
Azure test-utils client library for JavaScript

The Azure SDK for JavaScript is composed of a multitude of repositories that attempt to deliver a common, homogenous SDK to make use of all the services that Azure can provide.

This non-shipping library @azure-tools/test-utils-vitest attempts to add additional testing support to libraries. It is supposed to be added only as a devDependency and should be used only for the tests of an SDK library.

Getting started

We're about to go through how to set up your project to use the @azure/test-utils-vitest package.

This document assumes familiarity with git and rush. You can read more about how we use rush in the following links:

Keep in mind that @azure/test-utils-vitest is not a published package. It is only intended to be used by the libraries in the Azure/azure-sdk-for-js repository and its forks.

Installing the package

To install the @azure/test-utils-vitest package, you'll need to start by cloning our azure-sdk-for-js repository. One way of doing this is by using the git command line interface, as follows:

cd /path/to/my/github/repositories
git clone

Having cloned this repository, let's set it up by running the following rush commands:

cd azure-sdk-for-js
rush install
rush build

This will optimistically assume you're in a fresh clone.

From this point forward, we'll assume that you're developing (perhaps contributing!) to one of the azure-sdk-for-js's libraries. So, your next step is to change directory to the path relevant to your project. Let's say you want to add the @azure/test-utils-vitest package to @azure/keyvault-keys, you'll be doing the following:

cd sdk/keyvault/keyvault-keys

Once there, you can add the test-utils package by changing your package.json to include the following line in the devDependencies section:

  // ... your package.json properties
  "devDependencies": {
    // ... your devDependencies
    "@azure/test-utils-vitest": "^1.0.0",
    // ... more of your devDependencies
  // ... more of your package.json properties

After that, we recommend you to update rush and install the dependencies again, as follows:

rush update

Key concepts

Custom Testing Matrix

Most Azure SDK for JavaScript libraries support multiple methods of authentication. The @azure/test-utils-vitest library attempts to add testing support for writing a single test suite then running your suite multiple times based on a provided testing matrix. The most common usage is to construct your client with a different authentication method for test runs.


Import functions

import { matrix } from "@azure/test-utils-vitest";

Wrap top-level test suite to run test matrix

Wrap the top level describe of a test file to run the suite with the provided values.

    [true, false],
    [1, 2, 3]
  ] as const,
  (enabled: boolean, attempts: number) => {
    describe(`Run with flag ${enabled ? "" : "not "}enabled and ${attempts} attempts`, () => {
      // ...

matrix takes a jagged 2D array and a function. It then runs this function with every possible combination of elements of each of the arrays. The example above will therefore generate 6 different test suites based on the values passed.


Besides the usual debugging of your code and tests, if you ever encounter a problem, please follow up the contributing guidelines on how to write an issue for us. We'll make sure to handle it as soon as we find the time.

Next steps

Check out the source folder and the test folder.


If you'd like to contribute to this library, please read the contributing guide to learn more about how to build and test the code.
