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### YamlMime:JavaType
- <xref href="java.lang.Object" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId)
name: create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId)
nameWithType: ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId)
- description: <p>The service interface type implemented by the actor service. </p>
name: serviceInterfaceType
type: <xref href="Class%3CT%3E?alt=Class%3CT%3E&text=Class%3CT%3E" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>Uri of the actor service to connect to. </p>
name: serviceUri
type: <xref href="URI?alt=URI&text=URI" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>Id of the actor. The created proxy will be connected to the partition of the actor service hosting actor with this id. </p>
name: actorId
type: <xref href="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorId?alt=microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorId&text=ActorId" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
description: >-
<p>A service proxy object that implements <xref uid="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source=""></xref> and<code>&lt;T&gt; 
</code> . </p>
type: static&lt;T extends <xref href="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>&gt; T
summary: >-
<p>Create a proxy to the actor service that is hosting the specified type of actor and implementing specified type of the service interface.</p>
syntax: public static static<T extends Service> T create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId)
uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T>,URI,ActorId)
- fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId, String listenerName)
name: create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId, String listenerName)
nameWithType: ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId, String listenerName)
- description: <p>The service interface type implemented by the actor service. </p>
name: serviceInterfaceType
type: <xref href="Class%3CT%3E?alt=Class%3CT%3E&text=Class%3CT%3E" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>Uri of the actor service to connect to. </p>
name: serviceUri
type: <xref href="URI?alt=URI&text=URI" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>Id of the actor. The created proxy will be connected to the partition of the actor service hosting actor with this id. </p>
name: actorId
type: <xref href="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorId?alt=microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorId&text=ActorId" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>By default an actor service has only one listener for clients to connect to and communicate with. However it is possible to configure an actor service with more than one listeners, the listenerName parameter specifies the name of the listener to connect to. </p>
name: listenerName
type: <xref href="String?alt=String&text=String" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
description: >-
<p>A service proxy object that implements <xref uid="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source=""></xref> and<code>&lt;T&gt; 
</code> . </p>
type: static&lt;T extends <xref href="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>&gt; T
summary: >-
<p>Create a proxy to the actor service that is hosting the specified type of actor and implementing specified type of the service interface.</p>
syntax: public static static<T extends Service> T create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId, String listenerName)
uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T>,URI,ActorId,String)
- fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, long partitionKey)
name: create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, long partitionKey)
nameWithType: ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, long partitionKey)
- description: <p>The service interface type implemented by the actor service. </p>
name: serviceInterfaceType
type: <xref href="Class%3CT%3E?alt=Class%3CT%3E&text=Class%3CT%3E" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>Uri of the actor service to connect to. </p>
name: serviceUri
type: <xref href="URI?alt=URI&text=URI" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>The key of the actor service partition to connect to. </p>
name: partitionKey
type: <xref href="long?alt=long&text=long" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
description: >-
<p>A service proxy object that implements <xref uid="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source=""></xref> and<code>&lt;T&gt; 
</code> . </p>
type: static&lt;T extends <xref href="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>&gt; T
summary: >-
<p>Create a proxy to the actor service that is hosting the specified type of actor and implementing specified type of the service interface.</p>
syntax: public static static<T extends Service> T create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, long partitionKey)
uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T>,URI,long)
- fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, long partitionKey, String listenerName)
name: create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, long partitionKey, String listenerName)
nameWithType: ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, long partitionKey, String listenerName)
- description: <p>The service interface type implemented by the actor service. </p>
name: serviceInterfaceType
type: <xref href="Class%3CT%3E?alt=Class%3CT%3E&text=Class%3CT%3E" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>Uri of the actor service to connect to. </p>
name: serviceUri
type: <xref href="URI?alt=URI&text=URI" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>The key of the actor service partition to connect to. </p>
name: partitionKey
type: <xref href="long?alt=long&text=long" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>By default an actor service has only one listener for clients to connect to and communicate with. However it is possible to configure an actor service with more than one listeners, the listenerName parameter specifies the name of the listener to connect to. </p>
name: listenerName
type: <xref href="String?alt=String&text=String" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
description: >-
<p>A service proxy object that implements <xref uid="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source=""></xref> and<code>&lt;T&gt; 
</code> . </p>
type: static&lt;T extends <xref href="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>&gt; T
summary: >-
<p>Create a proxy to the actor service that is hosting the specified type of actor and implementing specified type of the service interface.</p>
syntax: public static static<T extends Service> T create(Class<T> serviceInterfaceType, URI serviceUri, long partitionKey, String listenerName)
uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(Class<T>,URI,long,String)
- fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId)
name: create(URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId)
nameWithType: ActorServiceProxy.create(URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId)
- description: <p>Uri of the actor service to connect to. </p>
name: serviceUri
type: <xref href="URI?alt=URI&text=URI" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>Id of the actor. The created proxy will be connected to the partition of the actor service hosting actor with this id. </p>
name: actorId
type: <xref href="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorId?alt=microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorId&text=ActorId" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
description: <p>A service proxy object that implements <xref uid="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source=""></xref> and <xref uid="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source="ActorService"></xref> interfaces. </p>
type: <xref href="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService?alt=microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService&text=ActorService" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
summary: >-
<p>Create a proxy to the actor service that is hosting the specified type of actor and implementing specified type of the service interface.</p>
syntax: public static ActorService create(URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId)
uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(URI,ActorId)
- fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId, String listenerName)
name: create(URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId, String listenerName)
nameWithType: ActorServiceProxy.create(URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId, String listenerName)
- description: <p>Uri of the actor service to connect to. </p>
name: serviceUri
type: <xref href="URI?alt=URI&text=URI" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>Id of the actor. The created proxy will be connected to the partition of the actor service hosting actor with this id. </p>
name: actorId
type: <xref href="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorId?alt=microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorId&text=ActorId" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>By default an actor service has only one listener for clients to connect to and communicate with. However it is possible to configure an actor service with more than one listeners, the listenerName parameter specifies the name of the listener to connect to. </p>
name: listenerName
type: <xref href="String?alt=String&text=String" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
description: <p>A service proxy object that implements <xref uid="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source=""></xref> and <xref uid="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source="ActorService"></xref> interfaces. </p>
type: <xref href="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService?alt=microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService&text=ActorService" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
summary: >-
<p>Create a proxy to the actor service that is hosting the specified type of actor and implementing specified type of the service interface.</p>
syntax: public static ActorService create(URI serviceUri, ActorId actorId, String listenerName)
uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(URI,ActorId,String)
- fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(URI serviceUri, long partitionKey)
name: create(URI serviceUri, long partitionKey)
nameWithType: ActorServiceProxy.create(URI serviceUri, long partitionKey)
- description: <p>Uri of the actor service to connect to. </p>
name: serviceUri
type: <xref href="URI?alt=URI&text=URI" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>The key of the actor service partition to connect to. </p>
name: partitionKey
type: <xref href="long?alt=long&text=long" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
description: <p>A service proxy object that implements <xref uid="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source=""></xref> and <xref uid="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source="ActorService"></xref> interfaces. </p>
type: <xref href="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService?alt=microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService&text=ActorService" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
summary: >-
<p>Create a proxy to the actor service that is hosting the specified type of actor and implementing specified type of the service interface.</p>
syntax: public static ActorService create(URI serviceUri, long partitionKey)
uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(URI,long)
- fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(URI serviceUri, long partitionKey, String listenerName)
name: create(URI serviceUri, long partitionKey, String listenerName)
nameWithType: ActorServiceProxy.create(URI serviceUri, long partitionKey, String listenerName)
- description: <p>Uri of the actor service to connect to. </p>
name: serviceUri
type: <xref href="URI?alt=URI&text=URI" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>The key of the actor service partition to connect to. </p>
name: partitionKey
type: <xref href="long?alt=long&text=long" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
- description: <p>By default an actor service has only one listener for clients to connect to and communicate with. However it is possible to configure an actor service with more than one listeners, the listenerName parameter specifies the name of the listener to connect to. </p>
name: listenerName
type: <xref href="String?alt=String&text=String" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
description: <p>A service proxy object that implements <xref uid="" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source=""></xref> and <xref uid="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false" data-raw-source="ActorService"></xref> interfaces. </p>
type: <xref href="microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService?alt=microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorService&text=ActorService" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False"/>
summary: >-
<p>Create a proxy to the actor service that is hosting the specified type of actor and implementing specified type of the service interface.</p>
syntax: public static ActorService create(URI serviceUri, long partitionKey, String listenerName)
uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy.create(URI,long,String)
nameWithType: ActorServiceProxy
syntax: public class ActorServiceProxy
type: class
uid: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy
fullName: microsoft.servicefabric.actors.ActorServiceProxy
name: ActorServiceProxy
package: microsoft.servicefabric.actors
summary: <p>Proxy used by clients to interact with the actor service running in Service Fabric cluster and perform actor service level operations. </p>
metadata: {}