### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings" name: "ProxyAgentSettings" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings" summary: "Specifies ProxyAgent settings while creating the virtual machine." inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public final class **ProxyAgentSettings**
implements <>" constructors: - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.ProxyAgentSettings()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.ProxyAgentSettings()" name: "ProxyAgentSettings()" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings.ProxyAgentSettings()" summary: "Creates an instance of ProxyAgentSettings class." syntax: "public ProxyAgentSettings()" desc: "Creates an instance of ProxyAgentSettings class." methods: - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.enabled()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.enabled()" name: "enabled()" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings.enabled()" summary: "Get the enabled property: Specifies whether ProxyAgent feature should be enabled on the virtual machine or virtual machine scale set." syntax: "public Boolean enabled()" desc: "Get the enabled property: Specifies whether ProxyAgent feature should be enabled on the virtual machine or virtual machine scale set." returns: description: "the enabled value." type: "Boolean" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.fromJson(com.azure.json.JsonReader)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" name: "fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings.fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" summary: "Reads an instance of ProxyAgentSettings from the JsonReader." modifiers: - "static" parameters: - description: "The JsonReader being read." name: "jsonReader" type: "" syntax: "public static ProxyAgentSettings fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" exceptions: - description: "If an error occurs while reading the ProxyAgentSettings." type: "IOException" desc: "Reads an instance of ProxyAgentSettings from the JsonReader." returns: description: "An instance of ProxyAgentSettings if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was\n pointing to JSON null." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.keyIncarnationId()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.keyIncarnationId()" name: "keyIncarnationId()" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings.keyIncarnationId()" summary: "Get the keyIncarnationId property: Increase the value of this property allows user to reset the key used for securing communication channel between guest and host." syntax: "public Integer keyIncarnationId()" desc: "Get the keyIncarnationId property: Increase the value of this property allows user to reset the key used for securing communication channel between guest and host." returns: description: "the keyIncarnationId value." type: "Integer" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.mode()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.mode()" name: "mode()" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings.mode()" summary: "Get the mode property: Specifies the mode that ProxyAgent will execute on if the feature is enabled." syntax: "public Mode mode()" desc: "Get the mode property: Specifies the mode that ProxyAgent will execute on if the feature is enabled. ProxyAgent will start to audit or monitor but not enforce access control over requests to host endpoints in Audit mode, while in Enforce mode it will enforce access control. The default value is Enforce mode." returns: description: "the mode value." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.toJson(com.azure.json.JsonWriter)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" name: "toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings.toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" parameters: - name: "jsonWriter" type: "" syntax: "public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" exceptions: - type: "IOException" returns: type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.validate()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.validate()" name: "validate()" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings.validate()" summary: "Validates the instance." syntax: "public void validate()" desc: "Validates the instance." - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.withEnabled(java.lang.Boolean)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.withEnabled(Boolean enabled)" name: "withEnabled(Boolean enabled)" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings.withEnabled(Boolean enabled)" summary: "Set the enabled property: Specifies whether ProxyAgent feature should be enabled on the virtual machine or virtual machine scale set." parameters: - description: "the enabled value to set." name: "enabled" type: "Boolean" syntax: "public ProxyAgentSettings withEnabled(Boolean enabled)" desc: "Set the enabled property: Specifies whether ProxyAgent feature should be enabled on the virtual machine or virtual machine scale set." returns: description: "the ProxyAgentSettings object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.withKeyIncarnationId(java.lang.Integer)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.withKeyIncarnationId(Integer keyIncarnationId)" name: "withKeyIncarnationId(Integer keyIncarnationId)" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings.withKeyIncarnationId(Integer keyIncarnationId)" summary: "Set the keyIncarnationId property: Increase the value of this property allows user to reset the key used for securing communication channel between guest and host." parameters: - description: "the keyIncarnationId value to set." name: "keyIncarnationId" type: "Integer" syntax: "public ProxyAgentSettings withKeyIncarnationId(Integer keyIncarnationId)" desc: "Set the keyIncarnationId property: Increase the value of this property allows user to reset the key used for securing communication channel between guest and host." returns: description: "the ProxyAgentSettings object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.withMode(com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.Mode)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models.ProxyAgentSettings.withMode(Mode mode)" name: "withMode(Mode mode)" nameWithType: "ProxyAgentSettings.withMode(Mode mode)" summary: "Set the mode property: Specifies the mode that ProxyAgent will execute on if the feature is enabled." parameters: - description: "the mode value to set." name: "mode" type: "" syntax: "public ProxyAgentSettings withMode(Mode mode)" desc: "Set the mode property: Specifies the mode that ProxyAgent will execute on if the feature is enabled. ProxyAgent will start to audit or monitor but not enforce access control over requests to host endpoints in Audit mode, while in Enforce mode it will enforce access control. The default value is Enforce mode." returns: description: "the ProxyAgentSettings object itself." type: "" type: "class" desc: "Specifies ProxyAgent settings while creating the virtual machine. Minimum api-version: 2023-09-01." implements: - "<>" metadata: {} package: "com.azure.resourcemanager.compute.models" artifact: com.azure.resourcemanager:azure-resourcemanager-compute:2.42.0