrypt, String certPath) name: encryptText(char []textToEncrypt, String certPath) nameWithType: EncryptionUtility.encryptText(char []textToEncrypt, String certPath) parameters: - description:

The text to encrypt.

name: textToEncrypt type: - description:

Path of the certificate(.pem) file to be used for encryption.

name: certPath type: returns: description:

The encrypted string.

type: summary:

Encrypts the text with the given certificate file.

syntax: public static String encryptText(char []textToEncrypt, String certPath) uid: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility.encryptText(char [],String) - fullName: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility.encryptText(char []textToEncrypt, String certPath, String algorithmOid) name: encryptText(char []textToEncrypt, String certPath, String algorithmOid) nameWithType: EncryptionUtility.encryptText(char []textToEncrypt, String certPath, String algorithmOid) parameters: - description:

The text to encrypt.

name: textToEncrypt type: - description:

Path of the certificate(.pem) file to be used for encryption.

name: certPath type: - description:

The encryption algorithm object identifier (OID).

name: algorithmOid type: returns: description:

The encrypted string.

type: summary:

Encrypts the text with the given certificate file.

syntax: public static String encryptText(char []textToEncrypt, String certPath, String algorithmOid) uid: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility.encryptText(char [],String,String) - fullName: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility.encryptText(String textToEncrypt, String certPath) name: encryptText(String textToEncrypt, String certPath) nameWithType: EncryptionUtility.encryptText(String textToEncrypt, String certPath) parameters: - description:

The text to encrypt.

name: textToEncrypt type: - description:

Path of the certificate(.pem) file to be used for encryption.

name: certPath type: returns: description:

The encrypted string.

type: summary:

Encrypts the text with the given certificate file.

syntax: public static String encryptText(String textToEncrypt, String certPath) uid: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility.encryptText(String,String) - fullName: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility.encryptText(String textToEncrypt, String certPath, String algorithmOid) name: encryptText(String textToEncrypt, String certPath, String algorithmOid) nameWithType: EncryptionUtility.encryptText(String textToEncrypt, String certPath, String algorithmOid) parameters: - description:

The text to encrypt.

name: textToEncrypt type: - description:

Path of the certificate(.pem) file to be used for encryption.

name: certPath type: - description:

The encryption algorithm object identifier (OID).

name: algorithmOid type: returns: description:

The encrypted string.

type: summary:

Encrypts the text with the given certificate file.

syntax: public static String encryptText(String textToEncrypt, String certPath, String algorithmOid) uid: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility.encryptText(String,String,String) nameWithType: EncryptionUtility syntax: public class EncryptionUtility type: class uid: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility fullName: system.fabric.EncryptionUtility name: EncryptionUtility package: system.fabric summary:

Utility class to perform encryption and decryption operations.

metadata: {}