The Azure IoT Edge product
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Varun Puranik 8f67e404f9
Merge pull request #37 from varunpuranik/109rc2
Changelog for 1.0.9-rc2
2019-09-05 13:44:17 -07:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2018-06-25 13:34:45 -07:00 Changelog for 1.0.9-rc2 2019-09-05 13:33:36 -07:00
LICENSE added language that was missing in the license to allow redistrobution of runtime components 2018-08-22 12:57:45 -07:00 added LICENSE, THIRDPARTYNOTICES, and 2018-06-25 15:20:26 -07:00
THIRDPARTYNOTICES added LICENSE, THIRDPARTYNOTICES, and 2018-06-25 15:20:26 -07:00
latest-versions.json Update latest versions for EdgeAgent and EdgeHub 2019-08-27 14:50:17 -07:00

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Welcome to the home of Azure IoT Edge, a product built from the open-source IoT Edge project.

Azure IoT Edge moves cloud analytics and custom business logic to devices so that your organization can focus on business insights instead of data management. Enable your solution to truly scale by configuring your IoT software, deploying it to devices via standard containers, and monitoring it all from the cloud.


Documentation can be found at


Issues can be filed in the issues section of the IoT Edge GitHub repo. Azure IoT Edge is built from the open-source IoT Edge project. Development and bug fixing happens in the repo of the open-source project.

Feature requests

Feature requests can be filed on the Azure IoT Edge User Voice page.

Directory structure