### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKey" fullName: "com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKey" name: "AzureNamedKey" nameWithType: "AzureNamedKey" summary: "Represents a credential bag containing the key and the name of the key." inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public final class **AzureNamedKey**" methods: - uid: "com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKey.getKey()" fullName: "com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKey.getKey()" name: "getKey()" nameWithType: "AzureNamedKey.getKey()" summary: "Retrieves the key." syntax: "public String getKey()" desc: "Retrieves the key." returns: description: "The key." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKey.getName()" fullName: "com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKey.getName()" name: "getName()" nameWithType: "AzureNamedKey.getName()" summary: "Retrieves the name associated with the key." syntax: "public String getName()" desc: "Retrieves the name associated with the key." returns: description: "The name of the key." type: "String" type: "class" desc: "Represents a credential bag containing the key and the name of the key." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.core.credential" artifact: com.azure:azure-core:1.52.0