
675 строки
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright Microsoft Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$excludedExtensions = @(".dll", ".zip", ".msi", ".exe")
# Retrieve the contents of a powershrell transcript, stripping headers and footers
# param [string] $path: The path to the transript file to read
function Get-Transcript
param([string] $path)
return Get-Content $path |
Select-String -InputObject {$_} -Pattern "^Start Time\s*:.*" -NotMatch |
Select-String -InputObject {$_} -Pattern "^End Time\s*:.*" -NotMatch |
Select-String -InputObject {$_} -Pattern "^Machine\s*:.*" -NotMatch |
Select-String -InputObject {$_} -Pattern "^Username\s*:.*" -NotMatch |
Select-String -InputObject {$_} -Pattern "^Transcript started, output file is.*" -NotMatch
# Get a random file name in the current directory
# param [string] $rootPath: The path of the directory to contain the random file (optional)
function Get-LogFile
param([string] $rootPath = ".")
return [System.IO.Path]::Combine($rootPath, ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()))
# Execute a test, no exception thrown means the test passes. Can also be used to compare test
# output to a baseline file, or to generate a baseline file
# param [scriptblock] $test: The test code to run
# param [string] $testScript: The path to the baseline file (optional)
# param [switch] $generate: Set if the baseline file should be generated, otherwise
# the baseline file would be used for comparison with test output
function Run-Test
param([scriptblock]$test, [string] $testName = $null, [string] $testScript = $null, [switch] $generate = $false)
$transFile = $testName + ".log"
if ($testName -eq $null)
$transFile = Get-LogFile "."
if ($generate)
Write-Log "[run-test]: generating script file $testScript"
$transFile = $testScript
Write-Log "[run-test]: writing output to $transFile, using validation script $testScript"
Write-Log "[run-test]: Running test without file comparison"
$oldPref = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
#Start-Transcript -Path $transFile
$success = $false;
$ErrorActionPreference = $oldPref
$success = $true;
$oldPref = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$ErrorActionPreference = $oldPref
if ($testScript)
if ($success -and -not $generate)
$result = Compare-Object (Get-Transcript $testScript) (Get-Transcript $transFile)
if ($result -ne $null)
throw "[run-test]: Test Failed " + (Out-String -InputObject $result) + ", Transcript at $transFile"
if ($success)
Write-Log "[run-test]: Test Passed"
# Format a string for proper output to host and transcript
# param [string] $message: The text to write
function Write-Log
param( [Object] [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] $obj = "")
$obj | Out-String | Write-Verbose
function Check-SubscriptionMatch
param([string] $baseSubscriptionName, [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.SubscriptionData] $checkedSubscription)
Write-Log ("[CheckSubscriptionMatch]: base subscription: '$baseSubscriptionName', validating '" + ($checkedSubscription.SubscriptionName)+ "'")
Format-Subscription $checkedSubscription | Write-Log
if ($baseSubscriptionName -ne $checkedSubscription.SubscriptionName)
throw ("[Check-SubscriptionMatch]: Subscription Match Failed '" + ($baseSubscriptionName) + "' != '" + ($checkedSubscription.SubscriptionName) + "'")
Write-Log ("CheckSubscriptionMatch]: subscription check succeeded.")
# Return the fully qualified filename of a given file
# param [string] $path: The relative path to the file
function Get-FullName
param([string] $path)
$pathObj = Get-Item $path
return ($pathObj.FullName)
# PowerShell environment setup for running a test, save previous snvironment settings and
# enable verbose, debug, and warning streams
function Test-Setup
$global:oldConfirmPreference = $global:ConfirmPreference
$global:oldDebugPreference = $global:DebugPreference
$global:oldErrorActionPreference = $global:ErrorActionPreference
$global:oldFormatEnumerationLimit = $global:FormatEnumerationLimit
$global:oldProgressPreference = $global:ProgressPreference
$global:oldVerbosePreference = $global:VerbosePreference
$global:oldWarningPreference = $global:WarningPreference
$global:oldWhatIfPreference = $global:WhatIfPreference
$global:ConfirmPreference = "None"
$global:DebugPreference = "Continue"
$global:ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$global:FormatEnumerationLimit = 10000
$global:ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$global:VerbosePreference = "Continue"
$global:WarningPreference = "Continue"
$global:WhatIfPreference = 0
# PowerShell environment cleanup for running a test, restore previous snvironment settings
function Test-Cleanup
$global:ConfirmPreference = $global:oldConfirmPreference
$global:DebugPreference = $global:oldDebugPreference
$global:ErrorActionPreference = $global:oldErrorActionPreference
$global:FormatEnumerationLimit = $global:oldFormatEnumerationLimit
$global:ProgressPreference = $global:oldProgressPreference
$global:VerbosePreference = $global:oldVerbosePreference
$global:WarningPreference = $global:oldWarningPreference
$global:WhatIfPreference = $global:oldWhatIfPreference
# Dump the contents of a directory to the output stream
# param [string] $rootPath: The path to the directory
# param [switch] $resurse : True if we should recurse directories
function Dump-Contents
param([string] $rootPath = ".", [switch] $recurse = $false)
if (-not ((Test-Path $rootPath) -eq $true))
throw "[dump-contents]: $rootPath does not exist"
foreach ($item in Get-ChildItem $rootPath)
Write-Log "---------------------------"
Write-Log $item.Name
Write-Log "---------------------------"
if (!$item.PSIsContainer)
if (Test-BinaryFile $item)
Write-Log "---- binary data excluded ----"
Get-Content ($item.PSPath)
elseif ($recurse)
Dump-Contents ($item.PSPath) -recurse
function Test-BinaryFile
param ([System.IO.FileInfo] $file)
($excludedExtensions | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_ -eq $file.Extension}) -ne $null
Removes all current subscriptions.
function Remove-AllSubscriptions
Get-AzureSubscription | Remove-AzureSubscription -Force
Waits on the specified job with the given timeout.
.PARAMETER scriptBlock
The script block to execute.
.PARAMETER timeout
The maximum timeout for the script.
function Wait-Function
param([ScriptBlock] $scriptBlock, [object] $breakCondition, [int] $timeout)
if ($timeout -eq 0) { $timeout = 60 * 5 }
$start = [DateTime]::Now
$current = [DateTime]::Now
$diff = $current - $start
Wait-Seconds 5
$current = [DateTime]::Now
$diff = $current - $start
$result = &$scriptBlock
while(($result -ne $breakCondition) -and ($diff.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout))
if ($diff.TotalSeconds -ge $timeout)
Write-Warning "The script block '$scriptBlock' exceeded the timeout."
# End the processing so the test does not blow up
Waits for specified duration if not-mocked, otherwise skips wait.
.PARAMETER timeout
Timeout in seconds
function Wait-Seconds {
param([int] $timeout)
try {
[Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.TestFramework.TestUtilities]::Wait($timeout * 1000);
} catch {
if ($PSItem.Exception.Message -like '*Unable to find type*') {
Start-TestSleep -Seconds $timeout
} else {
Retires the specified job the given numer of times, waiting the given interval between tries
.PARAMETER scriptBlock
The script block to execute. Must be a predicate (return true or false)
.PARAMETER argument
Argument to pass to the script block
The maximum number of times to retry
.PARAMETER interval
The number of seconds to wait before retrying
function Retry-Function
param([ScriptBlock] $scriptBlock, [Object] $argument, [int] $maxTries, [int] $interval)
if ($interval -eq 0) { $interval = 60 }
$result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $argument;
$tries = 1;
while(( $result -ne $true) -and ($tries -le $maxTries))
Wait-Seconds $interval
$result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $argument;
return $result;
Gets random resource name
function getRandomItemName {
param([string] $prefix)
if ($prefix -eq $null -or $prefix -eq '') {
$prefix = "ps";
$str = $prefix + (([guid]::NewGuid().ToString() -replace '-','')[0..9] -join '');
return $str;
function getAssetName {
param([string] $prefix)
if ($prefix -eq $null -or $prefix -eq '') {
$prefix = "ps";
$testName = getTestName
try {
$assetName = [Microsoft.Azure.Test.HttpRecorder.HttpMockServer]::GetAssetName($testName, $prefix);
} catch {
if ($PSItem.Exception.Message -like '*Unable to find type*') {
$assetName = getRandomItemName $prefix;
} else {
return $assetName
Gets the name of the test
function getTestName
$stack = Get-PSCallStack
$testName = $null
foreach ($frame in $stack)
if ($frame.Command.StartsWith("Test-", "CurrentCultureIgnoreCase"))
$testName = $frame.Command
return $testName
Gets a variable setting from the recorded mock for a test
.PARAMETER variableName
The name of the variable
function getVariable
$testName = getTestName
$result = $null
if ([Microsoft.Azure.Test.HttpRecorder.HttpMockServer]::Variables.ContainsKey($variableName))
$result = [Microsoft.Azure.Test.HttpRecorder.HttpMockServer]::Variables[$variableName]
return $result
Gets the subscription ID from the recorded mock for a test
function getSubscription
return $(getVariable "SubscriptionId")
Gets the test mock execution mode (Playback, None, Record)
function getTestMode
return $([Microsoft.Azure.Test.HttpRecorder.HttpMockServer]::Mode)
Creates a PSCredential from a given useranme and clear text password
.PARAMETER username
The user name
.PARAMETER password
The corresponding password in clear text
function createTestCredential
param([string]$username, [string]$password)
$secPasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
return $(New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secPasswd))
Creates a PSCredential from a given connection string
.PARAMETER connectionString
The connection string containing username and password information
function getTestCredentialFromString
param([string] $connectionString)
$parsedString = [Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.TestFramework.TestUtilities]::ParseConnectionString($connectionString)
if (-not ($parsedString.ContainsKey([Microsoft.Azure.Test.TestEnvironment]::UserIdKey) -or ((-not ($parsedString.ContainsKey([Microsoft.Azure.Test.TestEnvironment]::AADPasswordKey))))))
throw "The connection string '$connectionString' must have a valid value, including username and password " +`
"in the following format: SubscriptionId=<subscription>;UserName=<username>;Password=<password>"
return $(createTestCredential $parsedString[[Microsoft.Azure.Test.TestEnvironment]::UserIdKey] $parsedString[[Microsoft.Azure.Test.TestEnvironment]::AADPasswordKey])
Gets a Subscription from a given connection string
.PARAMETER connectionString
The connection string containing subscription information
function getSubscriptionFromString
param([string] $connectionString)
$parsedString = [Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.TestFramework.TestUtilities]::ParseConnectionString($connectionString)
if (-not ($parsedString.ContainsKey([Microsoft.Azure.Test.TestEnvironment]::SubscriptionIdKey)))
throw "The connection string '$connectionString' must have a valid value, including subscription " +`
"in the following format: SubscriptionId=<subscription>;UserName=<username>;Password=<password>"
return $($parsedString[[Microsoft.Azure.Test.TestEnvironment]::SubscriptionIdKey])
Creates a PSCredential from the given test environment, using the environemnt variables for this process
.PARAMETER testEnvironment
The test environment : either RDFE or CSM
function getCredentialFromEnvironment
$credential = $null
$testMode = getTestMode
if ($testMode -ne [Microsoft.Azure.Test.HttpRecorder.HttpRecordMode]::Playback)
$environmentVariable = $null;
if ([System.string]::Equals($testEnvironment, "rdfe", [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase))
$environmentVariable = [Microsoft.Azure.Test.RDFETestEnvironmentFactory]::TestOrgIdAuthenticationKey
$environmentVariable = [Microsoft.Azure.Test.CSMTestEnvironmentFactory]::TestCSMOrgIdConnectionStringKey
$environmentValue = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($environmentVariable)
if ([System.string]::IsNullOrEmpty($environmentValue))
throw "The environment variable '$environmentVariable' must have a valid value, including username and password " +`
"in the following format: $environmentVariable=SubscriptionId=<subscription>;UserName=<username>;Password=<password>"
$credential = $(getTestCredentialFromString $environmentValue)
return $credential
Creates a PSCredential from the given test environment, using the environemnt variables for this process
.PARAMETER testEnvironment
The test environment : either RDFE or CSM
function getSubscriptionFromEnvironment
$subscription = $null
$testMode = getTestMode
if ($testMode -ne [Microsoft.Azure.Test.HttpRecorder.HttpRecordMode]::Playback)
$environmentVariable = $null;
if ([System.string]::Equals($testEnvironment, "rdfe", [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase))
$environmentVariable = [Microsoft.Azure.Test.RDFETestEnvironmentFactory]::TestOrgIdAuthenticationKey
$environmentVariable = [Microsoft.Azure.Test.CSMTestEnvironmentFactory]::TestCSMOrgIdConnectionStringKey
$environmentValue = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($environmentVariable)
if ([System.string]::IsNullOrEmpty($environmentValue))
throw "The environment variable '$environmentVariable' must have a valid value, including subscription id" +`
"in the following format: $environmentVariable=SubscriptionId=<subscription>;UserName=<username>;Password=<password>"
$subscription = $(getSubscriptionFromString $environmentValue)
$subscription = $(getSubscription)
return $subscription
function Get-Location
param([string]$providerNamespace, [string]$resourceType, [string]$preferredLocation, [switch]$UseCanonical)
$provider = Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace $providerNamespace
$resourceTypes = $null
if ( ( $provider.ResourceTypes -ne $null ) -and ( $provider.ResourceTypes.Count -gt 0 ) )
$nameFound = $provider.ResourceTypes[0]| Get-Member | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "Name" }
$resourceTypeNameFound = $provider.ResourceTypes[0]| Get-Member | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "ResourceTypeName" }
if ( $nameFound -ne $null )
$resourceTypes = $provider.ResourceTypes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $resourceType }
elseif ( $resourceTypeNameFound -ne $null )
$resourceTypes = $provider.ResourceTypes | Where-Object { $_.ResourceTypeName -eq $resourceType }
$resourceTypes = $provider.ResourceTypes | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq $resourceType }
$locations = $resourceTypes.Locations
if($UseCanonical -and $locations -ne $null)
$locations = $locations | ForEach-Object { Normalize-Location $_ }
$location = $locations | Where-Object { $_ -eq $preferredLocation }
if ($location -eq $null)
if ($locations.Count -ne 0)
return $locations[0]
$defaultLocation = "West US"
$defaultLocation = "westus"
return $defaultLocation
return $location
function Normalize-Location
return $location.ToLower() -replace '[^a-z0-9]'
Sleeps but only during recording.
function Start-TestSleep
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'SleepBySeconds')]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'SleepBySeconds')]
[ValidateRange(0.0, 2147483.0)]
[double] $Seconds,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SleepByMilliseconds')]
[int] $Milliseconds
if ([Microsoft.Azure.Test.HttpRecorder.HttpMockServer]::Mode -ne [Microsoft.Azure.Test.HttpRecorder.HttpRecorderMode]::Playback)
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
Start-Sleep -Seconds $Seconds
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Milliseconds