522 строки
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522 строки
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
Microsoft Azure IoT SDK .NET build script.
Builds Azure IoT SDK binaries.
-configuration {Debug|Release}
-sign: (Internal use, requires signing toolset) Signs the binaries before release.
-package: Packs NuGets
-clean: Runs dotnet clean. Use `git clean -xdf` if this is not sufficient.
-build: Builds projects (use if re-running tests after a successful build).
-unittests: Runs unit tests
-prtests: Runs all tests selected for PR validation
-e2etests: Runs E2E tests. Requires prerequisites and environment variables.
-stresstests: Runs Stress tests.
-publish: (Internal use, requires nuget toolset) Publishes the nuget packages.
-verbosity: Sets the verbosity level of the command. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic].
-framework: Select which framework to run tests on. Allowed values examples include, but are not limited to, "netcoreapp3.1", "net47", "net451"
-skipIotHubTests: Provide this flag if you want to skip all IoT Hub integration tests
-skipDPSTests: Provide this flag if you want to skip all DPS integration tests
-runSamples: Ensures all SDK samples build and run with exit code 0.
Build will automatically detect if the machine is Windows vs Unix. On Windows development boxes, additional testing on .NET Framework will be performed.
The following environment variables can tune the build behavior:
- AZURE_IOT_DONOTSIGN: disables delay-signing if set to 'TRUE'
- AZURE_IOT_LOCALPACKAGES: the path to the local nuget source.
Add a new source using: `nuget sources add -name MySource -Source <path>`
Remove a source using: `nuget sources remove -name MySource`
Builds a Debug version of the SDK.
.\build -configuration Release -build
Builds a Release version of the SDK.
.\build -clean -build -unittests
Builds and runs unit tests (requires prerequisites).
.\build -configuration Release -sign -package -e2etests
Runs E2E tests with already built binaries.
[string] $configuration = "Debug",
[switch] $sign,
[switch] $package,
[switch] $clean,
[switch] $build,
[switch] $unittests,
[switch] $prtests,
[switch] $e2etests,
[switch] $stresstests,
[switch] $publish,
[string] $verbosity = "q",
[string] $framework = "*",
[switch] $skipIotHubTests,
[switch] $skipDPSTests,
[switch] $noBuildBeforeTesting,
[switch] $runSamples
Function IsWindows()
return ([Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq [System.PlatformID]::Win32NT)
Function CheckSignTools()
$commands = $("SignDotNetBinary", "SignBinary", "SignNuGetPackage", "SignMSIPackage")
CheckTools $commands
Function CheckPublishTools()
$commands = $("PushNuGet")
CheckTools $commands
Function CheckTools($commands)
foreach ($command in $commands)
$info = Get-Command $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $info)
throw "Toolset not found: '$command' is missing."
Function CheckLocalPackagesAvailableForTesting()
return (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:AZURE_IOT_LOCALPACKAGES))
Function DidBuildFail($buildOutputFileName)
return Select-String -Path $buildOutputFileName -Pattern 'Build FAILED' -Quiet
Function BuildProject($path, $message)
$label = "BUILD: --- $message $configuration ---"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $label
$projectPath = Join-Path $rootDir $path
if ($clean)
& dotnet clean $projectPath --verbosity $verbosity --configuration $configuration
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
throw "Clean failed: $label"
& dotnet build $projectPath --verbosity $verbosity --configuration $configuration -warnAsError | Tee-Object ./buildlog.txt
if (DidBuildFail "./buildlog.txt" -or $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
throw "Build failed: $label"
Function RunSamples($path, $message)
$label = "RUNNING SAMPLES: --- $message $configuration ---"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $label
try {
$sampleRunningTimeInSeconds = 30
# Run the iot-hub\device samples
RunSample 'iothub\device\samples\getting started\FileUploadSample' "IoTHub\Device\FileUploadSample" "-c ""$env:IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONN_STRING"""
RunSample 'iothub\device\samples\getting started\MessageReceiveSample' "IoTHub\Device\MessageReceiveSample" "-c ""$env:IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONN_STRING"" -r $sampleRunningTimeInSeconds"
RunSample 'iothub\device\samples\getting started\MethodSample' "IoTHub\Device\MethodSample" "-c ""$env:IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONN_STRING"" -r $sampleRunningTimeInSeconds"
RunSample 'iothub\device\samples\getting started\TwinSample' "IoTHub\Device\TwinSample" "-c ""$env:IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONN_STRING"" -r $sampleRunningTimeInSeconds"
$pnpDeviceSecurityType = "connectionString"
RunSample iothub\device\samples\solutions\PnpDeviceSamples\TemperatureController "IoTHub\Device\PnpDeviceSamples\TemperatureController" "--DeviceSecurityType $pnpDeviceSecurityType -c ""$env:PNP_TC_DEVICE_CONN_STRING"" -r $sampleRunningTimeInSeconds"
RunSample iothub\device\samples\solutions\PnpDeviceSamples\Thermostat "IoTHub\Device\PnpDeviceSamples\Thermostat" "--DeviceSecurityType $pnpDeviceSecurityType -c ""$env:PNP_THERMOSTAT_DEVICE_CONN_STRING"" -r $sampleRunningTimeInSeconds"
# Run the iot-hub\service samples
$deviceId = ($Env:IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONN_STRING.Split(';') | Where-Object {$_ -like "DeviceId=*"}).Split("=")[1]
$iothubHost = ($Env:IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING.Split(';') | Where-Object {$_ -like "HostName=*"}).Split("=")[1]
RunSample 'iothub\service\samples\how to guides\AutomaticDeviceManagementSample' "IoTHub\Service\AutomaticDeviceManagementSample"
Write-Warning "Using device $deviceId for the AzureSasCredentialAuthenticationSample."
RunSample 'iothub\service\samples\how to guides\AzureSasCredentialAuthenticationSample' "IoTHub\Service\AzureSasCredentialAuthenticationSample" "-r $iothubHost -d $deviceId -s ""$env:IOT_HUB_SAS_KEY"" -n ""$env:IOT_HUB_SAS_KEY_NAME"""
RunSample 'iothub\service\samples\getting started\EdgeDeploymentSample' "IoTHub\Service\EdgeDeploymentSample"
RunSample 'iothub\service\samples\getting started\JobsSample' "IoTHub\Service\JobsSample"
RunSample 'iothub\service\samples\how to guides\RegistryManagerSample' "IoTHub\Service\RegistryManagerSample" "-c ""$env:IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING"" -p ""$env:IOTHUB_X509_DEVICE_PFX_THUMBPRINT"""
Write-Warning "Using device $deviceId for the RoleBasedAuthenticationSample."
RunSample 'iothub\service\samples\how to guides\RoleBasedAuthenticationSample' "IoTHub\Service\RoleBasedAuthenticationSample" "-h $iothubHost -d $deviceId --ClientId ""$env:E2E_TEST_AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID"" --TenantId ""$env:MSFT_TENANT_ID"" --ClientSecret ""$env:E2E_TEST_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET"""
Write-Warning "Using device $deviceId for the ServiceClientSample."
RunSample 'iothub\service\samples\getting started\ServiceClientSample' "IoTHub\Service\ServiceClientSample" "-c ""$env:IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING"" -d $deviceId -r $sampleRunningTimeInSeconds"
# Run provisioning\device samples
# ComputeDerivedSymmetricKeySample uses the supplied group enrollment key to compute the SHA256 based hash of the supplied device Id.
# For the sake of running this sample on the pipeline, we will only test the hash computation by passing in a base-64 string and a string to be hashed.
RunSample 'provisioning\device\samples\getting started\ComputeDerivedSymmetricKeySample' "Provisioning\Device\ComputeDerivedSymmetricKeySample" "-r ""$env:DPS_SYMMETRIC_KEY_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_REGISTRATION_ID"" -p ""$env:DPS_SYMMETRIC_KEY_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLEMNT_PRIMARY_KEY"""
# Run provisioning\service samples
RunSample 'provisioning\service\samples\how to guides\BulkOperationSample' "Provisioning\Service\BulkOperationSample" "-c ""$env:PROVISIONING_CONNECTION_STRING"""
RunSample 'provisioning\service\samples\getting started\EnrollmentSample' "Provisioning\Service\EnrollmentSample" "-c ""$env:PROVISIONING_CONNECTION_STRING"""
# Run the cleanup again so that identities and enrollments created for the samples are cleaned up.
RunSample 'provisioning\service\samples\getting started\CleanupEnrollmentsSample' "Provisioning\Service\CleanupEnrollmentsSample" "-c ""$env:PROVISIONING_CONNECTION_STRING"""
RunSample 'iothub\service\samples\how to guides\CleanupDevicesSample' "IoTHub\Service\CleanupDevicesSample" "-c ""$env:IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING"" -a ""$env:STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING"""
catch [Exception]{
throw "Running Samples Failed: $label"
finally {
Set-Location $rootDir
Function BuildPackage($path, $message)
$label = "PACK: --- $message $configuration ---"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $label
$projectPath = Join-Path $rootDir $path
$projectName = (Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $projectPath *.csproj))[0].BaseName
if ($sign)
Set-Location $projectPath
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "`tSigning binaries for: $projectName"
$filesToSign = Get-ChildItem -Path "$projectPath\bin\$configuration\*\$projectName.dll" -Recurse
SignDotNetBinary $filesToSign
& dotnet pack --verbosity $verbosity --configuration $configuration --no-build --include-symbols --include-source --property:PackageOutputPath=$localPackages
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
throw "Package failed: $label"
if ($sign)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "`tSigning package: $projectName"
$filesToSign = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $localPackages "$projectName.*.nupkg")
SignNuGetPackage $filesToSign
Function RunTests($message, $framework = "*", $filterTestCategory = "*")
$label = "TEST: --- $message $configuration $framework $filterTestCategory ---"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $label
$runTestCmd = "dotnet test -s test.runsettings --verbosity $verbosity --configuration $configuration --logger trx"
if ($noBuildBeforeTesting)
$runTestCmd += " --no-build"
if ($filterTestCategory -ne "*")
$runTestCmd += " --filter '$filterTestCategory'"
if ($framework -ne "*")
$runTestCmd += " --framework $framework"
# By specifying the root dir, the test runner will run all tests in test projects in the VS solution there
Set-Location $rootDir
Write-Host "Invoking expression: $runTestCmd ----------"
# Ensure the E2E tests can log to Application Insights
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:E2E_IKEY))
throw "Application Insights is not configured for logging in E2E tests."
Invoke-Expression $runTestCmd
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
throw "Tests failed: $label"
Function RunApp($path, $message, $framework = "netcoreapp3.1")
$label = "RUN: --- $message $configuration ---"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $label
$appPath = (Join-Path $rootDir $path)
& dotnet run --project $appPath --framework $framework --verbosity $verbosity --configuration $configuration --logger "trx"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
throw "Tests failed: $label"
Function RunSample($path, $message, $params) {
$label = "RUN: --- $message $configuration ($params)---"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $label
Write-Host "PATH: [$path]"
Write-Host "MESSAGE: [$message]"
Write-Host "PARAMS: [$params]"
Set-Location (Join-Path $rootDir $path)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $label
$runCommand = "dotnet run -- $params"
Invoke-Expression $runCommand
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "Tests failed: $label"
$rootDir = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName
$localPackages = Join-Path $rootDir "bin\pkg"
$startTime = Get-Date
$buildFailed = $true
$errorMessage = ""
$localPackagesAvailableForTesting = CheckLocalPackagesAvailableForTesting
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Local packages being used for testing: $localPackagesAvailableForTesting"
if ($sign)
if (-not $localPackagesAvailableForTesting)
throw "Local NuGet package source path is not set, required when signing packages."
if ($configuration -ne "Release")
throw "Do not sign assemblies that aren't release."
if ($publish)
if ($build)
# We must disable package testing here as the E2E csproj may reference new APIs that are not available in existing NuGet packages.
$packageTempPath = $env:AZURE_IOT_LOCALPACKAGES
# SDK binaries
BuildProject . "Azure IoT C# SDK Solution"
$env:AZURE_IOT_LOCALPACKAGES = $packageTempPath
if ($runSamples)
RunSamples . "Azure IoT C# SDK Samples"
# Unit Tests require InternalsVisibleTo and can only run in Debug builds.
if ($unittests)
if ($configuration -ne "Debug")
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Unit tests must be run in Debug configuration"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Unit Test execution"
RunTests "Unit tests" -filterTestCategory "TestCategory=Unit" -framework $framework
if ($prtests)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "PR validation tests"
# Tests categories to include
$testCategory = "("
$testCategory += "TestCategory=Unit"
$testCategory += "|"
$testCategory += "TestCategory=E2E"
$testCategory += ")"
# test categories to exclude
$testCategory += "&TestCategory!=LongRunning"
$testCategory += "&TestCategory!=FaultInjection"
$testCategory += "&TestCategory!=Flaky"
if ($skipIotHubTests)
$testCategory += "&TestCategory!=IoTHub"
if ($skipDPSTests)
$testCategory += "&TestCategory!=DPS"
RunTests "PR tests" -filterTestCategory $testCategory -framework $framework
if ($package)
BuildPackage shared\src "Shared Assembly"
BuildPackage iothub\device\src "IoT Hub DeviceClient SDK"
BuildPackage iothub\service\src "IoT Hub ServiceClient SDK"
BuildPackage security\tpm\src "SecurityProvider for TPM"
BuildPackage provisioning\device\src "Provisioning Device Client SDK"
BuildPackage provisioning\transport\amqp\src "Provisioning Transport for AMQP"
BuildPackage provisioning\transport\http\src "Provisioning Transport for HTTP"
BuildPackage provisioning\transport\mqtt\src "Provisioning Transport for MQTT"
BuildPackage provisioning\service\src "Provisioning Service Client SDK"
if ($localPackagesAvailableForTesting)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Preparing local package source"
if (-not (Test-Path $env:AZURE_IOT_LOCALPACKAGES))
throw "Local NuGet package source path invalid: $($env:AZURE_IOT_LOCALPACKAGES)"
Write-Host Following local packages found:
if ($e2etests)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "End-to-end Test execution"
if ($localPackagesAvailableForTesting)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "IMPORTANT: Using local packages."
# Tests categories to include
$testCategory = "("
$testCategory += "TestCategory=E2E"
# Invalid Service Cert Tests currently work with docker on Linux agent only.
# TODO: remove this condition in future docker on windows version when this is working.
if (-not(IsWindows))
$testCategory += "|"
$testCategory += "TestCategory=InvalidServiceCertificate"
$testCategory += ")"
# Override verbosity to display individual test execution.
$oldVerbosity = $verbosity
$verbosity = "normal"
RunTests "E2E tests" -filterTestCategory $testCategory -framework $framework
$verbosity = $oldVerbosity
# Samples
BuildProject security\tpm\samples "SecurityProvider for TPM Samples"
if ($stresstests)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Stress Test execution"
RunApp e2e\stress\MemoryLeakTest "MemoryLeakTest test"
if ($publish)
$files = Get-ChildItem $rootDir\bin\pkg\*.nupkg | Where-Object { -not ($_.Name -match "symbols") }
$publishResult = PushNuGet $files
foreach ( $result in $publishResult)
if ($result.success)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "OK: $($result.file.FullName)"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "FAILED: $($result.file.FullName)"
$buildFailed = $false
catch [Exception]
$buildFailed = $true
$errorMessage = $Error[0]
Set-Location $rootDir
$endTime = Get-Date
Write-Host ("`n`nTime Elapsed {0:c}" -f ($endTime - $startTime))
if ($buildFailed)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Build failed ($errorMessage)"
exit 1
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Build succeeded."
exit 0