
134 строки
3.6 KiB

[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)]
# Function to update nuspec file
function IncrementVersion([string]$FilePath)
$psd1Path = Join-Path $FilePath "\Services\Commands.Utilities\Azure.psd1"
Write-Output "Updating File: $psd1Path"
$content = Get-Content $psd1Path
$matches = ([regex]::matches($content, "ModuleVersion = '([\d\.]+)'"))
$packageVersion = $matches.Groups[1].Value
$version = $packageVersion.Split(".")
$cMajor = $Major
$cMinor = $Minor
$cPatch = $Patch
if ($version[0] -eq 0)
if ($cMajor -eq $true)
$version[1] = 1 + $version[1]
$version[2] = "0"
if ($cMinor -eq $true -or $cPatch -eq $true)
$version[2] = 1 + $version[2]
if ($cMajor -eq $true)
$version[0] = 1 + $version[0]
$version[1] = "0"
$version[2] = "0"
if ($cMinor -eq $true)
$version[1] = 1 + $version[1]
$version[2] = "0"
if ($cPatch -eq $true)
$version[2] = 1 + $version[2]
$version = [String]::Join(".", $version)
Write-Output "Updating version of $psd1Path from $packageVersion to $version"
$content = $content.Replace("ModuleVersion = '$packageVersion'", "ModuleVersion = '$version'")
Set-Content -Path $psd1Path -Value $content -Encoding UTF8
Write-Output "Updating AssemblyInfo.cs inside of $FilePath to $packageVersion"
$assemblyInfos = Get-ChildItem -Path $FilePath -Filter AssemblyInfo.cs -Recurse
ForEach ($assemblyInfo in $assemblyInfos)
$content = Get-Content $assemblyInfo.FullName
$content = $content -replace "\[assembly: AssemblyVersion\([\w\`"\.]+\)\]", "[assembly: AssemblyVersion(`"$version`")]"
$content = $content -replace "\[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion\([\w\`"\.]+\)\]", "[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(`"$version`")]"
Write-Output "Updating assembly version in " $assemblyInfo.FullName
Set-Content -Path $assemblyInfo.FullName -Value $content -Encoding UTF8
# Function to update nuspec file
function UpdateStorageVersion([string]$FilePath)
$psd1Path = Join-Path $FilePath "\Services\Commands.Utilities\Azure.psd1"
Write-Output "Updating File: $psd1Path"
$content = Get-Content $psd1Path
$matches = ([regex]::matches($content, "; ModuleVersion = '([\d\.]+)'"))
$packageVersion = $matches.Groups[1].Value
$version = $packageVersion.Split(".")
$cMajor = $Major
$cMinor = $Minor
$cPatch = $Patch
if ($cMajor -eq $true)
$version[0] = 1 + $version[0]
$version[1] = "0"
$version[2] = "0"
if ($cMinor -eq $true)
$version[1] = 1 + $version[1]
$version[2] = "0"
if ($cPatch -eq $true)
$version[2] = 1 + $version[2]
$version = [String]::Join(".", $version)
Write-Output "Updating version of $psd1Path from $packageVersion to $version"
$content = $content.Replace("; ModuleVersion = '$packageVersion'", "; ModuleVersion = '$version'")
Set-Content -Path $psd1Path -Value $content -Encoding UTF8
if (!$Folder)
$Folder = "$PSScriptRoot\..\src\ServiceManagement"
IncrementVersion $Folder
UpdateStorageVersion $Folder