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### YamlMime:JavaPackage
uid: ""
fullName: ""
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summary: "This package provides HTTP abstractions for Azure SDK client libraries."
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desc: "This package provides HTTP abstractions for Azure SDK client libraries. It serves as a bridge between the AnnotationParser, RestProxy, and the HTTP client.\n\nKey features:\n\n * AnnotationParser: Interprets annotations on interface definitions and methods to construct HTTP requests.\n * RestProxy: Transforms interface definitions into live implementations that convert method invocations into network calls.\n * HTTP client: Sends HTTP requests and receives responses.\n\nThe HTTP pipeline is a series of policies that are invoked to handle an HTTP request. Each policy is a piece of code that takes an HTTP request, does some processing, and passes the request to the next policy in the pipeline. The last policy in the pipeline would then actually send the HTTP request.\n\nUsers can create a custom pipeline by creating their own policies and adding them to the pipeline. Here's a code sample:\n\n```java\nHttpPipeline pipeline = new HttpPipelineBuilder()\n .policies(new UserAgentPolicy(), new RetryPolicy())\n .build();\n```\n\nThis package is crucial for the communication between Azure SDK client libraries and Azure services. It provides a layer of abstraction over the HTTP protocol, allowing client libraries to focus on service-specific logic. Custom pipelines can be helpful when you want to customize the behavior of HTTP requests and responses in some way, such as, to add a custom header to all requests."
metadata: {}
package: ""