
163 строки
12 KiB

### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "DevBoxPool"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool"
summary: "A pool of Dev Boxes."
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object?displayProperty=fullName\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- classRef: "java.lang.<a href=\"\">Object</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">clone</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">equals</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">finalize</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">getClass</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">hashCode</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">notify</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">notifyAll</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">toString</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
syntax: "public final class **DevBoxPool**</br> implements <xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&lt;<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&gt;"
- uid: ""
fullName: " jsonReader)"
name: "fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)"
summary: "Reads an instance of Dev<wbr>Box<wbr>Pool from the Json<wbr>Reader."
- "static"
- description: "The JsonReader being read."
name: "jsonReader"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public static DevBoxPool fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)"
- description: "If the deserialized JSON object was missing any required properties."
type: "<a href=\"\">IOException</a>"
desc: "Reads an instance of DevBoxPool from the JsonReader."
description: "An instance of DevBoxPool if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was pointing\n to JSON null."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getHardwareProfile()"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.getHardwareProfile()"
summary: "Get the hardware<wbr>Profile property: Hardware settings for the Dev Boxes created in this pool."
syntax: "public DevBoxHardwareProfile getHardwareProfile()"
desc: "Get the hardwareProfile property: Hardware settings for the Dev Boxes created in this pool."
description: "the hardwareProfile value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getHealthStatus()"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.getHealthStatus()"
summary: "Get the health<wbr>Status property: Overall health status of the Pool."
syntax: "public PoolHealthStatus getHealthStatus()"
desc: "Get the healthStatus property: Overall health status of the Pool. Indicates whether or not the Pool is available to create Dev Boxes."
description: "the healthStatus value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getHibernateSupport()"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.getHibernateSupport()"
summary: "Get the hibernate<wbr>Support property: Indicates whether hibernate is enabled/disabled or unknown."
syntax: "public HibernateSupport getHibernateSupport()"
desc: "Get the hibernateSupport property: Indicates whether hibernate is enabled/disabled or unknown."
description: "the hibernateSupport value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getImageReference()"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.getImageReference()"
summary: "Get the image<wbr>Reference property: Image settings for Dev Boxes create in this pool."
syntax: "public DevBoxImageReference getImageReference()"
desc: "Get the imageReference property: Image settings for Dev Boxes create in this pool."
description: "the imageReference value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getLocalAdministratorStatus()"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.getLocalAdministratorStatus()"
summary: "Get the local<wbr>Administrator<wbr>Status property: Indicates whether owners of Dev Boxes in this pool are local administrators on the Dev Boxes."
syntax: "public LocalAdministratorStatus getLocalAdministratorStatus()"
desc: "Get the localAdministratorStatus property: Indicates whether owners of Dev Boxes in this pool are local administrators on the Dev Boxes."
description: "the localAdministratorStatus value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getLocation()"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.getLocation()"
summary: "Get the location property: Azure region where Dev Boxes in the pool are located."
syntax: "public String getLocation()"
desc: "Get the location property: Azure region where Dev Boxes in the pool are located."
description: "the location value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getName()"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.getName()"
summary: "Get the name property: Pool name."
syntax: "public String getName()"
desc: "Get the name property: Pool name."
description: "the name value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getOsType()"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.getOsType()"
summary: "Get the os<wbr>Type property: The operating system type of Dev Boxes in this pool."
syntax: "public DevBoxOsType getOsType()"
desc: "Get the osType property: The operating system type of Dev Boxes in this pool."
description: "the osType value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getStopOnDisconnect()"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.getStopOnDisconnect()"
summary: "Get the stop<wbr>OnDisconnect property: Stop on disconnect configuration settings for Dev Boxes created in this pool."
syntax: "public StopOnDisconnectConfiguration getStopOnDisconnect()"
desc: "Get the stopOnDisconnect property: Stop on disconnect configuration settings for Dev Boxes created in this pool."
description: "the stopOnDisconnect value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getStorageProfile()"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.getStorageProfile()"
summary: "Get the storage<wbr>Profile property: Storage settings for Dev Box created in this pool."
syntax: "public DevBoxStorageProfile getStorageProfile()"
desc: "Get the storageProfile property: Storage settings for Dev Box created in this pool."
description: "the storageProfile value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " jsonWriter)"
name: "toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)"
nameWithType: "DevBoxPool.toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)"
- name: "jsonWriter"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)"
- type: "<a href=\"\">IOException</a>"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
type: "class"
desc: "A pool of Dev Boxes."
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&lt;<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&gt;"
metadata: {}
package: ""