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1502 строки
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# Instructions for CODEOWNERS file format and automatic build failure notifications:
# https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk/blob/main/docs/policies/opensource.md#codeowners
# Orphaned paths
# As of 1/30/2023 these paths have no owners:
# /**
# Misc.
/.devcontainer/ @jeremymeng
/documentation/ @jeremymeng
/samples/ @jeremymeng @witemple-msft
# Architecture
/design/ @bterlson @mpodwysocki @joheredi @jeremymeng @witemple-msft
# Catch all
/sdk/ @xirzec
# PRLabel: %Azure.Core
# ServiceLabel: %Azure.Core
# AzureSdkOwners: @xirzec @jeremymeng @deyaaeldeen @timovv @mpodwysocki
/sdk/core/ @xirzec @jeremymeng @deyaaeldeen @timovv @mpodwysocki
# PRLabel: %Azure.Core
# ServiceLabel: %Azure.Core
# AzureSdkOwners: @jeremymeng @deyaaeldeen @HarshaNalluru
/sdk/core/core-amqp/ @jeremymeng @deyaaeldeen @HarshaNalluru
# PRLabel: %Azure.Core
# ServiceLabel: %Azure.Core
# AzureSdkOwners: @jeremymeng @deyaaeldeen
/sdk/core/core-auth/ @jeremymeng @deyaaeldeen
# PRLabel: %Azure.Core
# ServiceLabel: %Azure.Core
# AzureSdkOwners: @joheredi @jeremymeng @deyaaeldeen
/sdk/core/core-client-rest/ @joheredi @jeremymeng @deyaaeldeen
# PRLabel: %Azure.Core
# ServiceLabel: %Azure.Core
# AzureSdkOwners: @deyaaeldeen @joheredi
/sdk/core/core-lro/ @deyaaeldeen @joheredi
# PRLabel: %Azure.Core
# ServiceLabel: %Azure.Core
# AzureSdkOwners: @maorleger @jeremymeng @mpodwysocki
/sdk/core/core-tracing/ @maorleger @jeremymeng @mpodwysocki
# Service teams
# ServiceLabel: %App Configuration
# PRLabel: %App Configuration
# AzureSdkOwners: @HarshaNalluru @minhanh-phan
/sdk/appconfiguration/ @HarshaNalluru @minhanh-phan
# ServiceOwners: @anilba06 @gkostal
# ServiceLabel: %Attestation
# PRLabel: %Attestation
/sdk/attestation/ @LarryOsterman @deyaaeldeen @anilba06 @gkostal
# ServiceLabel: %Batch
# PRLabel: %Batch
/sdk/batch/ @jingjlii @wanghoppe @dpwatrous @NickKouds
# PRLabel: %Communication
# ServiceLabel: %Communication
/sdk/communication/ @akania
# PRLabel: %Communication - Alpha IDs
# ServiceLabel: %Communication - Alpha IDs
/sdk/communication/communication-alpha-ids/ @danielav7
# PRLabel: %Communication - Identity
# ServiceLabel: %Communication - Identity
/sdk/communication/communication-identity/ @AikoBB @maximrytych-ms @mjafferi-msft
# PRLabel: %Communication - Chat
# ServiceLabel: %Communication - Chat
/sdk/communication/communication-chat/ @LuChen-Microsoft
# PRLabel: %Communication - Email
# ServiceLabel: %Communication - Email
/sdk/communication/communication-email/ @yogeshmo
# PRLabel: %Communication - Job Router
# ServiceLabel: %Communication - Job Router
/sdk/communication/communication-job-router/ @marche0133
# PRLabel: %Communication - Phone Numbers
# ServiceLabel: %Communication - Phone Numbers
/sdk/communication/communication-phone-numbers/ @miguhern @whisper6284 @RoyHerrod @danielav7
# PRLabel: %Communication - Rooms
# ServiceLabel: %Communication - Rooms
/sdk/communication/communication-rooms/ @anujissarMS @minnieliu @paolamvhz @shwali-msft @allchiang-msft
# PRLabel: %Communication - SMS
# ServiceLabel: %Communication - SMS
/sdk/communication/communication-sms/ @gfeitosa-msft @phermanov-msft @ilyapaliakou-msft
# PRLabel: %Communication - Short Codes
# ServiceLabel: %Communication - Short Codes
/sdk/communication/communication-short-codes/ @danielav7
# PRLabel: %Communication - Common
# ServiceLabel: %Communication - Common
/sdk/communication/communication-common/ @AikoBB @maximrytych-ms @mjafferi-msft
# AzureSdkOwners: @timovv @jeremymeng
# PRLabel: %Container Registry
# ServiceLabel: %Container Registry
/sdk/containerregistry/ @timovv @jeremymeng @Azure/azsdk-acr
# ServiceLabel: %Cosmos %Service Attention
# ServiceOwners: @sajeetharan @simorenoh @v1k1
# PRLabel: %Cosmos
/sdk/cosmosdb/ @kushagraThapar @kirankumarkolli @simorenoh @v1k1
# PRLabel: %Digital Twins
# ServiceLabel: %Digital Twins
/sdk/digitaltwins/ @sjiherzig @johngallardo @olivakar
# PRLabel: %Event Grid
# AzureSdkOwners: @sarangan12
# ServiceLabel: %Event Grid
/sdk/eventgrid/ @sarangan12
# PRLabel: %Event Hubs
# ServiceLabel: %Event Hubs
# AzureSdkOwners: @deyaaeldeen @jeremymeng
/sdk/eventhub/ @deyaaeldeen @jeremymeng @HarshaNalluru
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Health Insights
# PRLabel: %Cognitive - Health Insights
/sdk/healthinsights/ @tomsft @koen-mertens
# PRLabel: %Azure.Identity
# ServiceLabel: %Azure.Identity
# AzureSdkOwners: @KarishmaGhiya @maorleger
/sdk/identity/ @KarishmaGhiya @maorleger @schaabs @Azure/azure-sdk-write-identity
# PRLabel: %Iot
# ServiceLabel: %Iot
/sdk/iot/ @xirzec
# PRLabel: %KeyVault
# ServiceLabel: %KeyVault
# AzureSdkOwners: @timovv @maorleger
/sdk/keyvault/ @timovv @maorleger @Azure/azsdk-keyvault
# PRLabel: %OpenTelemetryInstrumentation
# ServiceLabel: %OpenTelemetryInstrumentation
# AzureSdkOwners: @maorleger @mpodwysocki
/sdk/instrumentation/ @maorleger @mpodwysocki
# PRLabel: %Service Bus
# ServiceLabel: %Service Bus
# AzureSdkOwners: @jeremymeng @deyaaeldeen @HarshaNalluru
/sdk/servicebus/ @jeremymeng @deyaaeldeen @HarshaNalluru
# PRLabel: %Storage
# ServiceLabel: %Storage
/sdk/storage/ @EmmaZhu @XiaoningLiu @vinjiang @jiacfan @ljian3377
# PRLabel: %Synapse
# ServiceLabel: %Synapse
# AzureSdkOwners: @joheredi
/sdk/synapse/ @joheredi
# PRLabel: %Tables
# ServiceLabel: %Tables
# AzureSdkOwners: @joheredi
/sdk/tables/ @joheredi
# PRLabel: %Purview
# ServiceLabel: %Purview
# AzureSdkOwners: @qiaozha
/sdk/purview/ @qiaozha
# PRLabel: %Farmbeats
# ServiceLabel: %Farmbeats
# AzureSdkOwners: @joheredi
/sdk/agrifood/ @joheredi
# PRLabel: %ConfidentialLedger
# ServiceLabel: %ConfidentialLedger
# AzureSdkOwners: @joheredi
/sdk/confidentialledger/ @joheredi
# PRLabel: %DocumentTranslator
# ServiceLabel: %DocumentTranslator
# AzureSdkOwners: @joheredi
/sdk/documenttranslator/ @joheredi
# PRLabel: %WebPubSub
# ServiceLabel: %WebPubSub
/sdk/web-pubsub/ @vicancy
# PRLabel: %EngSys
# ServiceLabel: %EngSys
# AzureSdkOwners: @ckairen @mikeharder @weshaggard @benbp
/sdk/template/ @ckairen @mikeharder @weshaggard @benbp
# PRLabel: %test-utils
# ServiceLabel: %test-utils
# AzureSdkOwners: @HarshaNalluru @timovv
/sdk/test-utils/ @HarshaNalluru @timovv
# PRLabel: %Cognitive - Text Analytics
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Text Analytics
/sdk/textanalytics/ @quentinRobinson
# PRLabel: %Cognitive - Language
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Language
/sdk/cognitivelanguage/ @quentinRobinson
# ServiceLabel: %OpenAI
# ServiceOwners: @glharper
# PRLabel: %OpenAI
/sdk/openai/ @glharper @deyaaeldeen @minhanh-phan
# PRLabel: %Image Analysis
# ServiceLabel: %Image Analysis
/sdk/vision/ai-vision-image-analysis-rest/ @rhurey @dargilco
# PRLabel: %Schema Registry
# ServiceLabel: %Schema Registry
# AzureSdkOwners: @minhanh-phan
/sdk/schemaregistry/ @minhanh-phan @deyaaeldeen
# PRLabel: %Cognitive - Form Recognizer
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Form Recognizer
# AzureSdkOwners: @HarshaNalluru
/sdk/formrecognizer/ @HarshaNalluru @jeremymeng
# PRLabel: %Cognitive - Metrics Advisor
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Metrics Advisor
# AzureSdkOwners: @KarishmaGhiya
/sdk/metricsadvisor/ @KarishmaGhiya @jeremymeng
# PRLabel: %Cognitive - Content Safety
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Content Safety
/sdk/contentsafety/ @xirzec
# PRLabel: %Search
# ServiceLabel: %Search
# AzureSdkOwners: @dgetu
/sdk/search/ @dgetu @Azure/azsdk-search
# PRLabel: %Mixed Reality
# ServiceLabel: %Mixed Reality
/sdk/mixedreality/ @RamonArguelles
# PRLabel: %Remote Rendering
# ServiceLabel: %Remote Rendering
/sdk/remoterendering/ @FlorianBorn71
# PRLabel: %Maps
# ServiceLabel: %Maps
/sdk/maps/ @dubiety @andykao1213
# Smoke Tests
/common/smoke-test/ @xirzec @jeremymeng
# API review files
/sdk/**/review/*api.md @bterlson @xirzec @jeremymeng @mpodwysocki
# Management Plane
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/advisor/arm-advisor/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/analysisservices/arm-analysisservices/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/apimanagement/arm-apimanagement/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/appcontainers/arm-appcontainers/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/apicenter/arm-apicenter/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/appconfiguration/arm-appconfiguration/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/applicationinsights/arm-appinsights/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/appplatform/arm-appplatform/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/appservice/arm-appservice/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/appservice/arm-appservice-rest/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/astro/arm-astro/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/attestation/arm-attestation/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/authorization/arm-authorization/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/authorization/arm-authorization-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/automation/arm-automation/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/avs/arm-avs/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/azurestack/arm-azurestack/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/azurestackhci/arm-azurestackhci/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/batch/arm-batch/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/arm-baremetalinfrastructure/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/billing/arm-billing/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/botservice/arm-botservice/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/cdn/arm-cdn/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/changeanalysis/arm-changeanalysis/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/cognitiveservices/arm-cognitiveservices/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/commerce/arm-commerce/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/commerce/arm-commerce-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/communication/arm-communication/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/compute/arm-compute/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/compute/arm-compute-rest/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/compute/arm-compute-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/confluent/arm-confluent/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/consumption/arm-consumption/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/containerinstance/arm-containerinstance/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/containerregistry/arm-containerregistry/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/containerservice/arm-containerservice/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/containerservice/arm-containerservicefleet/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/containerservice/arm-containerservice-rest/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/cosmosdb/arm-cosmosdb/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/connectedvmware/arm-connectedvmware/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/cosmosforpostgresql/arm-cosmosdbforpostgresql/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/customer-insights/arm-customerinsights/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/databox/arm-databox/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/dashboard/arm-dashboard/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/databoxedge/arm-databoxedge/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/databoxedge/arm-databoxedge-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/databricks/arm-databricks/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/datadog/arm-datadog/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/datacatalog/arm-datacatalog/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/datafactory/arm-datafactory/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/datalake-analytics/arm-datalake-analytics/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/datamigration/arm-datamigration/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/dataprotection/arm-dataprotection/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/deploymentmanager/arm-deploymentmanager/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/deviceprovisioningservices/arm-deviceprovisioningservices/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/deviceupdate/arm-deviceupdate/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/devspaces/arm-devspaces/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/defendereasm/arm-defendereasm/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/devtestlabs/arm-devtestlabs/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/devcenter/arm-devcenter @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/digitaltwins/arm-digitaltwins/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/dns/arm-dns/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/dns/arm-dns-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/domainservices/arm-domainservices/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/elasticsans/arm-elasticsan/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/eventgrid/arm-eventgrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/eventhub/arm-eventhub/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/eventhub/arm-eventhub-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/features/arm-features/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/frontdoor/arm-frontdoor/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/hanaonazure/arm-hanaonazure/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/hardwaresecuritymodules/arm-hardwaresecuritymodules/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/hdinsight/arm-hdinsight/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/hdinsight/arm-hdinsightcontainers/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/healthbot/arm-healthbot/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/healthcareapis/arm-healthcareapis/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/hybridcompute/arm-hybridcompute/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/hybridcontainerservice/arm-hybridcontainerservice/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/hybridconnectivity/arm-hybridconnectivity/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/hybridnetwork/arm-hybridnetwork/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/newrelicobservability/arm-newrelicobservability/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/hybridkubernetes/arm-hybridkubernetes/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/iotcentral/arm-iotcentral/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/iotfirmwaredefense/arm-iotfirmwaredefense @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/iothub/arm-iothub/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/iothub/arm-iothub-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/keyvault/arm-keyvault/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/keyvault/arm-keyvault-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/kubernetesconfiguration/arm-kubernetesconfiguration/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/kusto/arm-kusto/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/labservices/arm-labservices/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/largeinstance/arm-largeinstance/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/links/arm-links/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/locks/arm-locks/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/locks/arm-locks-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/logic/arm-logic/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/machinelearning/arm-commitmentplans/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/machinelearning/arm-webservices/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/machinelearning/arm-workspaces/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/machinelearningcompute/arm-machinelearningcompute/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/migrationdiscovery/arm-migrationdiscoverysap/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/machinelearningexperimentation/arm-machinelearningexperimentation/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/managedapplications/arm-managedapplications/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/managednetworkfabric/arm-managednetworkfabric/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/mobilenetwork/arm-mobilenetwork/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/managementgroups/arm-managementgroups/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/managementpartner/arm-managementpartner/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/maps/arm-maps/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/mariadb/arm-mariadb/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/marketplaceordering/arm-marketplaceordering/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/mediaservices/arm-mediaservices/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/migrate/arm-migrate/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/mixedreality/arm-mixedreality/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/monitor/arm-monitor/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/monitor/arm-monitor-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/msi/arm-msi/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/mysql/arm-mysql/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/netapp/arm-netapp/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/nginx/arm-nginx/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/network/arm-network/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/network/arm-network-rest/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/networkcloud/arm-networkcloud/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/networkanalytics/arm-networkanalytics/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/network/arm-network-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/notificationhubs/arm-notificationhubs/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/operationalinsights/arm-operationalinsights/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/operationsmanagement/arm-operations/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/peering/arm-peering/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/paloaltonetworksngfw/arm-paloaltonetworksngfw/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/playwrighttesting/arm-playwrighttesting/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/policy/arm-policy/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/policy/arm-policy-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/policyinsights/arm-policyinsights/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/postgresql/arm-postgresql/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/postgresql/arm-postgresql-flexible/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/powerbidedicated/arm-powerbidedicated/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/powerbiembedded/arm-powerbiembedded/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/privatedns/arm-privatedns/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/recoveryservices/arm-recoveryservices/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/recoveryservicesbackup/arm-recoveryservicesbackup/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/recoveryservicessiterecovery/arm-recoveryservices-siterecovery/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/recoveryservicesdatareplication/arm-recoveryservicesdatareplication/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/redis/arm-rediscache/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/redisenterprise/arm-redisenterprisecache/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/relay/arm-relay/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/reservations/arm-reservations/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/resourcegraph/arm-resourcegraph/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/resourceconnector/arm-resourceconnector/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/resourcehealth/arm-resourcehealth/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/resourcesdeploymentstacks/arm-resourcesdeploymentstacks/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/resourcemover/arm-resourcemover/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/resources/arm-resources/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/resources/arm-resources-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/search/arm-search/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/springappdiscovery/arm-springappdiscovery/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/security/arm-security/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/serialconsole/arm-serialconsole/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/service-map/arm-servicemap/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/servicenetworking/arm-servicenetworking/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/servicebus/arm-servicebus/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/servicefabric/arm-servicefabric/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/servicefabric/arm-servicefabric-rest/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/servicefabricmesh/arm-servicefabricmesh/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/selfhelp/arm-selfhelp/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/signalr/arm-signalr/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/sql/arm-sql/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/sqlvirtualmachine/arm-sqlvirtualmachine/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/storage/arm-storage/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/storageactions/arm-storageactions/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/storage/arm-storage-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/storagecache/arm-storagecache/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/storagemover/arm-storagemover/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/storageimportexport/arm-storageimportexport/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/storagesync/arm-storagesync/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/storsimple1200series/arm-storsimple1200series/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/storsimple8000series/arm-storsimple8000series/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/streamanalytics/arm-streamanalytics/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/subscription/arm-subscriptions/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/subscription/arm-subscriptions-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/support/arm-support/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/synapse/arm-synapse/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/timeseriesinsights/arm-timeseriesinsights/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/trafficmanager/arm-trafficmanager/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/visualstudio/arm-visualstudio/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/vmwarecloudsimple/arm-vmwarecloudsimple/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/resources-subscriptions/arm-resources-subscriptions/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/templatespecs/arm-templatespecs/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/quota/arm-quota/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/desktopvirtualization/arm-desktopvirtualization/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/orbital/arm-orbital/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/portal/arm-portal/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/loadtesting/arm-loadtesting/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/purview/arm-purview/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/imagebuilder/arm-imagebuilder/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/securityinsight/arm-securityinsight/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/oep/arm-oep/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/dnsresolver/arm-dnsresolver/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/workloads/arm-workloads/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/workloads/arm-workloadssapvirtualinstance/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Monitor
/sdk/monitor/monitor-ingestion/ @srnagar @lmolkova @Azure/azure-sdk-write-monitor-data-plane
/sdk/monitor/monitor-opentelemetry @hectorhdzg @JacksonWeber
/sdk/monitor/monitor-opentelemetry-exporter @hectorhdzg @JacksonWeber
/sdk/monitor/monitor-query/ @srnagar @lmolkova @Azure/azure-sdk-write-monitor-data-plane
/sdk/monitor/perf-tests/ @srnagar @Azure/azure-sdk-write-monitor-data-plane
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/quantum/arm-quantum/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/sphere/arm-sphere/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/web-pubsub/arm-webpubsub/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/maintenance/arm-maintenance/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/sdk/chaos/arm-chaos/ @qiaozha @MaryGao
# ServiceLabel: %AAD %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @adamedx
# ServiceLabel: %AKS %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Azure/aks-pm
# ServiceLabel: %Alerts Management %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @liadtal @yairgil
# ServiceLabel: %ARM %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @armleads-azure
# ServiceLabel: %ARM - Templates %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @armleads-azure
# ServiceLabel: %ARM - Tags %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @armleads-azure
# ServiceLabel: %ARM - Core %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @armleads-azure
# ServiceLabel: %ARM - Managed Applications %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @armleads-azure
# ServiceLabel: %ARM - Service Catalog %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @armleads-azure
# ServiceLabel: %ARM - RBAC %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @armleads-azure
# ServiceLabel: %Advisor %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @mojayara @Prasanna-Padmanabhan
# ServiceLabel: %Analysis Services %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @athipp @taiwu @minghan
# ServiceLabel: %API Management %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @miaojiang
# ServiceLabel: %Application Insights %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azmonapplicationinsights
# ServiceLabel: %App Services %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @antcp @AzureAppServiceCLI
# ServiceLabel: %App Configuration %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Eskibear @avanigupta
# ServiceLabel: %ARO %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @mjudeikis @jim-minter @julienstroheker @amanohar
# ServiceLabel: %Attestation %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @anilba06
# ServiceLabel: %Authorization %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @darshanhs90 @AshishGargMicrosoft
# ServiceLabel: %Automation %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @jaspkaur28 @omairabdullah
# ServiceLabel: %AVS %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @divka78 @amitchat @aishu
# ServiceLabel: %Azure Stack %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @sijuman @sarathys @bganapa @rakku-ms
# ServiceLabel: %Batch %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @mksuni @bgklein @mscurrell @cRui861 @paterasMSFT @gingi @dpwatrous
# ServiceLabel: %BatchAI %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @matthchr
# ServiceLabel: %Billing %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @cabbpt
# ServiceLabel: %Blueprint %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @alex-frankel @filizt
# ServiceLabel: %Bot Service %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @sgellock
# ServiceLabel: %Cloud Shell %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @maertendMSFT
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Text Analytics %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @assafi
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Form Recognizer %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ctstone @vkurpad
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Anomaly Detector %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @yingqunpku
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Custom Vision %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @areddish @tburns10
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Computer Vision %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ryogok @TFR258 @tburns10
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Face %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @JinyuID @dipidoo @SteveMSFT
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Translator %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @swmachan
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Speech %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @robch @oscholz
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - LUIS %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @cahann @kayousef
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Content Moderator %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @swiftarrow11
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Personalizer %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @dwaijam
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Immersive Reader %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @metanMSFT
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Ink Recognizer %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @olduroja
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Bing %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @jaggerbodas-ms @arwong
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - Mgmt %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @yangyuan
# ServiceLabel: %Cognitive - QnA Maker
#/<NotInRepo>/ @bingisbestest @nerajput1607
# ServiceLabel: %Commerce %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ms-premp @qiaozha
# ServiceLabel: %Compute %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Drewm3 @avirishuv @vaibhav-agar @amjads1
# ServiceLabel: %Compute - Extensions %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Drewm3 @amjads1
# ServiceLabel: %Compute - Images %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Drewm3 @vaibhav-agar
# ServiceLabel: %Compute - Managed Disks %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Drewm3 @vaibhav-agar
# ServiceLabel: %Compute - RDFE %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Drewm3 @avirishuv
# ServiceLabel: %Compute - VM %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Drewm3 @avirishuv
# ServiceLabel: %Compute - VMSS %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Drewm3 @avirishuv
# ServiceLabel: %Connected Kubernetes %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @akashkeshari
# ServiceLabel: %Container Instances %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @macolso
# ServiceLabel: %Container Registry %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @toddysm @northtyphoon
# ServiceLabel: %Container Service %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @qike-ms @jwilder @thomas1206 @seanmck
# ServiceLabel: %Customer Insights %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @shefymk
# ServiceLabel: %Custom Providers %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @manoharp @MSEvanhi
# ServiceLabel: %CycleCloud %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @adriankjohnson
# ServiceLabel: %Data Bricks %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @arindamc
# ServiceLabel: %DataBox %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @tmvishwajit @matdickson @manuaery @madhurinms
# ServiceLabel: %DataBox Edge %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @a-t-mason @ganzee @manuaery
# ServiceLabel: %Data Catalog %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ingave
# ServiceLabel: %Data Factory %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @shawnxzq @lmy269 @Jingshu923
# ServiceLabel: %Data Lake %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @sumantmehtams
# ServiceLabel: %Data Lake Storage Gen1 %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @sumantmehtams
# ServiceLabel: %Data Lake Storage Gen2 %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @sumantmehtams
# ServiceLabel: %Data Lake Analytics %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @idear1203
# ServiceLabel: %Data Lake Store %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @sumantmehtams
# ServiceLabel: %Data Migration %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @radjaram @kavitham10
# ServiceLabel: %Data Share %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @raedJarrar @jifems
# ServiceLabel: %DevOps %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @narula0781 @ashishonce @romil07
# ServiceLabel: %Dev Spaces %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @yuzorMa @johnsta @greenie-msft
# ServiceLabel: %Devtestlab %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Tanmayeekamath
# ServiceLabel: %Device Provisioning Service %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @nberdy
# ServiceLabel: %Digital Twins %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @sourabhguha @inesk-vt
# ServiceLabel: %Event Grid %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @jfggdl
# ServiceLabel: %Event Hubs %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @kasun04
# ServiceLabel: %Functions %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ahmedelnably @fabiocav
# ServiceLabel: %Graph.Microsoft %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @dkershaw10 @baywet
# ServiceLabel: %Guest Configuration %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @mgreenegit @vivlingaiah
# ServiceLabel: %HDInsight %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @aim-for-better @idear1203 @deshriva
# ServiceLabel: %HPC Cache %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @romahamu @omzevall
# ServiceLabel: %Import Export %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @madhurinms
# ServiceLabel: %KeyVault %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @RandalliLama @schaabs @jlichwa
# ServiceLabel: %Kubernetes Configuration %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @NarayanThiru
# ServiceLabel: %Azure Data Explorer %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ilayrn @orhasban @zoharHenMicrosoft @sagivf @Aviv-Yaniv
# ServiceLabel: %Lab Services %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Tanmayeekamath
# ServiceLabel: %Logic App %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Azure/azure-logicapps-team
# ServiceLabel: %LOUIS %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @minamnmik
# ServiceLabel: %Managed Identity %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @varunkch
# ServiceLabel: %Machine Learning %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azureml-github
# ServiceLabel: %Machine Learning Compute %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azureml-github
# ServiceLabel: %Machine Learning Experimentation %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @aashishb
# ServiceLabel: %Managed Services %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Lighthouse-Azure
# ServiceLabel: %MariaDB %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ambhatna @savjani
# ServiceLabel: %Marketplace Ordering %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @prbansa
# ServiceLabel: %Media Services %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @akucer
# ServiceLabel: %Migrate %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @shijojoy
# ServiceLabel: %Mobile Engagement %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @kpiteira
# ServiceLabel: %Monitor %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @SameergMS @dadunl @AzMonEssential @AzmonAlerts @AzmonActionG @AzmonLogA
# ServiceLabel: %Monitor - ApplicationInsights %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azmonapplicationinsights
# ServiceLabel: %Monitor - Exporter %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @JacksonWeber @hectorhdzg @ramthi
# ServiceLabel: %MySQL %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ambhatna @savjani
# ServiceLabel: %Network %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @aznetsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Application Gateway %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @appgwsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - CDN %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @cdnfdsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - DDOS Protection %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ddossuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - ExpressRoute %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @exrsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Firewall %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @fwsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Front Door %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @cdnfdsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Load Balancer %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @slbsupportgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Virtual Network NAT %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @vnetsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Network Watcher %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @netwatchsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - DNS %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @dnssuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Traffic Manager %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @tmsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - VPN Gateway %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @vpngwsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Notification Hub %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @tjsomasundaram
# ServiceLabel: %Operational Insights %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @AzmonLogA
# ServiceLabel: %Policy %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @aperezcloud @kenieva
# ServiceLabel: %Policy Insights %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @kenieva
# ServiceLabel: %PostgreSQL %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @sunilagarwal @lfittl-msft @sr-msft @niklarin
# ServiceLabel: %Recovery Services Backup %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Daya-Patil
# ServiceLabel: %Recovery Services Site-Recovery %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Sharmistha-Rai
# ServiceLabel: %Redis Cache %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @yegu-ms
# ServiceLabel: %Relay %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @jfggdl
# ServiceLabel: %Reservations %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Rkapso
# ServiceLabel: %Resource Authorization %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @darshanhs90 @AshishGargMicrosoft
# ServiceLabel: %Resource Graph %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @chiragg4u
# ServiceLabel: %Resource Health %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @stephbaron
# ServiceLabel: %Scheduler %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @derek1ee
# ServiceLabel: %Search %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @bleroy @tjacobhi @markheff @miwelsh
# ServiceLabel: %Security %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @chlahav
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %Service Bus
#/<NotInRepo>/ @EldertGrootenboer
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %Service Fabric
#/<NotInRepo>/ @QingChenmsft @vaishnavk @juhacket
# ServiceLabel: %Schema Registry %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @arerlend @alzimmermsft
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %SignalR
#/<NotInRepo>/ @sffamily @chenkennt
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %SQL
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azureSQLGitHub
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %SQL - VM
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azureSQLGitHub
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %SQL - Backup & Restore
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azureSQLGitHub
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %SQL - Data Security
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azureSQLGitHub
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %SQL - Elastic Jobs
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azureSQLGitHub
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %SQL - Managed Instance
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azureSQLGitHub
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %SQL - Replication & Failover
#/<NotInRepo>/ @azureSQLGitHub
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %Storage
#/<NotInRepo>/ @xgithubtriage
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %Storsimple
#/<NotInRepo>/ @anoobbacker @ganzee @manuaery @patelkunal
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %Stream Analytics
#/<NotInRepo>/ @atpham256
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %Subscription
#/<NotInRepo>/ @anuragdalmia @shilpigautam @ramaganesan-rg
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %Support
#/<NotInRepo>/ @shahbj79 @mit2nil @aygoya @ganganarayanan
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %Synapse
#/<NotInRepo>/ @wonner @zesluo
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %Tables
#/<NotInRepo>/ @klaaslanghout
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %TimeseriesInsights
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Shipra1Mishra
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %vFXT
#/<NotInRepo>/ @zhusijia26
# ServiceLabel: %Service Attention %Web Apps
#/<NotInRepo>/ @AzureAppServiceCLI @antcp
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Virtual Network %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @vnetsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Virtual WAN %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @vwansuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Network Virtual Appliance %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @nvasuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Bastion %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @bastionsuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Azure.Spring - Cosmos
#/<NotInRepo>/ @kushagraThapar
# ServiceLabel: %Network - Private Link %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @privlinksuppgithub
# ServiceLabel: %Azure Arc enabled servers %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @rpsqrd @edyoung
# ServiceLabel: %SecurityInsights %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @amirkeren
# ServiceLabel: %IoT/CLI %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Azure/azure-iot-cli-triage
# ServiceLabel: %Communication %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @acsdevx-msft
# ServiceLabel: %ML-AutoML %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Aniththa
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Hyperdrive %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @Aniththa
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Compute %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @nishankgu
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Core UI %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @abeomor
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Data4ML %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @SturgeonMi
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Designer %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @alainli0928
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Data Labeling %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @kvijaykannan
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Inference %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @shivanissambare
# ServiceLabel: %ML-MLOps %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @lostmygithubaccount
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Pipelines %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @shbijlan
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Responsible AI %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @minthigpen
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Reinforcement Learning %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @keijik
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Training %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @lostmygithubaccount
# ServiceLabel: %ML-Workspace Management %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @rastala
# ServiceLabel: %Cost Management - Budget %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ccmaxpcrew
# ServiceLabel: %Consumption - Budget %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ccmaxpcrew
# ServiceLabel: %Cost Management - Query %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ccmixpdevs
# ServiceLabel: %Consumption - Query %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ccmixpdevs
# ServiceLabel: %Cost Management - Billing %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ccmbpxpcrew
# ServiceLabel: %Consumption - Billing %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ccmbpxpcrew
# ServiceLabel: %Cost Management - UsageDetailsAndExport %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @TiagoCrewGitHubIssues
# ServiceLabel: %Consumption - UsageDetailsAndExport %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @TiagoCrewGitHubIssues
# ServiceLabel: %Cost Management - RIandShowBack %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ccmshowbackdevs
# ServiceLabel: %Consumption - RIandShowBack %Service Attention
#/<NotInRepo>/ @ccmshowbackdevs
# Tools
# PRLabel: %dev-tool
/common/tools/dev-tool/ @witemple-msft
# PRLabel: %eslint plugin
/common/tools/eslint-plugin-azure-sdk/ @deyaaeldeen
# Eng Sys
/eng/ @ckairen @mikeharder @weshaggard @benbp
# Config
/.vscode/ @mikeharder @ckairen @deyaaeldeen
/common/ @mikeharder @ckairen @deyaaeldeen
/common/config/rush/pnpm-lock.yaml @ckairen @deyaaeldeen @jeremymeng
/common/smoke-test/ @mikeharder @ckairen @witemple-msft @deyaaeldeen @benbp
/rush.json @mikeharder @ckairen
/tsconfig.json @mikeharder @ckairen @witemple-msft @deyaaeldeen
/**/tsconfig.json @witemple-msft @deyaaeldeen
/**/tsconfig.strict.json @deyaaeldeen
/.scripts/ @mikeharder @ckairen
# Add owners for notifications for specific pipelines
/eng/pipelines/aggregate-reports.yml @xirzec @jeremymeng
# PRLabel: %Mgmt
/**/ci.mgmt.yml @qiaozha @MaryGao