### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule" name: "DataLakeCorsRule" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule" summary: "CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain." inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public final class **DataLakeCorsRule**" constructors: - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.DataLakeCorsRule()" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.DataLakeCorsRule()" name: "DataLakeCorsRule()" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.DataLakeCorsRule()" syntax: "public DataLakeCorsRule()" methods: - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.getAllowedHeaders()" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.getAllowedHeaders()" name: "getAllowedHeaders()" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.getAllowedHeaders()" summary: "Get the allowedHeaders property: the request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request." syntax: "public String getAllowedHeaders()" desc: "Get the allowedHeaders property: the request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request." returns: description: "the allowedHeaders value." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.getAllowedMethods()" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.getAllowedMethods()" name: "getAllowedMethods()" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.getAllowedMethods()" summary: "Get the allowedMethods property: The methods (HTTP request verbs) that the origin domain may use for a CORS request." syntax: "public String getAllowedMethods()" desc: "Get the allowedMethods property: The methods (HTTP request verbs) that the origin domain may use for a CORS request. (comma separated)." returns: description: "the allowedMethods value." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.getAllowedOrigins()" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.getAllowedOrigins()" name: "getAllowedOrigins()" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.getAllowedOrigins()" summary: "Get the allowedOrigins property: The origin domains that are permitted to make a request against the storage service via CORS." syntax: "public String getAllowedOrigins()" desc: "Get the allowedOrigins property: The origin domains that are permitted to make a request against the storage service via CORS. The origin domain is the domain from which the request originates. Note that the origin must be an exact case-sensitive match with the origin that the user age sends to the service. You can also use the wildcard character '\\*' to allow all origin domains to make requests via CORS." returns: description: "the allowedOrigins value." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.getExposedHeaders()" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.getExposedHeaders()" name: "getExposedHeaders()" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.getExposedHeaders()" summary: "Get the exposedHeaders property: The response headers that may be sent in the response to the CORS request and exposed by the browser to the request issuer." syntax: "public String getExposedHeaders()" desc: "Get the exposedHeaders property: The response headers that may be sent in the response to the CORS request and exposed by the browser to the request issuer." returns: description: "the exposedHeaders value." type: "String" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.getMaxAgeInSeconds()" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.getMaxAgeInSeconds()" name: "getMaxAgeInSeconds()" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.getMaxAgeInSeconds()" summary: "Get the maxAgeInSeconds property: The maximum amount time that a browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request." syntax: "public int getMaxAgeInSeconds()" desc: "Get the maxAgeInSeconds property: The maximum amount time that a browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request." returns: description: "the maxAgeInSeconds value." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.setAllowedHeaders(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.setAllowedHeaders(String allowedHeaders)" name: "setAllowedHeaders(String allowedHeaders)" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.setAllowedHeaders(String allowedHeaders)" summary: "Set the allowedHeaders property: the request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request." parameters: - description: "the allowedHeaders value to set." name: "allowedHeaders" type: "String" syntax: "public DataLakeCorsRule setAllowedHeaders(String allowedHeaders)" desc: "Set the allowedHeaders property: the request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request." returns: description: "the DataLakeCorsRule object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.setAllowedMethods(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.setAllowedMethods(String allowedMethods)" name: "setAllowedMethods(String allowedMethods)" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.setAllowedMethods(String allowedMethods)" summary: "Set the allowedMethods property: The methods (HTTP request verbs) that the origin domain may use for a CORS request." parameters: - description: "the allowedMethods value to set." name: "allowedMethods" type: "String" syntax: "public DataLakeCorsRule setAllowedMethods(String allowedMethods)" desc: "Set the allowedMethods property: The methods (HTTP request verbs) that the origin domain may use for a CORS request. (comma separated)." returns: description: "the DataLakeCorsRule object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.setAllowedOrigins(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.setAllowedOrigins(String allowedOrigins)" name: "setAllowedOrigins(String allowedOrigins)" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.setAllowedOrigins(String allowedOrigins)" summary: "Set the allowedOrigins property: The origin domains that are permitted to make a request against the storage service via CORS." parameters: - description: "the allowedOrigins value to set." name: "allowedOrigins" type: "String" syntax: "public DataLakeCorsRule setAllowedOrigins(String allowedOrigins)" desc: "Set the allowedOrigins property: The origin domains that are permitted to make a request against the storage service via CORS. The origin domain is the domain from which the request originates. Note that the origin must be an exact case-sensitive match with the origin that the user age sends to the service. You can also use the wildcard character '\\*' to allow all origin domains to make requests via CORS." returns: description: "the DataLakeCorsRule object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.setExposedHeaders(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.setExposedHeaders(String exposedHeaders)" name: "setExposedHeaders(String exposedHeaders)" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.setExposedHeaders(String exposedHeaders)" summary: "Set the exposedHeaders property: The response headers that may be sent in the response to the CORS request and exposed by the browser to the request issuer." parameters: - description: "the exposedHeaders value to set." name: "exposedHeaders" type: "String" syntax: "public DataLakeCorsRule setExposedHeaders(String exposedHeaders)" desc: "Set the exposedHeaders property: The response headers that may be sent in the response to the CORS request and exposed by the browser to the request issuer." returns: description: "the DataLakeCorsRule object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.setMaxAgeInSeconds(int)" fullName: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule.setMaxAgeInSeconds(int maxAgeInSeconds)" name: "setMaxAgeInSeconds(int maxAgeInSeconds)" nameWithType: "DataLakeCorsRule.setMaxAgeInSeconds(int maxAgeInSeconds)" summary: "Set the maxAgeInSeconds property: The maximum amount time that a browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request." parameters: - description: "the maxAgeInSeconds value to set." name: "maxAgeInSeconds" type: "" syntax: "public DataLakeCorsRule setMaxAgeInSeconds(int maxAgeInSeconds)" desc: "Set the maxAgeInSeconds property: The maximum amount time that a browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request." returns: description: "the DataLakeCorsRule object itself." type: "" type: "class" desc: "CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain. Web browsers implement a security restriction known as same-origin policy that prevents a web page from calling APIs in a different domain; CORS provides a secure way to allow one domain (the origin domain) to call APIs in another domain." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models" artifact: com.azure:azure-storage-file-datalake:12.20.1