86 строки
3.5 KiB
86 строки
3.5 KiB
# Author: AaRoney.
# Define parameters.
[string] $RootPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\src",
[string] $OutputFile = "$PSScriptRoot\groupMapping.json",
[string] $WarningFile = "$PSScriptRoot\groupMappingWarnings.json",
[string] $RulesFile = "$PSScriptRoot\CreateMappings_rules.json"
# Load rules file from JSON.
$rules = Get-Content -Raw -Path $RulesFile | ConvertFrom-Json;
# Initialize variables.
$results = @{};
$warnings = @();
.($PSScriptRoot + "\PreloadToolDll.ps1")
$RootPath = Resolve-Path $RootPath
$RootPathRegex = [regex]::escape($RootPath) + "\\(\w*)(\\)(.*)"
# Find all cmdlet names by help file names in the repository.
$cmdlets = Get-ChildItem $RootPath -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.FullName -cmatch ".*\\help\\.*-.*.md" -and (-not [Tools.Common.Utilities.ModuleFilter]::IsAzureStackModule($_.FullName)) };
$cmdlets | ForEach-Object {
$cmdletPath = Split-Path $_.FullName -Parent;
$module = $null;
if($cmdletPath -cmatch $RootPathRegex) {
$module = $Matches.1
$cmdlet = $_.BaseName;
$matchedRule = $null;
# First, match to module path.
$matchedRule = @($rules | Where-Object { $_.Regex -ne $null -and $cmdletPath -cmatch ".*$($_.Regex).*" })[0];
# Try to match this cmdlet with at least one rule.
$possibleBetterMatch = @($rules | Where-Object { $_.Regex -ne $null -and $cmdlet -cmatch ".*$($_.Regex).*" })[0];
# Look for the best match.
# Did not find a match on the folder, but found a match on the cmdlet.
(($matchedRule -eq $null) -and ($possibleBetterMatch -ne $null)) -or
# Found a match on the module path, but found a better match for the cmdlet (`group` field agrees).
(($matchedRule.Group -ne $null) -and ($matchedRule.Group -eq $possibleBetterMatch.Group)))
$matchedRule = $possibleBetterMatch;
$matchedModuleRule = $null; # clear before using
[System.Array]$matchedModuleRules = @($rules | Where-Object { $_.Module -ne $null -and $module -eq $_.Module });
if($matchedModuleRules.Length -eq 1) {
# If only one rule maps to module, module name is prior than other rules.
$matchedModuleRule = $matchedModuleRules[0];
} elseif ($matchedModuleRules.Length -gt 1) {
# If multiple rules map to module, the first regex is prior.
$matchedModuleRule = @($matchedModuleRules | Where-Object { $_.Regex -ne $null -and $cmdlet -cmatch ".*$($_.Regex).*" })[0];
if($null -eq $matchedModuleRule) {
$matchedModuleRule = $matchedModuleRules[0];
if($null -ne $matchedModuleRule) {
$results[$cmdlet] = $matchedModuleRule.Alias;
} elseif ($null -ne $matchedRule) {
$results[$cmdlet] = $matchedRule.Alias;
} else {
# Take note of unmatched cmdlets and write to outputs.
$warnings += $cmdlet;
$results[$cmdlet] = "Other";
# Write to files.
$warnings | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $WarningFile -Encoding utf8;
$results | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $OutputFile -Encoding utf8;
# Print conclusion.
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "$($results.Count) cmdlets successfully mapped: $($OutputFile)." -ForegroundColor Green;
Write-Host ""
if($warnings.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host "$($warnings.Count) cmdlets could not be mapped and were placed in 'Other': $($WarningFile)." -ForegroundColor Yellow;
throw "Some cmdlets could not be properly mapped to a documentation grouping: $($warnings -join ", "). Please add a mapping rule to $(Resolve-Path -Path $RulesFile).";