
30 строки
3.6 KiB

### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithInitialAgentPoolConfigurations"
nameWithType: "KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithInitialAgentPoolConfigurations"
summary: "The stage of the Kubernetes<wbr>Cluster definition allowing to specify initial<wbr>Agent<wbr>Pool<wbr>Configurations."
syntax: "public static interface **KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithInitialAgentPoolConfigurations**"
- uid: "<>)"
fullName: "<InitialAgentPoolConfiguration> initialAgentPoolConfigurations)"
name: "withInitialAgentPoolConfigurations(List<InitialAgentPoolConfiguration> initialAgentPoolConfigurations)"
nameWithType: "KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithInitialAgentPoolConfigurations.withInitialAgentPoolConfigurations(List<InitialAgentPoolConfiguration> initialAgentPoolConfigurations)"
summary: "Specifies the initial<wbr>Agent<wbr>Pool<wbr>Configurations property: The agent pools that are created with this Kubernetes cluster for running critical system services and workloads."
- "abstract"
- description: "The agent pools that are created with this Kubernetes cluster for\n running critical system services and workloads. This data in this field is only used during creation,\n and the field will be empty following the creation of the Kubernetes Cluster. After creation, the\n management of agent pools is done using the agentPools sub-resource."
name: "initialAgentPoolConfigurations"
type: "<a href=\"\">List</a>&lt;<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&gt;"
syntax: "public abstract KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithKubernetesVersion withInitialAgentPoolConfigurations(List<InitialAgentPoolConfiguration> initialAgentPoolConfigurations)"
desc: "Specifies the initialAgentPoolConfigurations property: The agent pools that are created with this Kubernetes cluster for running critical system services and workloads. This data in this field is only used during creation, and the field will be empty following the creation of the Kubernetes Cluster. After creation, the management of agent pools is done using the agentPools sub-resource.."
description: "the next definition stage."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
type: "interface"
desc: "The stage of the KubernetesCluster definition allowing to specify initialAgentPoolConfigurations."
metadata: {}
package: ""