
383 строки
27 KiB

### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "OciAnnotations"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations"
summary: "Additional information provided through arbitrary metadata."
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object?displayProperty=fullName\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- classRef: "java.lang.<a href=\"\">Object</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">clone</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">equals</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">finalize</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">getClass</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">hashCode</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">notify</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">notifyAll</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">toString</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
syntax: "public final class **OciAnnotations**</br> implements <xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&lt;<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&gt;"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "OciAnnotations()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.OciAnnotations()"
summary: "Creates an instance of Oci<wbr>Annotations class."
syntax: "public OciAnnotations()"
desc: "Creates an instance of OciAnnotations class."
- uid: ""
fullName: " jsonReader)"
name: "fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)"
summary: "Reads an instance of Oci<wbr>Annotations from the Json<wbr>Reader."
- "static"
- description: "The JsonReader being read."
name: "jsonReader"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public static OciAnnotations fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)"
- description: "If an error occurs while reading the OciAnnotations."
type: "<a href=\"\">IOException</a>"
desc: "Reads an instance of OciAnnotations from the JsonReader."
description: "An instance of OciAnnotations if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was\n pointing to JSON null."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getAdditionalProperties()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getAdditionalProperties()"
summary: "Get the additional<wbr>Properties property: Additional information provided through arbitrary metadata."
syntax: "public Map<String,Object> getAdditionalProperties()"
desc: "Get the additionalProperties property: Additional information provided through arbitrary metadata."
description: "the additionalProperties value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Map</a>&lt;<a href=\"\">String</a>,<a href=\"\">Object</a>&gt;"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getAuthors()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getAuthors()"
summary: "Get the authors property: Contact details of the people or organization responsible for the image."
syntax: "public String getAuthors()"
desc: "Get the authors property: Contact details of the people or organization responsible for the image."
description: "the authors value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getCreatedOn()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getCreatedOn()"
summary: "Get the created<wbr>On property: Date and time on which the image was built (string, date-time as defined by https://tools.<wbr>ietf.<wbr>org/html/rfc3339\\#section-5.6)."
syntax: "public OffsetDateTime getCreatedOn()"
desc: "Get the createdOn property: Date and time on which the image was built (string, date-time as defined by\\#section-5.6)."
description: "the createdOn value."
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getDescription()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getDescription()"
summary: "Get the description property: Human-readable description of the software packaged in the image."
syntax: "public String getDescription()"
desc: "Get the description property: Human-readable description of the software packaged in the image."
description: "the description value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getDocumentation()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getDocumentation()"
summary: "Get the documentation property: URL to get documentation on the image."
syntax: "public String getDocumentation()"
desc: "Get the documentation property: URL to get documentation on the image."
description: "the documentation value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getLicenses()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getLicenses()"
summary: "Get the licenses property: License(s) under which contained software is distributed as an SPDX License Expression."
syntax: "public String getLicenses()"
desc: "Get the licenses property: License(s) under which contained software is distributed as an SPDX License Expression."
description: "the licenses value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getName()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getName()"
summary: "Get the name property: Name of the reference for a target."
syntax: "public String getName()"
desc: "Get the name property: Name of the reference for a target."
description: "the name value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getRevision()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getRevision()"
summary: "Get the revision property: Source control revision identifier for the packaged software."
syntax: "public String getRevision()"
desc: "Get the revision property: Source control revision identifier for the packaged software."
description: "the revision value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getSource()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getSource()"
summary: "Get the source property: URL to get source code for building the image."
syntax: "public String getSource()"
desc: "Get the source property: URL to get source code for building the image."
description: "the source value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getTitle()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getTitle()"
summary: "Get the title property: Human-readable title of the image."
syntax: "public String getTitle()"
desc: "Get the title property: Human-readable title of the image."
description: "the title value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getUrl()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getUrl()"
summary: "Get the url property: URL to find more information on the image."
syntax: "public String getUrl()"
desc: "Get the url property: URL to find more information on the image."
description: "the url value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getVendor()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getVendor()"
summary: "Get the vendor property: Name of the distributing entity, organization or individual."
syntax: "public String getVendor()"
desc: "Get the vendor property: Name of the distributing entity, organization or individual."
description: "the vendor value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getVersion()"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.getVersion()"
summary: "Get the version property: Version of the packaged software."
syntax: "public String getVersion()"
desc: "Get the version property: Version of the packaged software. The version MAY match a label or tag in the source code repository, may also be Semantic versioning-compatible."
description: "the version value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: "<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>)"
fullName: "<String,Object> additionalProperties)"
name: "setAdditionalProperties(Map<String,Object> additionalProperties)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setAdditionalProperties(Map<String,Object> additionalProperties)"
summary: "Set the additional<wbr>Properties property: Additional information provided through arbitrary metadata."
- description: "the additionalProperties value to set."
name: "additionalProperties"
type: "<a href=\"\">Map</a>&lt;<a href=\"\">String</a>,<a href=\"\">Object</a>&gt;"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setAdditionalProperties(Map<String,Object> additionalProperties)"
desc: "Set the additionalProperties property: Additional information provided through arbitrary metadata."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " authors)"
name: "setAuthors(String authors)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setAuthors(String authors)"
summary: "Set the authors property: Contact details of the people or organization responsible for the image."
- description: "the authors value to set."
name: "authors"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setAuthors(String authors)"
desc: "Set the authors property: Contact details of the people or organization responsible for the image."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " createdOn)"
name: "setCreatedOn(OffsetDateTime createdOn)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setCreatedOn(OffsetDateTime createdOn)"
summary: "Set the created<wbr>On property: Date and time on which the image was built (string, date-time as defined by https://tools.<wbr>ietf.<wbr>org/html/rfc3339\\#section-5.6)."
- description: "the createdOn value to set."
name: "createdOn"
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setCreatedOn(OffsetDateTime createdOn)"
desc: "Set the createdOn property: Date and time on which the image was built (string, date-time as defined by\\#section-5.6)."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " description)"
name: "setDescription(String description)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setDescription(String description)"
summary: "Set the description property: Human-readable description of the software packaged in the image."
- description: "the description value to set."
name: "description"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setDescription(String description)"
desc: "Set the description property: Human-readable description of the software packaged in the image."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " documentation)"
name: "setDocumentation(String documentation)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setDocumentation(String documentation)"
summary: "Set the documentation property: URL to get documentation on the image."
- description: "the documentation value to set."
name: "documentation"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setDocumentation(String documentation)"
desc: "Set the documentation property: URL to get documentation on the image."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " licenses)"
name: "setLicenses(String licenses)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setLicenses(String licenses)"
summary: "Set the licenses property: License(s) under which contained software is distributed as an SPDX License Expression."
- description: "the licenses value to set."
name: "licenses"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setLicenses(String licenses)"
desc: "Set the licenses property: License(s) under which contained software is distributed as an SPDX License Expression."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " name)"
name: "setName(String name)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setName(String name)"
summary: "Set the name property: Name of the reference for a target."
- description: "the name value to set."
name: "name"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setName(String name)"
desc: "Set the name property: Name of the reference for a target."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " revision)"
name: "setRevision(String revision)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setRevision(String revision)"
summary: "Set the revision property: Source control revision identifier for the packaged software."
- description: "the revision value to set."
name: "revision"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setRevision(String revision)"
desc: "Set the revision property: Source control revision identifier for the packaged software."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " source)"
name: "setSource(String source)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setSource(String source)"
summary: "Set the source property: URL to get source code for building the image."
- description: "the source value to set."
name: "source"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setSource(String source)"
desc: "Set the source property: URL to get source code for building the image."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " title)"
name: "setTitle(String title)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setTitle(String title)"
summary: "Set the title property: Human-readable title of the image."
- description: "the title value to set."
name: "title"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setTitle(String title)"
desc: "Set the title property: Human-readable title of the image."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " url)"
name: "setUrl(String url)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setUrl(String url)"
summary: "Set the url property: URL to find more information on the image."
- description: "the url value to set."
name: "url"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setUrl(String url)"
desc: "Set the url property: URL to find more information on the image."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " vendor)"
name: "setVendor(String vendor)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setVendor(String vendor)"
summary: "Set the vendor property: Name of the distributing entity, organization or individual."
- description: "the vendor value to set."
name: "vendor"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setVendor(String vendor)"
desc: "Set the vendor property: Name of the distributing entity, organization or individual."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " version)"
name: "setVersion(String version)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.setVersion(String version)"
summary: "Set the version property: Version of the packaged software."
- description: "the version value to set."
name: "version"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public OciAnnotations setVersion(String version)"
desc: "Set the version property: Version of the packaged software. The version MAY match a label or tag in the source code repository, may also be Semantic versioning-compatible."
description: "the OciAnnotations object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " jsonWriter)"
name: "toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)"
nameWithType: "OciAnnotations.toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)"
- name: "jsonWriter"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)"
- type: "<a href=\"\">IOException</a>"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
type: "class"
desc: "Additional information provided through arbitrary metadata."
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&lt;<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&gt;"
metadata: {}
package: ""