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### YamlMime:JavaType
- <xref href="java.lang.Object" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- fullName: system.fabric.ReplicaSetConfiguration.getReplicas()
name: getReplicas()
nameWithType: ReplicaSetConfiguration.getReplicas()
description: <p>This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code. </p>
type: List&lt;<xref href="system.fabric.ReplicaInformation?alt=system.fabric.ReplicaInformation&text=ReplicaInformation" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>&gt;
summary: >-
<p>This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code.</p>
syntax: public List<ReplicaInformation> getReplicas()
uid: system.fabric.ReplicaSetConfiguration.getReplicas()
- fullName: system.fabric.ReplicaSetConfiguration.getWriteQuorum()
name: getWriteQuorum()
nameWithType: ReplicaSetConfiguration.getWriteQuorum()
description: <p>This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code. </p>
type: <xref href="long?alt=long&text=long" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
summary: >-
<p>This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code.</p>
syntax: public long getWriteQuorum()
uid: system.fabric.ReplicaSetConfiguration.getWriteQuorum()
nameWithType: ReplicaSetConfiguration
syntax: public class ReplicaSetConfiguration
type: class
uid: system.fabric.ReplicaSetConfiguration
fullName: system.fabric.ReplicaSetConfiguration
name: ReplicaSetConfiguration
package: system.fabric
summary: <p>This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code. </p>
metadata: {}