### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer" name: "CosmosEncryptionContainer" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer" summary: "CosmosContainer with encryption capabilities." inheritances: - "" inheritedMembers: - "java.lang.Object.clone()" - "java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object)" - "java.lang.Object.finalize()" - "java.lang.Object.getClass()" - "java.lang.Object.hashCode()" - "java.lang.Object.notify()" - "java.lang.Object.notifyAll()" - "java.lang.Object.toString()" - "java.lang.Object.wait()" - "java.lang.Object.wait(long)" - "java.lang.Object.wait(long,int)" syntax: "public final class CosmosEncryptionContainer" methods: - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.createItem(T)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.createItem(T item)" name: "createItem(T item)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.createItem(T item)" summary: "Creates a new item synchronously and returns its respective Cosmos item response." parameters: - description: "the item" name: "item" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse createItem(T item)" desc: "Creates a new item synchronously and returns its respective Cosmos item response." returns: description: "the Cosmos item response" type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.createItem(T,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosItemRequestOptions)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.createItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" name: "createItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.createItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" summary: "Creates a new item synchronously and returns its respective Cosmos item response while specifying additional options." parameters: - description: "the item." name: "item" type: "" - description: "the options." name: "options" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse createItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" desc: "Creates a new item synchronously and returns its respective Cosmos item response while specifying additional options.\n\nThe partition key value will be automatically extracted from the item's content." returns: description: "the cosmos item response." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.createItem(T,com.azure.cosmos.models.PartitionKey,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosItemRequestOptions)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.createItem(T item, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" name: "createItem(T item, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.createItem(T item, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" summary: "Creates a new item synchronously and returns its respective Cosmos item response while specifying additional options." parameters: - description: "the item." name: "item" type: "" - description: "the partition key." name: "partitionKey" type: "" - description: "the options." name: "requestOptions" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse createItem(T item, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" desc: "Creates a new item synchronously and returns its respective Cosmos item response while specifying additional options." returns: description: "the Cosmos item response." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.deleteItem(T,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosItemRequestOptions)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.deleteItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" name: "deleteItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.deleteItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" summary: "Deletes an item in the current container." parameters: - description: "the item to be deleted." name: "item" type: "" - description: "the options." name: "options" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse deleteItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" desc: "Deletes an item in the current container." returns: description: "the Cosmos item response." type: "<Object>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.patchItem(java.lang.String,com.azure.cosmos.models.PartitionKey,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosPatchOperations,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosPatchItemRequestOptions,java.lang.Class)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.patchItem(String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosPatchOperations cosmosPatchOperations, CosmosPatchItemRequestOptions options, Class itemType)" name: "patchItem(String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosPatchOperations cosmosPatchOperations, CosmosPatchItemRequestOptions options, Class itemType)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.patchItem(String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosPatchOperations cosmosPatchOperations, CosmosPatchItemRequestOptions options, Class itemType)" summary: "Run patch operations on an Item." parameters: - description: "the item id." name: "itemId" type: "String" - description: "the partition key." name: "partitionKey" type: "" - description: "Represents a container having list of operations to be sequentially applied to the referred Cosmos item." name: "cosmosPatchOperations" type: "" - description: "the request options." name: "options" type: "" - description: "the item type." name: "itemType" type: "Class<>" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse patchItem(String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosPatchOperations cosmosPatchOperations, CosmosPatchItemRequestOptions options, Class itemType)" desc: "Run patch operations on an Item." returns: description: "the Cosmos item resource response with the patched item or an exception." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.queryItems(com.azure.cosmos.models.SqlQuerySpec,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosQueryRequestOptions,java.lang.Class)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.queryItems(SqlQuerySpec query, CosmosQueryRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" name: "queryItems(SqlQuerySpec query, CosmosQueryRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.queryItems(SqlQuerySpec query, CosmosQueryRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" summary: "Query items in the current container returning the results as ." parameters: - description: "the query spec." name: "query" type: "" - description: "the options." name: "requestOptions" type: "" - description: "the class type." name: "classType" type: "Class<>" syntax: "public CosmosPagedIterable queryItems(SqlQuerySpec query, CosmosQueryRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" desc: "Query items in the current container returning the results as ." returns: description: "the ." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.queryItems(java.lang.String,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosQueryRequestOptions,java.lang.Class)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.queryItems(String query, CosmosQueryRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" name: "queryItems(String query, CosmosQueryRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.queryItems(String query, CosmosQueryRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" summary: "Query items in the current container returning the results as ." parameters: - description: "the query." name: "query" type: "String" - description: "the options." name: "requestOptions" type: "" - description: "the class type." name: "classType" type: "Class<>" syntax: "public CosmosPagedIterable queryItems(String query, CosmosQueryRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" desc: "Query items in the current container returning the results as ." returns: description: "the ." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.queryItemsOnEncryptedProperties(com.azure.cosmos.encryption.models.SqlQuerySpecWithEncryption,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosQueryRequestOptions,java.lang.Class)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.queryItemsOnEncryptedProperties(SqlQuerySpecWithEncryption sqlQuerySpecWithEncryption, CosmosQueryRequestOptions options, Class classType)" name: "queryItemsOnEncryptedProperties(SqlQuerySpecWithEncryption sqlQuerySpecWithEncryption, CosmosQueryRequestOptions options, Class classType)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.queryItemsOnEncryptedProperties(SqlQuerySpecWithEncryption sqlQuerySpecWithEncryption, CosmosQueryRequestOptions options, Class classType)" summary: "Query for items in the current container using a ." parameters: - description: "the sqlQuerySpecWithEncryption." name: "sqlQuerySpecWithEncryption" type: "" - description: "the query request options." name: "options" type: "" - description: "the class type." name: "classType" type: "Class<>" syntax: "public CosmosPagedIterable queryItemsOnEncryptedProperties(SqlQuerySpecWithEncryption sqlQuerySpecWithEncryption, CosmosQueryRequestOptions options, Class classType)" desc: "Query for items in the current container using a ." returns: description: "a ." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.readItem(java.lang.String,com.azure.cosmos.models.PartitionKey,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosItemRequestOptions,java.lang.Class)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.readItem(String id, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" name: "readItem(String id, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.readItem(String id, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" summary: "Reads an item in the current container while specifying additional options." parameters: - description: "the item id." name: "id" type: "String" - description: "the partition key." name: "partitionKey" type: "" - description: "the options." name: "requestOptions" type: "" - description: "the class type of item." name: "classType" type: "Class<>" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse readItem(String id, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions, Class classType)" desc: "Reads an item in the current container while specifying additional options." returns: description: "the Cosmos item response." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.readItem(java.lang.String,com.azure.cosmos.models.PartitionKey,java.lang.Class)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.readItem(String id, PartitionKey partitionKey, Class classType)" name: "readItem(String id, PartitionKey partitionKey, Class classType)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.readItem(String id, PartitionKey partitionKey, Class classType)" summary: "Reads an item in the current container." parameters: - description: "the item id." name: "id" type: "String" - description: "the partition key." name: "partitionKey" type: "" - description: "the class type of item." name: "classType" type: "Class<>" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse readItem(String id, PartitionKey partitionKey, Class classType)" desc: "Reads an item in the current container." returns: description: "the Cosmos item response." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.replaceItem(T,java.lang.String,com.azure.cosmos.models.PartitionKey,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosItemRequestOptions)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.replaceItem(T item, String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" name: "replaceItem(T item, String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.replaceItem(T item, String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" summary: "Replaces an item in the current container." parameters: - description: "the item." name: "item" type: "" - description: "the item id." name: "itemId" type: "String" - description: "the partition key." name: "partitionKey" type: "" - description: "the options." name: "requestOptions" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse replaceItem(T item, String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" desc: "Replaces an item in the current container." returns: description: "the Cosmos item response." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.upsertItem(T)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.upsertItem(T item)" name: "upsertItem(T item)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.upsertItem(T item)" summary: "Upserts an Cosmos item in the current container." parameters: - description: "the item." name: "item" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse upsertItem(T item)" desc: "Upserts an Cosmos item in the current container." returns: description: "the Cosmos item response." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.upsertItem(T,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosItemRequestOptions)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.upsertItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" name: "upsertItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.upsertItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" summary: "Upserts a item Cosmos sync item while specifying additional options." parameters: - description: "the item." name: "item" type: "" - description: "the options." name: "options" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse upsertItem(T item, CosmosItemRequestOptions options)" desc: "Upserts a item Cosmos sync item while specifying additional options." returns: description: "the Cosmos item response." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.upsertItem(T,com.azure.cosmos.models.PartitionKey,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosItemRequestOptions)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.upsertItem(T item, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" name: "upsertItem(T item, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.upsertItem(T item, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" summary: "Upserts a item Cosmos sync item while specifying additional options." parameters: - description: "the item." name: "item" type: "" - description: "the partitionKey." name: "partitionKey" type: "" - description: "the options." name: "requestOptions" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse upsertItem(T item, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" desc: "Upserts a item Cosmos sync item while specifying additional options." returns: description: "the Cosmos item response." type: "<>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeBulkOperations(java.lang.Iterable)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeBulkOperations(Iterable operations)" name: "executeBulkOperations(Iterable operations)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeBulkOperations(Iterable operations)" summary: "Executes list of operations in Bulk." parameters: - description: "list of operation which will be executed by this container." name: "operations" type: "Iterable<>" syntax: "public Iterable> executeBulkOperations(Iterable operations)" desc: "Executes list of operations in Bulk." returns: description: "An Iterable of which contains operation and it's response or exception.\n

\n To create a operation which can be executed here, use . For eg.\n for a upsert operation use \n


\n We can get the corresponding operation using and\n it's response using . If the operation was executed\n successfully, the value returned by will be true. To get\n actual status use .\n

\n To check if the operation had any exception, use to\n get the exception." type: "Iterable<<>>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeBulkOperations(java.lang.Iterable,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosBulkExecutionOptions)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeBulkOperations(Iterable operations, CosmosBulkExecutionOptions bulkOptions)" name: "executeBulkOperations(Iterable operations, CosmosBulkExecutionOptions bulkOptions)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeBulkOperations(Iterable operations, CosmosBulkExecutionOptions bulkOptions)" summary: "Executes list of operations in Bulk." parameters: - description: "list of operation which will be executed by this container." name: "operations" type: "Iterable<>" - description: "Options that apply for this Bulk request which specifies options regarding execution like\n concurrency, batching size, interval and context." name: "bulkOptions" type: "" syntax: "public Iterable> executeBulkOperations(Iterable operations, CosmosBulkExecutionOptions bulkOptions)" desc: "Executes list of operations in Bulk." returns: description: "An Iterable of which contains operation and it's response or exception.\n

\n To create a operation which can be executed here, use . For eg.\n for a upsert operation use \n


\n We can get the corresponding operation using and\n it's response using . If the operation was executed\n successfully, the value returned by will be true. To get\n actual status use .\n

\n To check if the operation had any exception, use to\n get the exception." type: "Iterable<<>>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.deleteItem(java.lang.String,com.azure.cosmos.models.PartitionKey,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosItemRequestOptions)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.deleteItem(String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" name: "deleteItem(String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.deleteItem(String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" summary: "Deletes an item in the current container." parameters: - description: "the item id." name: "itemId" type: "String" - description: "the partition key." name: "partitionKey" type: "" - description: "the options." name: "requestOptions" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosItemResponse deleteItem(String itemId, PartitionKey partitionKey, CosmosItemRequestOptions requestOptions)" desc: "Deletes an item in the current container." returns: description: "the Cosmos item response." type: "<Object>" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeCosmosBatch(com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosBatch)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeCosmosBatch(CosmosBatch cosmosBatch)" name: "executeCosmosBatch(CosmosBatch cosmosBatch)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeCosmosBatch(CosmosBatch cosmosBatch)" summary: "Executes the encrypted transactional batch." parameters: - description: "Batch having list of operation and partition key which will be executed by this container." name: "cosmosBatch" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosBatchResponse executeCosmosBatch(CosmosBatch cosmosBatch)" desc: "Executes the encrypted transactional batch." returns: description: "A CosmosBatchResponse which contains details of execution of the transactional batch.\n

\n If the transactional batch executes successfully, the value returned by on the response returned will be set to 200}.\n

\n If an operation within the transactional batch fails during execution, no changes from the batch will be\n committed and the status of the failing operation is made available by or by the exception. To obtain information about the operations\n that failed in case of some user error like conflict, not found etc, the response can be enumerated.\n This returns instances corresponding to each operation in the\n transactional batch in the order they were added to the transactional batch.\n For a result corresponding to an operation within the transactional batch, use\n \n to access the status of the operation. If the operation was not executed or it was aborted due to the failure of\n another operation within the transactional batch, the value of this field will be 424;\n for the operation that caused the batch to abort, the value of this field\n will indicate the cause of failure.\n

\n If there are issues such as request timeouts, Gone, session not available, network failure\n or if the service somehow returns 5xx then this will throw an exception instead of returning a CosmosBatchResponse.\n

\n Use on the response returned to ensure that the\n transactional batch succeeded." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeCosmosBatch(com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosBatch,com.azure.cosmos.models.CosmosBatchRequestOptions)" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeCosmosBatch(CosmosBatch cosmosBatch, CosmosBatchRequestOptions requestOptions)" name: "executeCosmosBatch(CosmosBatch cosmosBatch, CosmosBatchRequestOptions requestOptions)" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.executeCosmosBatch(CosmosBatch cosmosBatch, CosmosBatchRequestOptions requestOptions)" summary: "Executes the encrypted transactional batch." parameters: - description: "Batch having list of operation and partition key which will be executed by this container." name: "cosmosBatch" type: "" - description: "Options that apply specifically to batch request." name: "requestOptions" type: "" syntax: "public CosmosBatchResponse executeCosmosBatch(CosmosBatch cosmosBatch, CosmosBatchRequestOptions requestOptions)" desc: "Executes the encrypted transactional batch." returns: description: "A CosmosBatchResponse which contains details of execution of the transactional batch.\n

\n If the transactional batch executes successfully, the value returned by on the response returned will be set to 200}.\n

\n If an operation within the transactional batch fails during execution, no changes from the batch will be\n committed and the status of the failing operation is made available by or by the exception. To obtain information about the operations\n that failed in case of some user error like conflict, not found etc, the response can be enumerated.\n This returns instances corresponding to each operation in the\n transactional batch in the order they were added to the transactional batch.\n For a result corresponding to an operation within the transactional batch, use\n \n to access the status of the operation. If the operation was not executed or it was aborted due to the failure of\n another operation within the transactional batch, the value of this field will be 424;\n for the operation that caused the batch to abort, the value of this field\n will indicate the cause of failure.\n

\n If there are issues such as request timeouts, Gone, session not available, network failure\n or if the service somehow returns 5xx then this will throw an exception instead of returning a CosmosBatchResponse.\n

\n Use on the response returned to ensure that the\n transactional batch succeeded." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.getCosmosContainer()" fullName: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption.CosmosEncryptionContainer.getCosmosContainer()" name: "getCosmosContainer()" nameWithType: "CosmosEncryptionContainer.getCosmosContainer()" summary: "Gets the CosmosContainer" syntax: "public CosmosContainer getCosmosContainer()" desc: "Gets the CosmosContainer" returns: description: "cosmos container" type: "" type: "class" desc: "CosmosContainer with encryption capabilities." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.cosmos.encryption" artifact: com.azure:azure-cosmos-encryption:1.6.0