### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer" name: "VmmServer" nameWithType: "VmmServer" summary: "An immutable client-side representation of VmmServer." syntax: "public interface **VmmServer**" methods: - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.extendedLocation()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.extendedLocation()" name: "extendedLocation()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.extendedLocation()" summary: "Gets the extendedLocation property: The extended location." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract ExtendedLocation extendedLocation()" desc: "Gets the extendedLocation property: The extended location." returns: description: "the extendedLocation value." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.id()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.id()" name: "id()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.id()" summary: "Gets the id property: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract String id()" desc: "Gets the id property: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource." returns: description: "the id value." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.innerModel()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.innerModel()" name: "innerModel()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.innerModel()" summary: "Gets the inner com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.fluent.models.VmmServerInner object." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract VmmServerInner innerModel()" desc: "Gets the inner com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.fluent.models.VmmServerInner object." returns: description: "the inner object." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.location()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.location()" name: "location()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.location()" summary: "Gets the location property: The geo-location where the resource lives." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract String location()" desc: "Gets the location property: The geo-location where the resource lives." returns: description: "the location value." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.name()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.name()" name: "name()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.name()" summary: "Gets the name property: The name of the resource." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract String name()" desc: "Gets the name property: The name of the resource." returns: description: "the name value." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.properties()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.properties()" name: "properties()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.properties()" summary: "Gets the properties property: The resource-specific properties for this resource." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract VmmServerProperties properties()" desc: "Gets the properties property: The resource-specific properties for this resource." returns: description: "the properties value." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.refresh()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.refresh()" name: "refresh()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.refresh()" summary: "Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract VmmServer refresh()" desc: "Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure." returns: description: "the refreshed resource." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.refresh(com.azure.core.util.Context)" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.refresh(Context context)" name: "refresh(Context context)" nameWithType: "VmmServer.refresh(Context context)" summary: "Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The context to associate with this operation." name: "context" type: "" syntax: "public abstract VmmServer refresh(Context context)" desc: "Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure." returns: description: "the refreshed resource." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.region()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.region()" name: "region()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.region()" summary: "Gets the region of the resource." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract Region region()" desc: "Gets the region of the resource." returns: description: "the region of the resource." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.regionName()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.regionName()" name: "regionName()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.regionName()" summary: "Gets the name of the resource region." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract String regionName()" desc: "Gets the name of the resource region." returns: description: "the name of the resource region." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.resourceGroupName()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.resourceGroupName()" name: "resourceGroupName()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.resourceGroupName()" summary: "Gets the name of the resource group." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract String resourceGroupName()" desc: "Gets the name of the resource group." returns: description: "the name of the resource group." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.systemData()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.systemData()" name: "systemData()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.systemData()" summary: "Gets the systemData property: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract SystemData systemData()" desc: "Gets the systemData property: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information." returns: description: "the systemData value." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.tags()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.tags()" name: "tags()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.tags()" summary: "Gets the tags property: Resource tags." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract Map tags()" desc: "Gets the tags property: Resource tags." returns: description: "the tags value." type: "Map<String,String>" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.type()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.type()" name: "type()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.type()" summary: "Gets the type property: The type of the resource." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract String type()" desc: "Gets the type property: The type of the resource." returns: description: "the type value." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.update()" fullName: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models.VmmServer.update()" name: "update()" nameWithType: "VmmServer.update()" summary: "Begins update for the VmmServer resource." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract VmmServer.Update update()" desc: "Begins update for the VmmServer resource." returns: description: "the stage of resource update." type: "" type: "interface" desc: "An immutable client-side representation of VmmServer." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.resourcemanager.scvmm.models" artifact: com.azure.resourcemanager:azure-resourcemanager-scvmm:1.0.0