This project provides a Node.js package that makes it easy to access Windows Azure Services like Table Storage and Service Bus. It also includes a cross platform command line tool for managing Windows Azure Websites and Virtual Machines.
With Windows Azure Websites you can deploy node.js applications to the cloud in just seconds using git.
For documentation on how to host Node.js applications on Windows Azure, please see the [Windows Azure Node.js Developer Center](
For documentation on the new cross platform CLI tool for Mac and Linux, please see this [reference]( and this [How to Guide](
Alternatively, to get the source code via the Node Package Manager (npm), type
npm install azure
You can use these packages against the cloud Windows Azure Services, or against
the local Storage Emulator (with the exception of Service Bus features).
1. To use the cloud services, you need to first create an account with Windows Azure. To use the storage services, you need to set the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables to the storage account name and primary access key you obtain from the Azure Portal. To use Service Bus, you need to set the AZURE_SERVICEBUS_NAMESPACE and the AZURE_SERVICEBUS_ACCESS_KEY environment variables to the service bus namespace and the default key you obtain from the Azure Portal.
2. To use the Storage Emulator, make sure the latest version of the Windows Azure SDK is installed on the machine, and set the EMULATED environment variable to any value ("true", "1", etc.)
# Usage
## Table Storage
To ensure a table exists, call **createTableIfNotExists**:
To upload a file (assuming it is called task1-upload.txt, it contains the exact text "hello world" (no quotation marks), and it is placed in the same folder as the script below), the method **createBlockBlobFromStream** can be used:
It is then possible to call the **getMessage** method, process the message and then call **deleteMessage** inside the callback. This two-step process ensures messages don't get lost when they are removed from the queue.
Service Bus Queues are an alternative to Storage Queues that might be useful in scenarios where more advanced messaging features are needed (larger message sizes, message ordering, single-operaiton destructive reads, scheduled delivery) using push-style delivery (using long polling).
A client can then create a subscription and start consuming messages by calling the **createSubscription** method followed by the **receiveSubscriptionMessage** method. Please note that any messages sent before the subscription is created will not be received.
The Service Runtime allows you to interact with the machine environment where the current role is running. Please note that these commands will only work if your code is running in a worker role inside the Azure emulator or in the cloud.
The **isAvailable** method lets you determine whether the service runtime endpoint is running on the local machine. It is good practice to enclose any code that
Be sure to check out the Windows Azure [Developer Forums on Stack Overflow]( if you have trouble with the provided code.
# Contribute Code or Provide Feedback
If you would like to become an active contributor to this project please follow the instructions provided in [Windows Azure Projects Contribution Guidelines](
If you encounter any bugs with the library please file an issue in the [Issues]( section of the project.