This is the repo for template deployment schemas hosted at:
Welcome to contribute to template deployment schemas, please send pull request to improve the schemas. We will review the pull request and publish the latest schemas to
## Hints:
* When you add a new resource type in schema, please add it into [schemas\2014-04-01-preview\deploymentTemplate.json]( and [schemas\2015-01-01\deploymentTemplate.json](
* Please add or update [tests]( for your change.
* Please test your change with following two node.js scripts:
1. [tools\validateJSON.js]( and [ResourceMetaSchema.json](
The script uses the ResourceMetaSchema.json to do some basic checks against the new/updated schema file.
The script uses all test JSON files under [tests]( folder to test against the schema files.
This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct]( For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ]( or contact []( with any additional questions or comments.