
974 строки
68 KiB

### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "BlobItemProperties"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties"
summary: "Properties of a blob."
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object?displayProperty=fullName\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- classRef: "java.lang.<a href=\"\">Object</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">clone</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">equals</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">finalize</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">getClass</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">hashCode</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">notify</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">notifyAll</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">toString</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
- "<a href=\"\">wait</a>"
syntax: "public final class **BlobItemProperties**"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "BlobItemProperties()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.BlobItemProperties()"
summary: "Constructs a new instance of <xref uid=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\" data-raw-source=\"BlobItemProperties\"></xref>."
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties()"
desc: "Constructs a new instance of <xref uid=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\" data-raw-source=\"BlobItemProperties\"></xref>."
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getAccessTier()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getAccessTier()"
summary: "Get the access<wbr>Tier property: Possible values include: 'P4', 'P6', 'P10', 'P15', 'P20', 'P30', 'P40', 'P50', 'P60', 'P70', 'P80', 'Hot', 'Cool', 'Archive'."
syntax: "public AccessTier getAccessTier()"
desc: "Get the accessTier property: Possible values include: 'P4', 'P6', 'P10', 'P15', 'P20', 'P30', 'P40', 'P50', 'P60', 'P70', 'P80', 'Hot', 'Cool', 'Archive'."
description: "the accessTier value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getAccessTierChangeTime()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getAccessTierChangeTime()"
summary: "Get the access<wbr>Tier<wbr>Change<wbr>Time property: The access<wbr>Tier<wbr>Change<wbr>Time property."
syntax: "public OffsetDateTime getAccessTierChangeTime()"
desc: "Get the accessTierChangeTime property: The accessTierChangeTime property."
description: "the accessTierChangeTime value."
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getArchiveStatus()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getArchiveStatus()"
summary: "Get the archive<wbr>Status property: Possible values include: 'rehydrate-pending-to-hot', 'rehydrate-pending-to-cool'."
syntax: "public ArchiveStatus getArchiveStatus()"
desc: "Get the archiveStatus property: Possible values include: 'rehydrate-pending-to-hot', 'rehydrate-pending-to-cool'."
description: "the archiveStatus value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getBlobSequenceNumber()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getBlobSequenceNumber()"
summary: "Get the blob<wbr>Sequence<wbr>Number property: The blob<wbr>Sequence<wbr>Number property."
syntax: "public Long getBlobSequenceNumber()"
desc: "Get the blobSequenceNumber property: The blobSequenceNumber property."
description: "the blobSequenceNumber value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Long</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getBlobType()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getBlobType()"
summary: "Get the blob<wbr>Type property: Possible values include: 'Block<wbr>Blob', 'Page<wbr>Blob', 'Append<wbr>Blob'."
syntax: "public BlobType getBlobType()"
desc: "Get the blobType property: Possible values include: 'BlockBlob', 'PageBlob', 'AppendBlob'."
description: "the blobType value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getCacheControl()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getCacheControl()"
summary: "Get the cache<wbr>Control property: The cache<wbr>Control property."
syntax: "public String getCacheControl()"
desc: "Get the cacheControl property: The cacheControl property."
description: "the cacheControl value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getContentDisposition()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getContentDisposition()"
summary: "Get the content<wbr>Disposition property: The content<wbr>Disposition property."
syntax: "public String getContentDisposition()"
desc: "Get the contentDisposition property: The contentDisposition property."
description: "the contentDisposition value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getContentEncoding()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getContentEncoding()"
summary: "Get the content<wbr>Encoding property: The content<wbr>Encoding property."
syntax: "public String getContentEncoding()"
desc: "Get the contentEncoding property: The contentEncoding property."
description: "the contentEncoding value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getContentLanguage()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getContentLanguage()"
summary: "Get the content<wbr>Language property: The content<wbr>Language property."
syntax: "public String getContentLanguage()"
desc: "Get the contentLanguage property: The contentLanguage property."
description: "the contentLanguage value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getContentLength()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getContentLength()"
summary: "Get the content<wbr>Length property: Size in bytes."
syntax: "public Long getContentLength()"
desc: "Get the contentLength property: Size in bytes."
description: "the contentLength value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Long</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getContentMd5()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getContentMd5()"
summary: "Get the content<wbr>Md5 property: The content<wbr>Md5 property."
syntax: "public byte[] getContentMd5()"
desc: "Get the contentMd5 property: The contentMd5 property."
description: "the contentMd5 value."
type: "<xref href=\"byte?alt=byte&text=byte\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />[]"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getContentType()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getContentType()"
summary: "Get the content<wbr>Type property: The content<wbr>Type property."
syntax: "public String getContentType()"
desc: "Get the contentType property: The contentType property."
description: "the contentType value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getCopyCompletionTime()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getCopyCompletionTime()"
summary: "Get the copy<wbr>Completion<wbr>Time property: The copy<wbr>Completion<wbr>Time property."
syntax: "public OffsetDateTime getCopyCompletionTime()"
desc: "Get the copyCompletionTime property: The copyCompletionTime property."
description: "the copyCompletionTime value."
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getCopyId()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getCopyId()"
summary: "Get the copy<wbr>Id property: The copy<wbr>Id property."
syntax: "public String getCopyId()"
desc: "Get the copyId property: The copyId property."
description: "the copyId value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getCopyProgress()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getCopyProgress()"
summary: "Get the copy<wbr>Progress property: The copy<wbr>Progress property."
syntax: "public String getCopyProgress()"
desc: "Get the copyProgress property: The copyProgress property."
description: "the copyProgress value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getCopySource()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getCopySource()"
summary: "Get the copy<wbr>Source property: The copy<wbr>Source property."
syntax: "public String getCopySource()"
desc: "Get the copySource property: The copySource property."
description: "the copySource value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getCopyStatus()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getCopyStatus()"
summary: "Get the copy<wbr>Status property: Possible values include: 'pending', 'success', 'aborted', 'failed'."
syntax: "public CopyStatusType getCopyStatus()"
desc: "Get the copyStatus property: Possible values include: 'pending', 'success', 'aborted', 'failed'."
description: "the copyStatus value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getCopyStatusDescription()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getCopyStatusDescription()"
summary: "Get the copy<wbr>Status<wbr>Description property: The copy<wbr>Status<wbr>Description property."
syntax: "public String getCopyStatusDescription()"
desc: "Get the copyStatusDescription property: The copyStatusDescription property."
description: "the copyStatusDescription value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getCreationTime()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getCreationTime()"
summary: "Get the creation<wbr>Time property: The creation<wbr>Time property."
syntax: "public OffsetDateTime getCreationTime()"
desc: "Get the creationTime property: The creationTime property."
description: "the creationTime value."
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getCustomerProvidedKeySha256()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getCustomerProvidedKeySha256()"
summary: "Get the customer<wbr>Provided<wbr>Key<wbr>Sha256 property: The customer<wbr>Provided<wbr>Key<wbr>Sha256 property."
syntax: "public String getCustomerProvidedKeySha256()"
desc: "Get the customerProvidedKeySha256 property: The customerProvidedKeySha256 property."
description: "the customerProvidedKeySha256 value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getDeletedTime()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getDeletedTime()"
summary: "Get the deleted<wbr>Time property: The deleted<wbr>Time property."
syntax: "public OffsetDateTime getDeletedTime()"
desc: "Get the deletedTime property: The deletedTime property."
description: "the deletedTime value."
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getDestinationSnapshot()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getDestinationSnapshot()"
summary: "Get the destination<wbr>Snapshot property: The destination<wbr>Snapshot property."
syntax: "public String getDestinationSnapshot()"
desc: "Get the destinationSnapshot property: The destinationSnapshot property."
description: "the destinationSnapshot value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getETag()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getETag()"
summary: "Get the e<wbr>Tag property: The e<wbr>Tag property."
syntax: "public String getETag()"
desc: "Get the eTag property: The eTag property."
description: "the eTag value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getEncryptionScope()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getEncryptionScope()"
summary: "Get the encryption<wbr>Scope property: The name of the encryption scope under which the blob is encrypted."
syntax: "public String getEncryptionScope()"
desc: "Get the encryptionScope property: The name of the encryption scope under which the blob is encrypted."
description: "the encryptionScope value."
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getExpiryTime()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getExpiryTime()"
summary: "Get the expiry<wbr>Time property: The Expiry-Time property."
syntax: "public OffsetDateTime getExpiryTime()"
desc: "Get the expiryTime property: The Expiry-Time property."
description: "the expiryTime value."
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getImmutabilityPolicy()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getImmutabilityPolicy()"
summary: "Get the immutability<wbr>Policy property: The Immutability<wbr>Policy<wbr>Until<wbr>Date and Immutability<wbr>Policy<wbr>Mode property."
syntax: "public BlobImmutabilityPolicy getImmutabilityPolicy()"
desc: "Get the immutabilityPolicy property: The ImmutabilityPolicyUntilDate and ImmutabilityPolicyMode property."
description: "the immutabilityPolicy value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getLastAccessedTime()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getLastAccessedTime()"
summary: "Get the last<wbr>Accessed<wbr>Time property: The last<wbr>Accessed<wbr>Time property."
syntax: "public OffsetDateTime getLastAccessedTime()"
desc: "Get the lastAccessedTime property: The lastAccessedTime property."
description: "the lastAccessedTime value."
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getLastModified()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getLastModified()"
summary: "Get the last<wbr>Modified property: The last<wbr>Modified property."
syntax: "public OffsetDateTime getLastModified()"
desc: "Get the lastModified property: The lastModified property."
description: "the lastModified value."
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getLeaseDuration()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getLeaseDuration()"
summary: "Get the lease<wbr>Duration property: Possible values include: 'infinite', 'fixed'."
syntax: "public LeaseDurationType getLeaseDuration()"
desc: "Get the leaseDuration property: Possible values include: 'infinite', 'fixed'."
description: "the leaseDuration value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getLeaseState()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getLeaseState()"
summary: "Get the lease<wbr>State property: Possible values include: 'available', 'leased', 'expired', 'breaking', 'broken'."
syntax: "public LeaseStateType getLeaseState()"
desc: "Get the leaseState property: Possible values include: 'available', 'leased', 'expired', 'breaking', 'broken'."
description: "the leaseState value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getLeaseStatus()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getLeaseStatus()"
summary: "Get the lease<wbr>Status property: Possible values include: 'locked', 'unlocked'."
syntax: "public LeaseStatusType getLeaseStatus()"
desc: "Get the leaseStatus property: Possible values include: 'locked', 'unlocked'."
description: "the leaseStatus value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getRehydratePriority()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getRehydratePriority()"
summary: "Get the rehydrate<wbr>Priority property: Possible values include: 'High', 'Standard'."
syntax: "public RehydratePriority getRehydratePriority()"
desc: "Get the rehydratePriority property: Possible values include: 'High', 'Standard'."
description: "the rehydratePriority value."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getRemainingRetentionDays()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getRemainingRetentionDays()"
summary: "Get the remaining<wbr>Retention<wbr>Days property: The remaining<wbr>Retention<wbr>Days property."
syntax: "public Integer getRemainingRetentionDays()"
desc: "Get the remainingRetentionDays property: The remainingRetentionDays property."
description: "the remainingRetentionDays value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Integer</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "getTagCount()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.getTagCount()"
summary: "Get the tag<wbr>Count property: The tag<wbr>Count property."
syntax: "public Integer getTagCount()"
desc: "Get the tagCount property: The tagCount property."
description: "the tagCount value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Integer</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "hasLegalHold()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.hasLegalHold()"
summary: "Get the has<wbr>Legal<wbr>Hold property: The Legal<wbr>Hold property."
syntax: "public Boolean hasLegalHold()"
desc: "Get the hasLegalHold property: The LegalHold property."
description: "the hasLegalHold value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Boolean</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "isAccessTierInferred()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.isAccessTierInferred()"
summary: "Get the access<wbr>Tier<wbr>Inferred property: The access<wbr>Tier<wbr>Inferred property."
syntax: "public Boolean isAccessTierInferred()"
desc: "Get the accessTierInferred property: The accessTierInferred property."
description: "the accessTierInferred value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Boolean</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "isIncrementalCopy()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.isIncrementalCopy()"
summary: "Get the incremental<wbr>Copy property: The incremental<wbr>Copy property."
syntax: "public Boolean isIncrementalCopy()"
desc: "Get the incrementalCopy property: The incrementalCopy property."
description: "the incrementalCopy value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Boolean</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "isSealed()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.isSealed()"
summary: "Get the sealed property: The sealed property."
syntax: "public Boolean isSealed()"
desc: "Get the sealed property: The sealed property."
description: "Whether or not the blob is sealed (marked as read only). This is only applicable for Append blobs."
type: "<a href=\"\">Boolean</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "isServerEncrypted()"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.isServerEncrypted()"
summary: "Get the server<wbr>Encrypted property: The server<wbr>Encrypted property."
syntax: "public Boolean isServerEncrypted()"
desc: "Get the serverEncrypted property: The serverEncrypted property."
description: "the serverEncrypted value."
type: "<a href=\"\">Boolean</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: " accessTier)"
name: "setAccessTier(AccessTier accessTier)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setAccessTier(AccessTier accessTier)"
summary: "Set the access<wbr>Tier property: Possible values include: 'P4', 'P6', 'P10', 'P15', 'P20', 'P30', 'P40', 'P50', 'P60', 'P70', 'P80', 'Hot', 'Cool', 'Archive'."
- description: "the accessTier value to set."
name: "accessTier"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setAccessTier(AccessTier accessTier)"
desc: "Set the accessTier property: Possible values include: 'P4', 'P6', 'P10', 'P15', 'P20', 'P30', 'P40', 'P50', 'P60', 'P70', 'P80', 'Hot', 'Cool', 'Archive'."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " accessTierChangeTime)"
name: "setAccessTierChangeTime(OffsetDateTime accessTierChangeTime)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setAccessTierChangeTime(OffsetDateTime accessTierChangeTime)"
summary: "Set the access<wbr>Tier<wbr>Change<wbr>Time property: The access<wbr>Tier<wbr>Change<wbr>Time property."
- description: "the accessTierChangeTime value to set."
name: "accessTierChangeTime"
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setAccessTierChangeTime(OffsetDateTime accessTierChangeTime)"
desc: "Set the accessTierChangeTime property: The accessTierChangeTime property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " accessTierInferred)"
name: "setAccessTierInferred(Boolean accessTierInferred)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setAccessTierInferred(Boolean accessTierInferred)"
summary: "Set the access<wbr>Tier<wbr>Inferred property: The access<wbr>Tier<wbr>Inferred property."
- description: "the accessTierInferred value to set."
name: "accessTierInferred"
type: "<a href=\"\">Boolean</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setAccessTierInferred(Boolean accessTierInferred)"
desc: "Set the accessTierInferred property: The accessTierInferred property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " archiveStatus)"
name: "setArchiveStatus(ArchiveStatus archiveStatus)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setArchiveStatus(ArchiveStatus archiveStatus)"
summary: "Set the archive<wbr>Status property: Possible values include: 'rehydrate-pending-to-hot', 'rehydrate-pending-to-cool'."
- description: "the archiveStatus value to set."
name: "archiveStatus"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setArchiveStatus(ArchiveStatus archiveStatus)"
desc: "Set the archiveStatus property: Possible values include: 'rehydrate-pending-to-hot', 'rehydrate-pending-to-cool'."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " blobSequenceNumber)"
name: "setBlobSequenceNumber(Long blobSequenceNumber)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setBlobSequenceNumber(Long blobSequenceNumber)"
summary: "Set the blob<wbr>Sequence<wbr>Number property: The blob<wbr>Sequence<wbr>Number property."
- description: "the blobSequenceNumber value to set."
name: "blobSequenceNumber"
type: "<a href=\"\">Long</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setBlobSequenceNumber(Long blobSequenceNumber)"
desc: "Set the blobSequenceNumber property: The blobSequenceNumber property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " blobType)"
name: "setBlobType(BlobType blobType)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setBlobType(BlobType blobType)"
summary: "Set the blob<wbr>Type property: Possible values include: 'Block<wbr>Blob', 'Page<wbr>Blob', 'Append<wbr>Blob'."
- description: "the blobType value to set."
name: "blobType"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setBlobType(BlobType blobType)"
desc: "Set the blobType property: Possible values include: 'BlockBlob', 'PageBlob', 'AppendBlob'."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " cacheControl)"
name: "setCacheControl(String cacheControl)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setCacheControl(String cacheControl)"
summary: "Set the cache<wbr>Control property: The cache<wbr>Control property."
- description: "the cacheControl value to set."
name: "cacheControl"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setCacheControl(String cacheControl)"
desc: "Set the cacheControl property: The cacheControl property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " contentDisposition)"
name: "setContentDisposition(String contentDisposition)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setContentDisposition(String contentDisposition)"
summary: "Set the content<wbr>Disposition property: The content<wbr>Disposition property."
- description: "the contentDisposition value to set."
name: "contentDisposition"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setContentDisposition(String contentDisposition)"
desc: "Set the contentDisposition property: The contentDisposition property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " contentEncoding)"
name: "setContentEncoding(String contentEncoding)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setContentEncoding(String contentEncoding)"
summary: "Set the content<wbr>Encoding property: The content<wbr>Encoding property."
- description: "the contentEncoding value to set."
name: "contentEncoding"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setContentEncoding(String contentEncoding)"
desc: "Set the contentEncoding property: The contentEncoding property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " contentLanguage)"
name: "setContentLanguage(String contentLanguage)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setContentLanguage(String contentLanguage)"
summary: "Set the content<wbr>Language property: The content<wbr>Language property."
- description: "the contentLanguage value to set."
name: "contentLanguage"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setContentLanguage(String contentLanguage)"
desc: "Set the contentLanguage property: The contentLanguage property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " contentLength)"
name: "setContentLength(Long contentLength)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setContentLength(Long contentLength)"
summary: "Set the content<wbr>Length property: Size in bytes."
- description: "the contentLength value to set."
name: "contentLength"
type: "<a href=\"\">Long</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setContentLength(Long contentLength)"
desc: "Set the contentLength property: Size in bytes."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: "[])"
fullName: "[] contentMd5)"
name: "setContentMd5(byte[] contentMd5)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setContentMd5(byte[] contentMd5)"
summary: "Set the content<wbr>Md5 property: The content<wbr>Md5 property."
- description: "the contentMd5 value to set."
name: "contentMd5"
type: "<xref href=\"byte?alt=byte&text=byte\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />[]"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setContentMd5(byte[] contentMd5)"
desc: "Set the contentMd5 property: The contentMd5 property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " contentType)"
name: "setContentType(String contentType)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setContentType(String contentType)"
summary: "Set the content<wbr>Type property: The content<wbr>Type property."
- description: "the contentType value to set."
name: "contentType"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setContentType(String contentType)"
desc: "Set the contentType property: The contentType property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " copyCompletionTime)"
name: "setCopyCompletionTime(OffsetDateTime copyCompletionTime)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setCopyCompletionTime(OffsetDateTime copyCompletionTime)"
summary: "Set the copy<wbr>Completion<wbr>Time property: The copy<wbr>Completion<wbr>Time property."
- description: "the copyCompletionTime value to set."
name: "copyCompletionTime"
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setCopyCompletionTime(OffsetDateTime copyCompletionTime)"
desc: "Set the copyCompletionTime property: The copyCompletionTime property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " copyId)"
name: "setCopyId(String copyId)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setCopyId(String copyId)"
summary: "Set the copy<wbr>Id property: The copy<wbr>Id property."
- description: "the copyId value to set."
name: "copyId"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setCopyId(String copyId)"
desc: "Set the copyId property: The copyId property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " copyProgress)"
name: "setCopyProgress(String copyProgress)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setCopyProgress(String copyProgress)"
summary: "Set the copy<wbr>Progress property: The copy<wbr>Progress property."
- description: "the copyProgress value to set."
name: "copyProgress"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setCopyProgress(String copyProgress)"
desc: "Set the copyProgress property: The copyProgress property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " copySource)"
name: "setCopySource(String copySource)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setCopySource(String copySource)"
summary: "Set the copy<wbr>Source property: The copy<wbr>Source property."
- description: "the copySource value to set."
name: "copySource"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setCopySource(String copySource)"
desc: "Set the copySource property: The copySource property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " copyStatus)"
name: "setCopyStatus(CopyStatusType copyStatus)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setCopyStatus(CopyStatusType copyStatus)"
summary: "Set the copy<wbr>Status property: Possible values include: 'pending', 'success', 'aborted', 'failed'."
- description: "the copyStatus value to set."
name: "copyStatus"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setCopyStatus(CopyStatusType copyStatus)"
desc: "Set the copyStatus property: Possible values include: 'pending', 'success', 'aborted', 'failed'."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " copyStatusDescription)"
name: "setCopyStatusDescription(String copyStatusDescription)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setCopyStatusDescription(String copyStatusDescription)"
summary: "Set the copy<wbr>Status<wbr>Description property: The copy<wbr>Status<wbr>Description property."
- description: "the copyStatusDescription value to set."
name: "copyStatusDescription"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setCopyStatusDescription(String copyStatusDescription)"
desc: "Set the copyStatusDescription property: The copyStatusDescription property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " creationTime)"
name: "setCreationTime(OffsetDateTime creationTime)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setCreationTime(OffsetDateTime creationTime)"
summary: "Set the creation<wbr>Time property: The creation<wbr>Time property."
- description: "the creationTime value to set."
name: "creationTime"
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setCreationTime(OffsetDateTime creationTime)"
desc: "Set the creationTime property: The creationTime property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " customerProvidedKeySha256)"
name: "setCustomerProvidedKeySha256(String customerProvidedKeySha256)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setCustomerProvidedKeySha256(String customerProvidedKeySha256)"
summary: "Set the customer<wbr>Provided<wbr>Key<wbr>Sha256 property: The customer<wbr>Provided<wbr>Key<wbr>Sha256 property."
- description: "the customerProvidedKeySha256 value to set."
name: "customerProvidedKeySha256"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setCustomerProvidedKeySha256(String customerProvidedKeySha256)"
desc: "Set the customerProvidedKeySha256 property: The customerProvidedKeySha256 property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " deletedTime)"
name: "setDeletedTime(OffsetDateTime deletedTime)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setDeletedTime(OffsetDateTime deletedTime)"
summary: "Set the deleted<wbr>Time property: The deleted<wbr>Time property."
- description: "the deletedTime value to set."
name: "deletedTime"
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setDeletedTime(OffsetDateTime deletedTime)"
desc: "Set the deletedTime property: The deletedTime property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " destinationSnapshot)"
name: "setDestinationSnapshot(String destinationSnapshot)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setDestinationSnapshot(String destinationSnapshot)"
summary: "Set the destination<wbr>Snapshot property: The destination<wbr>Snapshot property."
- description: "the destinationSnapshot value to set."
name: "destinationSnapshot"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setDestinationSnapshot(String destinationSnapshot)"
desc: "Set the destinationSnapshot property: The destinationSnapshot property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " eTag)"
name: "setETag(String eTag)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setETag(String eTag)"
summary: "Set the e<wbr>Tag property: The e<wbr>Tag property."
- description: "the eTag value to set."
name: "eTag"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setETag(String eTag)"
desc: "Set the eTag property: The eTag property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " encryptionScope)"
name: "setEncryptionScope(String encryptionScope)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setEncryptionScope(String encryptionScope)"
summary: "Set the encryption<wbr>Scope property: The name of the encryption scope under which the blob is encrypted."
- description: "the encryptionScope value to set."
name: "encryptionScope"
type: "<a href=\"\">String</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setEncryptionScope(String encryptionScope)"
desc: "Set the encryptionScope property: The name of the encryption scope under which the blob is encrypted."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " expiryTime)"
name: "setExpiryTime(OffsetDateTime expiryTime)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setExpiryTime(OffsetDateTime expiryTime)"
summary: "Set the expiry<wbr>Time property: The Expiry-Time property."
- description: "the expiryTime value to set."
name: "expiryTime"
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setExpiryTime(OffsetDateTime expiryTime)"
desc: "Set the expiryTime property: The Expiry-Time property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " hasLegalHold)"
name: "setHasLegalHold(Boolean hasLegalHold)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setHasLegalHold(Boolean hasLegalHold)"
summary: "Set the has<wbr>Legal<wbr>Hold property: The Legal<wbr>Hold property."
- description: "the hasLegalHold value to set."
name: "hasLegalHold"
type: "<a href=\"\">Boolean</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setHasLegalHold(Boolean hasLegalHold)"
desc: "Set the hasLegalHold property: The LegalHold property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " immutabilityPolicy)"
name: "setImmutabilityPolicy(BlobImmutabilityPolicy immutabilityPolicy)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setImmutabilityPolicy(BlobImmutabilityPolicy immutabilityPolicy)"
summary: "Set the immutability<wbr>Policy property: The Immutability<wbr>Policy<wbr>Until<wbr>Date and Immutability<wbr>Policy<wbr>Mode property."
- description: "the immutabilityPolicy value to set."
name: "immutabilityPolicy"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setImmutabilityPolicy(BlobImmutabilityPolicy immutabilityPolicy)"
desc: "Set the immutabilityPolicy property: The ImmutabilityPolicyUntilDate and ImmutabilityPolicyMode property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " incrementalCopy)"
name: "setIncrementalCopy(Boolean incrementalCopy)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setIncrementalCopy(Boolean incrementalCopy)"
summary: "Set the incremental<wbr>Copy property: The incremental<wbr>Copy property."
- description: "the incrementalCopy value to set."
name: "incrementalCopy"
type: "<a href=\"\">Boolean</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setIncrementalCopy(Boolean incrementalCopy)"
desc: "Set the incrementalCopy property: The incrementalCopy property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " lastAccessedTime)"
name: "setLastAccessedTime(OffsetDateTime lastAccessedTime)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setLastAccessedTime(OffsetDateTime lastAccessedTime)"
summary: "Set the last<wbr>Accessed<wbr>Time property: The last<wbr>Accessed<wbr>Time property."
- description: "the lastAccessedTime value to set."
name: "lastAccessedTime"
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setLastAccessedTime(OffsetDateTime lastAccessedTime)"
desc: "Set the lastAccessedTime property: The lastAccessedTime property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " lastModified)"
name: "setLastModified(OffsetDateTime lastModified)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setLastModified(OffsetDateTime lastModified)"
summary: "Set the last<wbr>Modified property: The last<wbr>Modified property."
- description: "the lastModified value to set."
name: "lastModified"
type: "<a href=\"\">OffsetDateTime</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setLastModified(OffsetDateTime lastModified)"
desc: "Set the lastModified property: The lastModified property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " leaseDuration)"
name: "setLeaseDuration(LeaseDurationType leaseDuration)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setLeaseDuration(LeaseDurationType leaseDuration)"
summary: "Set the lease<wbr>Duration property: Possible values include: 'infinite', 'fixed'."
- description: "the leaseDuration value to set."
name: "leaseDuration"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setLeaseDuration(LeaseDurationType leaseDuration)"
desc: "Set the leaseDuration property: Possible values include: 'infinite', 'fixed'."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " leaseState)"
name: "setLeaseState(LeaseStateType leaseState)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setLeaseState(LeaseStateType leaseState)"
summary: "Set the lease<wbr>State property: Possible values include: 'available', 'leased', 'expired', 'breaking', 'broken'."
- description: "the leaseState value to set."
name: "leaseState"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setLeaseState(LeaseStateType leaseState)"
desc: "Set the leaseState property: Possible values include: 'available', 'leased', 'expired', 'breaking', 'broken'."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " leaseStatus)"
name: "setLeaseStatus(LeaseStatusType leaseStatus)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setLeaseStatus(LeaseStatusType leaseStatus)"
summary: "Set the lease<wbr>Status property: Possible values include: 'locked', 'unlocked'."
- description: "the leaseStatus value to set."
name: "leaseStatus"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setLeaseStatus(LeaseStatusType leaseStatus)"
desc: "Set the leaseStatus property: Possible values include: 'locked', 'unlocked'."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " rehydratePriority)"
name: "setRehydratePriority(RehydratePriority rehydratePriority)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setRehydratePriority(RehydratePriority rehydratePriority)"
summary: "Set the rehydrate<wbr>Priority property: Possible values include: 'High', 'Standard'."
- description: "the rehydratePriority value to set."
name: "rehydratePriority"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setRehydratePriority(RehydratePriority rehydratePriority)"
desc: "Set the rehydratePriority property: Possible values include: 'High', 'Standard'."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " remainingRetentionDays)"
name: "setRemainingRetentionDays(Integer remainingRetentionDays)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setRemainingRetentionDays(Integer remainingRetentionDays)"
summary: "Set the remaining<wbr>Retention<wbr>Days property: The remaining<wbr>Retention<wbr>Days property."
- description: "the remainingRetentionDays value to set."
name: "remainingRetentionDays"
type: "<a href=\"\">Integer</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setRemainingRetentionDays(Integer remainingRetentionDays)"
desc: "Set the remainingRetentionDays property: The remainingRetentionDays property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " sealed)"
name: "setSealed(Boolean sealed)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setSealed(Boolean sealed)"
summary: "Set the sealed property: The sealed property."
- description: "Whether or not the blob is sealed (marked as read only). This is only applicable for Append\n blobs."
name: "sealed"
type: "<a href=\"\">Boolean</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setSealed(Boolean sealed)"
desc: "Set the sealed property: The sealed property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " serverEncrypted)"
name: "setServerEncrypted(Boolean serverEncrypted)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setServerEncrypted(Boolean serverEncrypted)"
summary: "Set the server<wbr>Encrypted property: The server<wbr>Encrypted property."
- description: "the serverEncrypted value to set."
name: "serverEncrypted"
type: "<a href=\"\">Boolean</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setServerEncrypted(Boolean serverEncrypted)"
desc: "Set the serverEncrypted property: The serverEncrypted property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " tagCount)"
name: "setTagCount(Integer tagCount)"
nameWithType: "BlobItemProperties.setTagCount(Integer tagCount)"
summary: "Set the tag<wbr>Count property: The tag<wbr>Count property."
- description: "the tagCount value to set."
name: "tagCount"
type: "<a href=\"\">Integer</a>"
syntax: "public BlobItemProperties setTagCount(Integer tagCount)"
desc: "Set the tagCount property: The tagCount property."
description: "the BlobItemProperties object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
type: "class"
desc: "Properties of a blob."
metadata: {}
package: ""