sdl detected embedded keys in code. That was indeed true but they were only fake keys for fake
devices. Regardless, replaced them with generated uuids.
node-nightly-df.yaml conditionally makes and copies release artifacts. node-canary pipeline accepts configurable inputs with default values that preserve existing behaviour.
- new variables.test to enable/disable tests for pipeline debugging
- new tasks: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0, PublishBuildArtifacts@1, AzureFileCopy@2
- new script call: release-node.ps1
(fix) update yaml to new PublishTestResults version. Old version had path bug.
(fix) moved tests to flaky
(fix) added rendezvous for device acknowledge tests
(fix) close client on device client when test done
(fix) Pin @types/node to 8.9.4 to work around a breakage.