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# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""This module provides patches used to dynamically modify items from the libraries"""
import inspect
import logging
from typing import Dict
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# This dict will be used as a scope for imports and defs in add_shims_for_inherited_methods
# in order to keep them out of the global scope of this module.
shim_scope : Dict[str, str] = {}
def add_shims_for_inherited_methods(target_class):
"""Dynamically add overriding, pass-through shim methods for all public inherited methods
on a child class, which simply call into the parent class implementation of the same method.
These shim methods will include the same docstrings as the method from the parent class.
This currently only works for Python 3.5+
Using DEBUG logging will allow you to see output of all dynamic operations that occur within
for debugging purposes.
:param target_class: The child class to add shim methods to
# Depending on how the method was defined, it could be either a function or a method.
# Thus we need to find the union of the two sets.
# Here instance methods are considered functions because they are not yet bound to an instance
# of the class. Classmethods on the other hand, are already bound, and show up as methods.
# It also is worth noting that async functions/methods ARE picked up by this introspection.
class_functions = inspect.getmembers(target_class, predicate=inspect.isfunction)
class_methods = inspect.getmembers(target_class, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
all_methods = class_functions + class_methods
# This list of attributes gives us a lot of information, but we only are using it to get
# the defining class of a given method.
class_attributes = inspect.classify_class_attrs(target_class)
# We must alias class names to prevent naming collisions when this fn is called multiple times
# with classes that share a name. If we've already used this classname, add trailing underscore(s)
classname_alias = target_class.__name__
while classname_alias in shim_scope:
classname_alias += "_"
# Import the class we're adding methods to, so that functions defined in this scope can use super()
class_module = inspect.getmodule(target_class)
import_cmdstr = "from {module} import {target_class} as {alias}".format(
module=class_module.__name__, target_class=target_class.__name__, alias=classname_alias
logger.debug("exec: " + import_cmdstr)
# exec(import_cmdstr, shim_scope)
for method in all_methods:
method_name = method[0]
method_obj = method[1]
# We can index on 0 here because the list comprehension will always be exactly 1 element
method_attribute = [att for att in class_attributes if att.name == method_name][0]
# The object of the class where the method was originally defined.
originating_class_obj = method_attribute.defining_class
# Create a shim method for all public methods inherited from a parent class
if method_name[0] != "_" and originating_class_obj != target_class:
method_sig = inspect.signature(method_obj)
sig_params = method_sig.parameters
# Bound methods (i.e. classmethods) remove the first parameter (i.e. cls)
# so we need to add it back
if inspect.ismethod(method_obj):
complete_params = []
inspect.Parameter("cls", inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
complete_params += list(sig_params.values())
method_sig = method_sig.replace(parameters=complete_params)
# Since neither "self" nor "cls" are used in invocation, we need to create a new
# invocation signature without them
invoke_params_list = []
for param in sig_params.values():
if param.name != "self" and param.name != "cls":
# Set the parameter to empty (since we use this in an invocation, not a signature)
new_param = param.replace(default=inspect.Parameter.empty)
invoke_params = method_sig.replace(parameters=invoke_params_list)
# Choose syntactical variants
if inspect.ismethod(method_obj):
obj_or_type = "cls" # Use 'cls' to invoke super() for classmethods
obj_or_type = "self" # Use 'self' to invoke super() for instance methods
if inspect.iscoroutine(method_obj) or inspect.iscoroutinefunction(method_obj):
def_syntax = "async def" # Define coroutine function/method
ret_syntax = "return await"
def_syntax = "def" # Define function/method
ret_syntax = "return"
# Dynamically define a new shim function, with the same name, that invokes the method of the parent class
fn_def_cmdstr = "{def_syntax} {method_name}{signature}: {ret_syntax} super({leaf_class}, {object_or_type}).{method_name}{invocation}".format(
logger.debug("exec: " + fn_def_cmdstr)
# exec(fn_def_cmdstr, shim_scope)
# Copy the docstring from the method to the shim function
set_doc_cmdstr = "{method_name}.__doc__ = {leaf_class}.{method_name}.__doc__".format(
method_name=method_name, leaf_class=classname_alias
logger.debug("exec: " + set_doc_cmdstr)
# exec(set_doc_cmdstr, shim_scope)
# Add shim function to leaf/child class as a classmethod if the method being shimmed is a classmethod
if inspect.ismethod(method_obj):
attach_shim_cmdstr = (
"setattr({leaf_class}, '{method_name}', classmethod({method_name}))".format(
leaf_class=classname_alias, method_name=method_name
# Add shim function to leaf/child class as a method if the method being shimmed is an instance method
attach_shim_cmdstr = "setattr({leaf_class}, '{method_name}', {method_name})".format(
leaf_class=classname_alias, method_name=method_name
logger.debug("exec: " + attach_shim_cmdstr)
# exec(attach_shim_cmdstr, shim_scope)
# NOTE: the __qualname__ attributes of these new shim methods are merely the method name,
# rather than <class_name>.<method_name>, due to the scoping of the definition.
# This shouldn't matter, but in case it does, I am documenting that fact here.
# For properties, we have a different strategy. While with methods we dynamically created
# redefinitions for each inherited method that called the parent class' implementation of the
# method, here we simply set the inherited property attribute directly onto the child.
# This will carry over all docstrings implicitly.
# We do this because properties, while defined syntactically via methods, actually are not
# methods directly on a class, but form a "property" object, which itself contains the
# get and set logic. Thus our strategy for methods can't really work here.
class_properties = inspect.getmembers(target_class, predicate=inspect.isdatadescriptor)
for prop in class_properties:
property_name = prop[0]
# We can index on 0 here because the list comprehension will always be exactly 1 element
property_attribute = [att for att in class_attributes if att.name == property_name][0]
# The object of the class where the property was originally defined.
originating_class_obj = property_attribute.defining_class
# Simply redefine the same property on the leaf class if it was defined on a parent
if property_name[0] != "_" and originating_class_obj != target_class:
attach_property_cmdstr = (
"setattr({leaf_class}, '{property_name}', {leaf_class}.{property_name})".format(
leaf_class=classname_alias, property_name=property_name
logger.debug("exec: " + attach_property_cmdstr)
# exec(attach_property_cmdstr, shim_scope)