# Samples, Snippets, and How-To Guides Developers like to learn by looking at code, and so the Azure SDK comes with many samples in the form of short code snippets, sample applications, and how-to guides. This document describes where to find all these resources. ## Structure of the Repository The Azure SDK repository is organized in the following folder structure, with the main sample locations highlighted using **bold** font. - `/samples` (this folder) - `README.md` (this file) - ... (subdirectories for examples that aren't specific to only one package) - `/sdk` (folder containing sources for all SDK packages) - `/` (e.g. storage) - `/` (e.g. `@azure/storage-blob`) - **`README.md`** (package READMEs contain "hello world" code snippets) - **`/samples`** - **`/typescript`** (package-specific samples in TypeScript) - **`/javascript`** (package-specific samples in JavaScript using CommonJS) - `/src` - `/tests` ## Getting Started Samples Each package folder contains a package-specific `README.md` file. Most of these `README` files contain samples illustrating basic usage of the the APIs contained in the package. For example, you can find the Getting Started samples for the `@azure/storage-blob` package [here](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/tree/main/sdk/storage/storage-blob#examples). ## Package Samples and How-To Guides Each package folder contains a subfolder called `samples` with additional code samples in the `typescript` and `javascript` subfolder. Corresponding files (i.e. `samples/typescript/src/helloWorld.ts` and `samples/javascript/helloWorld.js`) in the TypeScript and JavaScript directories are functionally equivalent. These samples may be viewed in GitHub or browsed on [the Sample Browser at docs.microsoft.com/samples](https://docs.microsoft.com/samples/browse/?products=azure&languages=typescript%2Cjavascript) by selecting the product and language combination that you wish to view samples for. ## Global Samples Samples that apply to every package or to no package in particular are located in subdirectories within the root `/samples` directory. For example, the [`/samples/Bundling`](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/tree/main/samples/Bundling) directory contains sample code illustrating how to configure package bundling tools to work with the Azure SDK for JS packages: - `/samples/Bundling` - `/parcel` (samples for using the SDK packages with parcel) - `/js` (in JavaScript, using CommonJS) - `/ts` (in TypeScript) - `/rollup` (the same, with rollup) - `/webpack` (the same, with webpack) (The `rollup` and `webpack` directories also have `js` and `ts` subdirectories for JavaScript and TypeScript respectively.) For more information on package bundling, see [`/documentation/Bundling.md`](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/blob/main/documentation/Bundling.md). ## Sample Applications Sometimes we want to illustrate how several APIs or even packages work together in a context of a more complete program. For these cases, we created sample applications. These application samples are located in other repositories and, like the package-specific samples, may be viewed on [https://docs.microsoft.com/samples/](https://docs.microsoft.com/samples/).