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@description('The base resource name.')
param baseName string = resourceGroup().name
@description('The location of the resource. By default, this is the same as the resource group.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location
@description('The client OID to grant access to test resources.')
param testApplicationOid string
@description('Provide a globally unique name of the Azure Container Registry')
param acrName string = 'acr${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'
@description('The latest AKS version available in the region.')
param latestAksVersion string
@description('The SSH public key to use for the Linux VMs.')
param sshPubKey string
@description('The admin user name for the Linux VMs.')
param adminUserName string = 'azureuser'
@description('The user type - ServicePrincipal in CI, User locally')
param principalUserType string = 'User'
@description('Whether to deploy resources for Managed Identity. When set to false, this file deploys nothing.')
param deployMIResources bool = false
module managedIdentityModule 'test-resources-managed-identity.bicep' = if(deployMIResources) {
name: 'managedIdentityModule'
params: {
baseName: baseName
location: location
testApplicationOid: testApplicationOid
acrName: acrName
latestAksVersion: latestAksVersion
sshPubKey: sshPubKey
adminUserName: adminUserName
principalUserType: principalUserType
output IDENTITY_WEBAPP_NAME string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityWebAppName : ''
output IDENTITY_WEBAPP_PLAN string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityWebAppPlan : ''
output IDENTITY_USER_DEFINED_IDENTITY string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityUserDefinedIdentity: ''
output IDENTITY_USER_DEFINED_CLIENT_ID string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityUserDefinedClientId : ''
output IDENTITY_USER_DEFINED_IDENTITY_NAME string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityUserDefinedIdentityName : ''
output IDENTITY_STORAGE_NAME_1 string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityStorageName1 : ''
output IDENTITY_STORAGE_NAME_2 string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityStorageName2 : ''
output IDENTITY_FUNCTION_NAME string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityFunctionName : ''
output IDENTITY_AKS_CLUSTER_NAME string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityAksClusterName : ''
output IDENTITY_AKS_POD_NAME string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityAksPodName : ''
output IDENTITY_ACR_NAME string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityAcrName : ''
output IDENTITY_ACR_LOGIN_SERVER string = deployMIResources? managedIdentityModule.outputs.IdentityAcrLoginServer : ''