### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.containerinstance.ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithCreate" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.containerinstance.ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithCreate" name: "ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithCreate" nameWithType: "ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithCreate" summary: "The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via ), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified." syntax: "public static interface **ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithCreate**
extends , , , , , , <>, <>" type: "interface" desc: "The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via ), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified." implements: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "<>" - "<>" metadata: {} package: "com.microsoft.azure.management.containerinstance" artifact: com.microsoft.azure:azure-mgmt-containerinstance:1.41.4