
118 строки
5.1 KiB

[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# This script will reset the repo and any changes in tracked files will be lost.
$dependencyUpgradeLabel = "dependency-upgrade-required"
$deprecatedDependency = "Deprecated-Dependency"
$dependencyRegex = "^\+\s(?<pkg>[\S]*)\s(?<version>[\S]*)\s\((?<newVersion>[0-9\.a-b]*).*\)\s?(?<deprecated>deprecated)?"
$RepoRoot = Resolve-Path -Path "${PSScriptRoot}/../.."
Write-Host "Repo root: $RepoRoot"
$pnpmConfigFile = Join-path -Path $RepoRoot "common" "config" "rush" "pnpm-config.json"
Write-Host "Path to pnpm-config.json: $pnpmConfigFile"
$commonConfigFile = Join-path -Path $RepoRoot "common" "config" "rush" "common-versions.json"
Write-Host "Path to common-versions.json: $commonConfigFile"
$EngCommonScriptsPath = Join-Path (Resolve-Path "${PSScriptRoot}/..") "common" "scripts"
. (Join-Path $EngCommonScriptsPath common.ps1)
$ghIssues = Get-GitHubIssues -RepoOwner $RepoOwner -RepoName $RepoName -CreatedBy "azure-sdk" -Labels "dependency-upgrade-required" -AuthToken $AuthToken
# Check and return if an isue already exists to upgrade the package
function Get-GithubIssue($IssueTitle) {
foreach ($issue in $ghIssues) {
if ($issue.title -eq $IssueTitle) {
return $issue
return $null
# Create new issue if none exists for the package. or update current one if an issue exists
function Set-GitHubIssue($Package) {
$pkgName = $Package.Name
$issueTitle = "Dependency package $pkgName has a new version available"
$issueDesc = "We have identified a dependency on version $($Package.OldVersion) of [$pkgName]($pkgName). "
$labels = $dependencyUpgradeLabel
if ($Package.IsDeprecated) {
$issueDesc += "Version $($Package.OldVersion) of $pkgName has been deprecated.`n"
$labels += ",$deprecatedDependency"
$issueDesc += "A new version ($($Package.NewVersion)) is available for upgrade.`n`nFollowing are the steps to upgrade package dependency.`n
1. Understand the breaking changes between the version being used and the version you want to upgrade to.`n
2. Identify all packages that take a dependency on this package.`n
3. Go to the root folder for each such package (/sdk/service-name/package-name) and update package.json to have the new version.`n
4. Run rush update to ensure the new version is pulled in.`n
5. Make relevant changes to absorb the breaking changes.`n
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each of the packages that have a dependency on this package."
$issue = Get-GithubIssue -IssueTitle $issueTitle
if ($issue) {
if ($issue.body -ne $issueDesc) {
# Copy over current labels to avoid removing manually tagged labels
foreach($lbl in $issue.labels)
$labels += ",$($"
Write-Host "Updating existing issue $($issue.number). Labels: $($labels)"
$oldIssue = Update-GitHubIssue -RepoOwner $RepoOwner -RepoName $RepoName -AuthToken $AuthToken -IssueNumber $issue.number -Body $issueDesc -Labels $labels
Write-Host "Updated existing issue $($oldIssue.number)"
else {
Write-Host "Found existing issue for package $($Package.Name)"
else {
write-Host "Creating issue for $pkgName"
$newIssue = New-GitHubIssue -RepoOwner $RepoOwner -RepoName $RepoName -AuthToken $AuthToken -Title $issueTitle -Description $issueDesc
if ($newIssue) {
$out = Add-GitHubIssueLabels -RepoOwner $RepoOwner -RepoName $RepoName -AuthToken $AuthToken -Labels $labels -IssueNumber $newIssue.number
# Update rush configuration files to alter settings
if ((Test-Path $pnpmConfigFile) -and (Test-Path $commonConfigFile)) {
$pnpmConfigJson = Get-Content -Path $pnpmConfigFile | ConvertFrom-Json
$pnpmConfigJson.strictPeerDependencies = $false
Set-Content -Path $pnpmConfigFile -Value (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $pnpmConfigJson)
$configJson = Get-Content -Path $commonConfigFile | ConvertFrom-Json
$configJson.implicitlyPreferredVersions = $true
Set-Content -Path $commonConfigFile -Value (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $configJson)
else {
Write-Error "Failed to find $($pnpmConfigFile) and/or $($commonConfigFile). Verify repo root parameter."
exit 1
# Run rush update --full
Write-Host "Running rush update"
$rushUpdateOutput = node common/scripts/install-run-rush.js update --full
write-host $rushUpdateOutput
foreach ($line in $rushUpdateOutput) {
if ($line -match $dependencyRegex -and !$matches['pkg'].StartsWith("@azure")) {
$p = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Name = $matches['pkg']
OldVersion = [AzureEngSemanticVersion]::ParseVersionString($matches['version'])
NewVersion = [AzureEngSemanticVersion]::ParseVersionString($matches['newVersion'])
IsDeprecated = ($matches['deprecated'] -eq "deprecated")
if ($null -ne $p.OldVersion -and $null -ne $p.NewVersion) {
Set-GitHubIssue -Package $p
Start-Sleep -s 5
Write-Host "Verified and filed issues"