
175 строки
5.1 KiB

param (
function WriteLog
param (
$Message = (Get-Date -Format G) + " -- $Message"
if ($Throw)
throw $Message
Write-Host $Message
function GetContentType
$fileExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FilePath)
switch ($fileExtension)
".txt" { "text/plain" }
".json" { "application/json" }
default { "application/octet-stream"}
WriteLog -Message "Script started."
$CONTAINER_NAME = "builds"
if (-not (Test-Path $SourcePath))
throw "SourcePath '$SourcePath' does not exist."
WriteLog "Validating source path '$SourcePath'."
$filesToUpload = @(Get-ChildItem -Path "$SourcePath/*.zip" | ForEach-Object {$_.FullName})
if ($filesToUpload.Count -eq 0)
WriteLog -Message "'$SourcePath' does not contain any zip files to upload." -Throw
if (-not (Get-command New-AzStorageContext -ea SilentlyContinue))
WriteLog "Installing Az.Storage."
Install-Module Az.Storage -Force -Verbose -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
$context = $null
WriteLog "Connecting to storage account..."
$context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $StorageAccountKey -ErrorAction Stop
$message = "Failed to authenticate with Azure. Please verify the StorageAccountName and StorageAccountKey. Exception information: $_"
WriteLog -Message $message -Throw
# Validate and read manifest file
$manifestFileName = "integrationTestsBuildManifest.json"
$manifestFilePath = Join-Path $SourcePath $manifestFileName
if (-not (Test-Path $manifestFilePath))
WriteLog -Message "File '$manifestFilePath' does not exist." -Throw
$manifest = $null
WriteLog -Message "Reading $manifestFileName."
$manifest = Get-Content $manifestFilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
$filesToUpload += $manifestFilePath
WriteLog -Message "Failed to parse '$manifestFilePath'. Please make sure the file content is a valid JSON." -Throw
# Create a version.txt file from the integrationTestBuildManifest.json and add it to the list of files to upload
WriteLog -Message "Creating version.txt file..."
$version = $manifest.CoreToolsVersion
$versionFilePath = Join-Path $SourcePath "version.txt"
$version | Set-Content -Path $versionFilePath
$filesToUpload += $versionFilePath
# These are the destination paths in the storage account
# "https://<storageAccountName>$FUNC_RUNTIME_VERSION/latest/Azure.Functions.Cli.$os-$"
# "https://<storageAccountName>$FUNC_RUNTIME_VERSION/$version/Azure.Functions.Cli.$os-$"
$latestDestinationPath = "$FUNC_RUNTIME_VERSION/latest"
$versionDestinationPath = "$FUNC_RUNTIME_VERSION/$($version)"
# Delete the files in the latest folder if it is not empty
$filesToDelete = @(Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $CONTAINER_NAME -Context $context -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*$latestDestinationPath*" })
if ($filesToDelete.Count -gt 0)
WriteLog -Message "Deleting files in the latest folder...."
$filesToDelete | ForEach-Object {
Remove-AzStorageBlob -Container $CONTAINER_NAME -Context $context -Blob $_.Name -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
foreach ($path in @($latestDestinationPath, $versionDestinationPath))
foreach ($file in $filesToUpload)
$fileName = Split-Path $file -Leaf
$destinationPath = Join-Path $path $fileName
$contentType = GetContentType -FilePath $file
if ($destinationPath -like "*latest*")
# Remove the Core Tools version from the path for latest
$destinationPath = $destinationPath.Replace("." + $version, "")
WriteLog -Message "Uploading '$fileName' to '$destinationPath'."
Set-AzStorageBlobContent -File $file `
-Container $CONTAINER_NAME `
-Blob $destinationPath `
-Context $context `
-StandardBlobTier Hot `
-ErrorAction Stop `
-Properties @{"ContentType" = $contentType} `
-Force | Out-Null
WriteLog -Message "Failed to upload file '$file' to storage account. Exception information: $_" -Throw
WriteLog -Message "Script completed."