# Frequently asked questions for IoT Suite See also, the connected factory specific [FAQ](iot-suite-faq-cf.md). ### Where can I find the source code for the preconfigured solutions? The source code is stored in the following GitHub repositories: * [Remote monitoring preconfigured solution][lnk-remote-monitoring-github] * [Predictive maintenance preconfigured solution][lnk-predictive-maintenance-github] * [Connected factory preconfigured solution](https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-connected-factory) ### How do I update to the latest version of the remote monitoring preconfigured solution that uses the IoT Hub device management features? * If you deploy a preconfigured solution from the https://www.azureiotsuite.com/ site, it always deploys a new instance of the latest version of the solution. * If you deploy a preconfigured solution using the command line, you can update an existing deployment with new code. See [Cloud deployment][lnk-cloud-deployment] in the GitHub [repository][lnk-remote-monitoring-github]. ### How can I add support for a new device method to the remote monitoring preconfigured solution? See the section [Add support for a new method to the simulator][lnk-add-method] in the [Customize a preconfigured solution][lnk-customize] article. ### The simulated device is ignoring my desired property changes, why? In the remote monitoring preconfigured solution, the simulated device code only uses the **Desired.Config.TemperatureMeanValue** and **Desired.Config.TelemetryInterval** desired properties to update the reported properties. All other desired property change requests are ignored. ### My device does not appear in the list of devices in the solution dashboard, why? The list of devices in the solution dashboard uses a query to return the list of devices. Currently, a query cannot return more than 10K devices. Try making the search criteria for your query more restrictive. ### What's the difference between deleting a resource group in the Azure portal and clicking delete on a preconfigured solution in azureiotsuite.com? * If you delete the preconfigured solution in [azureiotsuite.com][lnk-azureiotsuite], you delete all the resources that were provisioned when you created the preconfigured solution. If you added additional resources to the resource group, these resources are also deleted. * If you delete the resource group in the [Azure portal][lnk-azure-portal], you only delete the resources in that resource group. You also need to delete the Azure Active Directory application associated with the preconfigured solution in the [Azure portal][lnk-azure-portal]. ### How many IoT Hub instances can I provision in a subscription? By default you can provision [10 IoT hubs per subscription][link-azuresublimits]. You can create an [Azure support ticket][link-azuresupportticket] to raise this limit. As a result, since every preconfigured solution provisions a new IoT Hub, you can only provision up to 10 preconfigured solutions in a given subscription. ### How many Azure Cosmos DB instances can I provision in a subscription? Fifty. You can create an [Azure support ticket][link-azuresupportticket] to raise this limit, but by default, you can only provision 50 Cosmos DB instances per subscription. ### How many Free Bing Maps APIs can I provision in a subscription? Two. You can create only two Internal Transactions Level 1 Bing Maps for Enterprise plans in an Azure subscription. The remote monitoring solution is provisioned by default with the Internal Transactions Level 1 plan. As a result, you can only provision up to two remote monitoring solutions in a subscription with no modifications. ### I have a remote monitoring solution deployment with a static map, how do I add an interactive Bing map? 1. Get your Bing Maps API for Enterprise QueryKey from [Azure portal][lnk-azure-portal]: 1. Navigate to the Resource Group where your Bing Maps API for Enterprise is in the [Azure portal][lnk-azure-portal]. 2. Click **All Settings**, then **Key Management**. 3. You can see two keys: **MasterKey** and **QueryKey**. Copy the value for **QueryKey**. > Don't have a Bing Maps API for Enterprise account? Create one in the [Azure portal][lnk-azure-portal] by clicking + New, searching for Bing Maps API for Enterprise and follow prompts to create. > > 2. Pull down the latest code from the [Azure-IoT-Remote-Monitoring][lnk-remote-monitoring-github]. 3. Run a local or cloud deployment following the command-line deployment guidance in the /docs/ folder in the repository. 4. After you've run a local or cloud deployment, look in your root folder for the *.user.config file created during deployment. Open this file in a text editor. 5. Change the following line to include the value you copied from your **QueryKey**: `` ### Can I create a preconfigured solution if I have Microsoft Azure for DreamSpark? > Microsoft Azure for DreamSpark is now known as Microsoft Imagine for students. Currently, you cannot create a preconfigured solution with a [Microsoft Azure for DreamSpark](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/member-offers/imagine/) account. However, you can create a [free trial account for Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/) in just a couple of minutes that enables you create a preconfigured solution. ### Can I create a preconfigured solution if I have Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) subscription? Currently, you cannot create a preconfigured solution with a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) subscription. However, you can create a [free trial account for Azure][lnk-30daytrial] in just a couple of minutes that enables you create a preconfigured solution. ### How do I delete an Azure AD tenant? See Eric Golpe's blog post [Walkthrough of Deleting an Azure AD Tenant][lnk-delete-aad-tennant]. ### Next steps You can also explore some of the other features and capabilities of the IoT Suite preconfigured solutions: * [Predictive maintenance preconfigured solution overview][lnk-predictive-overview] * [Connected factory preconfigured solution overview](iot-suite-connected-factory-overview.md) * [IoT security from the ground up][lnk-security-groundup] [lnk-predictive-overview]: iot-suite-predictive-overview.md [lnk-security-groundup]: securing-iot-ground-up.md [link-azuresupportticket]: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade [link-azuresublimits]: https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/azure-subscription-service-limits/#iot-hub-limits [lnk-azure-portal]: https://portal.azure.com [lnk-azureiotsuite]: https://www.azureiotsuite.com/ [lnk-remote-monitoring-github]: https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-remote-monitoring [lnk-dreamspark]: https://www.dreamspark.com/Product/Product.aspx?productid=99 [lnk-30daytrial]: https://azure.microsoft.com/free/ [lnk-delete-aad-tennant]: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericgolpe/archive/2015/04/30/walkthrough-of-deleting-an-azure-ad-tenant.aspx [lnk-cloud-deployment]: https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-remote-monitoring/blob/master/Docs/cloud-deployment.md [lnk-add-method]: iot-suite-v1-guidance-on-customizing-preconfigured-solutions.md#add-support-for-a-new-method-to-the-simulator [lnk-customize]: iot-suite-v1-guidance-on-customizing-preconfigured-solutions.md [lnk-remote-monitoring-github]: https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-remote-monitoring [lnk-predictive-maintenance-github]: https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-predictive-maintenance