
199 строки
14 KiB

### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "L3OptionAProperties"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties"
summary: "Peering optionA properties."
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object?displayProperty=fullName\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- classRef: "java.lang.<a href=\"\">Object</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">clone</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">equals</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">finalize</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">getClass</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">hashCode</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">notify</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">notifyAll</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">toString</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
syntax: "public class **L3OptionAProperties**"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "L3OptionAProperties()"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.L3OptionAProperties()"
summary: "Creates an instance of L3Option<wbr>AProperties class."
syntax: "public L3OptionAProperties()"
desc: "Creates an instance of L3OptionAProperties class."
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "bfdConfiguration()"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.bfdConfiguration()"
summary: "Get the bfd<wbr>Configuration property: BFD configuration properties."
syntax: "public BfdConfiguration bfdConfiguration()"
desc: "Get the bfdConfiguration property: BFD configuration properties."
description: "the bfdConfiguration value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "egressAclId()"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.egressAclId()"
summary: "Get the egress<wbr>Acl<wbr>Id property: Egress Acl."
syntax: "public String egressAclId()"
desc: "Get the egressAclId property: Egress Acl. ARM resource ID of Access Control Lists."
description: "the egressAclId value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "fabricAsn()"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.fabricAsn()"
summary: "Get the fabric<wbr>Asn property: Fabric ASN number."
syntax: "public Long fabricAsn()"
desc: "Get the fabricAsn property: Fabric ASN number. Example 65001."
description: "the fabricAsn value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Long</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "ingressAclId()"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.ingressAclId()"
summary: "Get the ingress<wbr>Acl<wbr>Id property: Ingress Acl."
syntax: "public String ingressAclId()"
desc: "Get the ingressAclId property: Ingress Acl. ARM resource ID of Access Control Lists."
description: "the ingressAclId value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "mtu()"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.mtu()"
summary: "Get the mtu property: MTU to use for option A peering."
syntax: "public Integer mtu()"
desc: "Get the mtu property: MTU to use for option A peering."
description: "the mtu value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Integer</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "peerAsn()"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.peerAsn()"
summary: "Get the peer<wbr>Asn property: Peer ASN number.<wbr>Example : 28."
syntax: "public Long peerAsn()"
desc: "Get the peerAsn property: Peer ASN number.Example : 28."
description: "the peerAsn value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Long</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "validate()"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.validate()"
summary: "Validates the instance."
syntax: "public void validate()"
desc: "Validates the instance."
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "vlanId()"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.vlanId()"
summary: "Get the vlan<wbr>Id property: Vlan identifier."
syntax: "public Integer vlanId()"
desc: "Get the vlanId property: Vlan identifier. Example : 501."
description: "the vlanId value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Integer</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: " bfdConfiguration)"
name: "withBfdConfiguration(BfdConfiguration bfdConfiguration)"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.withBfdConfiguration(BfdConfiguration bfdConfiguration)"
summary: "Set the bfd<wbr>Configuration property: BFD configuration properties."
- description: "the bfdConfiguration value to set."
name: "bfdConfiguration"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public L3OptionAProperties withBfdConfiguration(BfdConfiguration bfdConfiguration)"
desc: "Set the bfdConfiguration property: BFD configuration properties."
description: "the L3OptionAProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " egressAclId)"
name: "withEgressAclId(String egressAclId)"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.withEgressAclId(String egressAclId)"
summary: "Set the egress<wbr>Acl<wbr>Id property: Egress Acl."
- description: "the egressAclId value to set."
name: "egressAclId"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public L3OptionAProperties withEgressAclId(String egressAclId)"
desc: "Set the egressAclId property: Egress Acl. ARM resource ID of Access Control Lists."
description: "the L3OptionAProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " ingressAclId)"
name: "withIngressAclId(String ingressAclId)"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.withIngressAclId(String ingressAclId)"
summary: "Set the ingress<wbr>Acl<wbr>Id property: Ingress Acl."
- description: "the ingressAclId value to set."
name: "ingressAclId"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public L3OptionAProperties withIngressAclId(String ingressAclId)"
desc: "Set the ingressAclId property: Ingress Acl. ARM resource ID of Access Control Lists."
description: "the L3OptionAProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " mtu)"
name: "withMtu(Integer mtu)"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.withMtu(Integer mtu)"
summary: "Set the mtu property: MTU to use for option A peering."
- description: "the mtu value to set."
name: "mtu"
type: "<a href=\"\">Integer</a>"
syntax: "public L3OptionAProperties withMtu(Integer mtu)"
desc: "Set the mtu property: MTU to use for option A peering."
description: "the L3OptionAProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " peerAsn)"
name: "withPeerAsn(Long peerAsn)"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.withPeerAsn(Long peerAsn)"
summary: "Set the peer<wbr>Asn property: Peer ASN number.<wbr>Example : 28."
- description: "the peerAsn value to set."
name: "peerAsn"
type: "<a href=\"\">Long</a>"
syntax: "public L3OptionAProperties withPeerAsn(Long peerAsn)"
desc: "Set the peerAsn property: Peer ASN number.Example : 28."
description: "the L3OptionAProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " vlanId)"
name: "withVlanId(Integer vlanId)"
nameWithType: "L3OptionAProperties.withVlanId(Integer vlanId)"
summary: "Set the vlan<wbr>Id property: Vlan identifier."
- description: "the vlanId value to set."
name: "vlanId"
type: "<a href=\"\">Integer</a>"
syntax: "public L3OptionAProperties withVlanId(Integer vlanId)"
desc: "Set the vlanId property: Vlan identifier. Example : 501."
description: "the L3OptionAProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
type: "class"
desc: "Peering optionA properties."
metadata: {}
package: ""