
147 строки
15 KiB

### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "ImportRequest"
nameWithType: "ImportRequest"
summary: "Import database parameters."
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object?displayProperty=fullName\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- classRef: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- classRef: "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object?alt=java.lang.Object&text=Object\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.clone()?alt=java.lang.Object.clone&text=clone\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object)?alt=java.lang.Object.equals&text=equals\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.finalize()?alt=java.lang.Object.finalize&text=finalize\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.getClass()?alt=java.lang.Object.getClass&text=getClass\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.hashCode()?alt=java.lang.Object.hashCode&text=hashCode\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.notify()?alt=java.lang.Object.notify&text=notify\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.notifyAll()?alt=java.lang.Object.notifyAll&text=notifyAll\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.toString()?alt=java.lang.Object.toString&text=toString\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.wait()?alt=java.lang.Object.wait&text=wait\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.wait(long)?alt=java.lang.Object.wait&text=wait\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- "<xref href=\"java.lang.Object.wait(long,int)?alt=java.lang.Object.wait&text=wait\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public class **ImportRequest**</br> extends <xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "ImportRequest()"
nameWithType: "ImportRequest.ImportRequest()"
syntax: "public ImportRequest()"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "databaseName()"
nameWithType: "ImportRequest.databaseName()"
summary: "Get the name of the database to import."
syntax: "public String databaseName()"
desc: "Get the name of the database to import."
description: "the databaseName value"
type: "<xref href=\"java.lang.String?alt=java.lang.String&text=String\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "edition()"
nameWithType: "ImportRequest.edition()"
summary: "Get the edition for the database being created."
syntax: "public DatabaseEdition edition()"
desc: "Get the edition for the database being created. The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the \\`Capabilities\\_ListByLocation\\` REST API or one of the following commands: \\`\\`\\`azurecli az sql db list-editions -l <location> -o table \\`\\`\\`\\` \\`\\`\\`powershell Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective -Location <location> \\`\\`\\`\\` . Possible values include: 'Web', 'Business', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'PremiumRS', 'Free', 'Stretch', 'DataWarehouse', 'System', 'System2', 'GeneralPurpose', 'BusinessCritical', 'Hyperscale'."
description: "the edition value"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "maxSizeBytes()"
nameWithType: "ImportRequest.maxSizeBytes()"
summary: "Get the maximum size for the newly imported database."
syntax: "public String maxSizeBytes()"
desc: "Get the maximum size for the newly imported database."
description: "the maxSizeBytes value"
type: "<xref href=\"java.lang.String?alt=java.lang.String&text=String\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "serviceObjectiveName()"
nameWithType: "ImportRequest.serviceObjectiveName()"
summary: "Get the name of the service objective to assign to the database."
syntax: "public ServiceObjectiveName serviceObjectiveName()"
desc: "Get the name of the service objective to assign to the database. Possible values include: 'System', 'System0', 'System1', 'System2', 'System3', 'System4', 'System2L', 'System3L', 'System4L', 'Free', 'Basic', 'S0', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S6', 'S7', 'S9', 'S12', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P6', 'P11', 'P15', 'PRS1', 'PRS2', 'PRS4', 'PRS6', 'DW100', 'DW200', 'DW300', 'DW400', 'DW500', 'DW600', 'DW1000', 'DW1200', 'DW1000c', 'DW1500', 'DW1500c', 'DW2000', 'DW2000c', 'DW3000', 'DW2500c', 'DW3000c', 'DW6000', 'DW5000c', 'DW6000c', 'DW7500c', 'DW10000c', 'DW15000c', 'DW30000c', 'DS100', 'DS200', 'DS300', 'DS400', 'DS500', 'DS600', 'DS1000', 'DS1200', 'DS1500', 'DS2000', 'ElasticPool'."
description: "the serviceObjectiveName value"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " databaseName)"
name: "withDatabaseName(String databaseName)"
nameWithType: "ImportRequest.withDatabaseName(String databaseName)"
summary: "Set the name of the database to import."
- description: "the databaseName value to set"
name: "databaseName"
type: "<xref href=\"java.lang.String?alt=java.lang.String&text=String\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public ImportRequest withDatabaseName(String databaseName)"
desc: "Set the name of the database to import."
description: "the ImportRequest object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " edition)"
name: "withEdition(DatabaseEdition edition)"
nameWithType: "ImportRequest.withEdition(DatabaseEdition edition)"
summary: "Set the edition for the database being created."
- description: "the edition value to set"
name: "edition"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public ImportRequest withEdition(DatabaseEdition edition)"
desc: "Set the edition for the database being created. The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the \\`Capabilities\\_ListByLocation\\` REST API or one of the following commands: \\`\\`\\`azurecli az sql db list-editions -l <location> -o table \\`\\`\\`\\` \\`\\`\\`powershell Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective -Location <location> \\`\\`\\`\\` . Possible values include: 'Web', 'Business', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'PremiumRS', 'Free', 'Stretch', 'DataWarehouse', 'System', 'System2', 'GeneralPurpose', 'BusinessCritical', 'Hyperscale'."
description: "the ImportRequest object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " maxSizeBytes)"
name: "withMaxSizeBytes(String maxSizeBytes)"
nameWithType: "ImportRequest.withMaxSizeBytes(String maxSizeBytes)"
summary: "Set the maximum size for the newly imported database."
- description: "the maxSizeBytes value to set"
name: "maxSizeBytes"
type: "<xref href=\"java.lang.String?alt=java.lang.String&text=String\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public ImportRequest withMaxSizeBytes(String maxSizeBytes)"
desc: "Set the maximum size for the newly imported database."
description: "the ImportRequest object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: " serviceObjectiveName)"
name: "withServiceObjectiveName(ServiceObjectiveName serviceObjectiveName)"
nameWithType: "ImportRequest.withServiceObjectiveName(ServiceObjectiveName serviceObjectiveName)"
summary: "Set the name of the service objective to assign to the database."
- description: "the serviceObjectiveName value to set"
name: "serviceObjectiveName"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public ImportRequest withServiceObjectiveName(ServiceObjectiveName serviceObjectiveName)"
desc: "Set the name of the service objective to assign to the database. Possible values include: 'System', 'System0', 'System1', 'System2', 'System3', 'System4', 'System2L', 'System3L', 'System4L', 'Free', 'Basic', 'S0', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S6', 'S7', 'S9', 'S12', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P6', 'P11', 'P15', 'PRS1', 'PRS2', 'PRS4', 'PRS6', 'DW100', 'DW200', 'DW300', 'DW400', 'DW500', 'DW600', 'DW1000', 'DW1200', 'DW1000c', 'DW1500', 'DW1500c', 'DW2000', 'DW2000c', 'DW3000', 'DW2500c', 'DW3000c', 'DW6000', 'DW5000c', 'DW6000c', 'DW7500c', 'DW10000c', 'DW15000c', 'DW30000c', 'DS100', 'DS200', 'DS300', 'DS400', 'DS500', 'DS600', 'DS1000', 'DS1200', 'DS1500', 'DS2000', 'ElasticPool'."
description: "the ImportRequest object itself."
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
type: "class"
desc: "Import database parameters."
metadata: {}
package: ""