
79 строки
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### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithPrivateImageRegistryOrVolume"
nameWithType: "ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithPrivateImageRegistryOrVolume"
summary: "The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify a private image registry or a volume."
syntax: "public static interface ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithPrivateImageRegistryOrVolume extends ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithPrivateImageRegistry"
- uid: ""
fullName: " name)"
name: "defineVolume(String name)"
nameWithType: "ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithPrivateImageRegistryOrVolume.defineVolume(String name)"
summary: "Begins the definition of a volume that can be shared by the container instances in the container group."
- "abstract"
- description: "the name of the volume"
name: "name"
type: "<xref href=\"java.lang.String?alt=java.lang.String&text=String\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public abstract ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.VolumeDefinitionStages.VolumeDefinitionBlank<ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithVolume> defineVolume(String name)"
desc: "Begins the definition of a volume that can be shared by the container instances in the container group.\n\nThe definition must be completed with a call to <xref uid=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\" data-raw-source=\"VolumeDefinitionStages.WithVolumeAttach#attach()\"></xref>"
description: "the next stage of the definition"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&lt;<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />&gt;"
- uid: ""
fullName: " name)"
name: "withEmptyDirectoryVolume(String name)"
nameWithType: "ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithPrivateImageRegistryOrVolume.withEmptyDirectoryVolume(String name)"
summary: "Specifies an empty directory volume that can be shared by the container instances in the container group."
- "abstract"
- description: "the name of the empty directory volume"
name: "name"
type: "<xref href=\"java.lang.String?alt=java.lang.String&text=String\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public abstract ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithFirstContainerInstance withEmptyDirectoryVolume(String name)"
desc: "Specifies an empty directory volume that can be shared by the container instances in the container group."
description: "the next stage of the definition"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ",java.lang.String)"
fullName: " volumeName, String shareName)"
name: "withNewAzureFileShareVolume(String volumeName, String shareName)"
nameWithType: "ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithPrivateImageRegistryOrVolume.withNewAzureFileShareVolume(String volumeName, String shareName)"
summary: "Specifies a new Azure file share name to be created."
- "abstract"
- description: "the name of the volume"
name: "volumeName"
type: "<xref href=\"java.lang.String?alt=java.lang.String&text=String\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- description: "the Azure file share name to be created"
name: "shareName"
type: "<xref href=\"java.lang.String?alt=java.lang.String&text=String\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
syntax: "public abstract ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithFirstContainerInstance withNewAzureFileShareVolume(String volumeName, String shareName)"
desc: "Specifies a new Azure file share name to be created."
description: "the next stage of the definition"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "withoutVolume()"
nameWithType: "ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithPrivateImageRegistryOrVolume.withoutVolume()"
summary: "Skips the definition of volumes to be shared by the container instances."
- "abstract"
syntax: "public abstract ContainerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithFirstContainerInstance withoutVolume()"
desc: "Skips the definition of volumes to be shared by the container instances.\n\nAn IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a container instance attempts to define a volume mounting."
description: "the next stage of the definition"
type: "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
type: "interface"
desc: "The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify a private image registry or a volume."
- "<xref href=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
metadata: {}
package: ""